Université de Franche-Comté (CRESE) and Institut Universitaire de France
last updated : March 2017, 29th
Professor in Economics Current office address
Citizenship : French CRESE
45D Avenue de l’Observatoire
25030 Besançon Cedex, France
Ph : (33) 381 666 826
2000 Dissertation “Equity and Moral Hazard in Climate Change Policies”
Defended in the Université de Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Mention “Très Honorable avec félicitations du jury à l’unanimité”
Committee : Antoine Bouët, Didier Laussel (referee), Michel Moreaux (refe-
ree) and Katheline Schubert, Paul Zagamé (supervisor)
Positions held
2012–2017 Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
2010– Professor, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France.
2003–2010 Assistant Professor, Université de Toulouse 1 – Capitole, France.
2000–2002 Post-doctoral fellow CEA, Université de Toulouse 1 – Capitole, France.
1999–2000 Post-doctoral fellow CIRANO, Montréal, Canada.
1997–1999 A.T.E.R., Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France.
1994–1997 PhD Grant from A.D.E.M.E., École Centrale Paris, France.
Teaching experience
Undergraduate : Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Law and Econo-
mics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Risk Regulation, Theory of Regulation.
Research fields
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Law and Economics. Trade and the Environ-
1. “The Optimal Regulation of a Risky Monopoly”, with Lionel Thomas, International Journal
of Industrial Organization, 51, 111-136, 2017.
2. “Relative Performance of Liability Rules : Experimental Evidence”, with Vera Angelova,
Olivier Armantier and Giuseppe Attanasi, Theory and Decision, 77 : 531-556, 2014.
3. “Robust optimization in relation to a basic safety investment model with imprecise proba-
bilities”, with Terje Aven, Safety Science, 55, 188-194, 2013.
4. “How Much Discretion for Risk Regulators ?”, with David Martimort, RAND Journal of
Economics, 43(2), 283-314, 2012.
5. “Le Citoyen, l’Expert et le Politique : une rationalité complexe pour une régulation exces-
sive du risque”, avec David Martimort, Annales d’Économie et de Statistique, Hors-série 1,
Économie, environnement et destin des générations futures, 153-182, 2012.
6. “Weak Enforcement of Environmental Regulation : A Tale of Limited Commitment and
Limited Fines”, with David Martimort and Jérôme Pouyet, Annales d’Économie et de Sta-
tistique, 103/104, 25-42, 2011.
7. “The use of a basic safety investment model in a practical risk management context”, with
Terje Aven, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 96, 1421-1425, 2011.
8. “The Public Management of Risk : Separating Ex Ante and Ex Post Monitors”, with David
Martimort and Jérôme Pouyet, Journal of Public Economics, 94, 1008-1019, 2010.
9. “L’ouverture aux échanges est-elle bénéfique ? Analyse en présence d’une régulation envi-
ronnementale incitative”, Revue Économique, 61, 79-102, 2010.
10. “The Regulator and the Judge : The Optimal Mix in the Control of Environmental Risk”,
with David Martimort and Jérôme Pouyet, Revue d’Économie Politique, 119(6), 941-967,
11. “The Benefits of Extended Liability”, with David Martimort, RAND Journal of Economics,
37, 562-582, 2007.
12. “Liability Rules and Regulation for Environmentally Risky Ventures”, with David Mar-
timort, in Frontiers in the Economics of Environmental Regulation and Liability, Boyer,
Hiriart, Martimort (eds), Ashgate, July, 2006.
13. “Introduction”, with Marcel Boyer and David Martimort, in Frontiers in the Economics of
Environmental Regulation and Liability, Boyer, Hiriart, Martimort (eds), Ashgate, 2006.
14. “On the Optimal Use of Ex Ante Regulation and Ex Post Liability”, with David Martimort
and Jérôme Pouyet, Economics Letters, 84, 231-235, 2004.
15. “Aspects stratégiques d’une politique environnementale incitative”, Louvain Economic Re-
view, 70(1), 53-77, 2004.
16. “Politiques environnementales bilatérales versus politique environnementale unilatérale dans
un modèle à deux pays”, Annales d’Économie et de Statistique, 70, 131-154, 2003.
17. “Unilateral pollution control : complementarity versus substitutability of trade and envi-
ronmental policies”, in Environmental Policy in an International Perspective, L. Marsiliani,
M. Rauscher and C. Withagen (eds), Kluwer, 2003.
18. “Une croissance respectueuse des générations futures”, with Katheline Schubert, in L’envi-
ronnement, nouvelle dimension de l’analyse économique, K. Schubert and P. Zagamé (eds),
Vuibert, 1998.
Papers in Progress
1. “Biased Judges : Evidence from French Environmental Cases”, with Pierre Bentata.
2. “Can Environmental Regulation Affect the Pattern of Trade ? The Consequence of Asym-
metric Information”.
3. “Liability Rules under Asymmetric Information”, with David Martimort.
4. “Which Governance Level for Global Pollution Control ?”, mimeo, Toulouse School of Eco-
5. “Droit pénal et environnement”, mimeo, Toulouse School of Economics.
6. “A Proof to Heal’s Conjecture”, with Joël Blot and Katheline Schubert.
Presentations at seminars and conferences
Seminars. 3rd Research Workshop of the Foundation for an Industrial Safety Culture (Foncsi),
Toulouse, France, November 20th, 2013. University of Bonn (CASTLE Workshop), June 2013,
4th. University of Paris 10 (LIEN), March 2013, 25th. University of Montpellier (LAMETA),
April 26th, 2012. University of Rennes (CREM), April 5th, 2012. ETH Zurich, March 26th,
2012. University of Montpellier, December 2010. University of Paris 10, December 2009. Univer-
sity of Lille (SIUTE), May 2009. University of Paris 1, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour,
University of Montreal, Université du Québec à Montréal, Université de Toulouse 1 – Capitole,
INRA Nantes, Université de Bordeaux 4.
Invited Conferences. The 31st Conference of the European Association of Law and Econo-
mics (EALE), Aix-en-Provence, France, September 26-28, 2014. International Workshop in Law
and Economics, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Nanterre, France, March 20-21,
2014. CESifo Conference on Law and Economics, Munich, December 2-3, 2011. 4th CSEF-IGIER
Symposium on Economics and Institutions, Capri, Italy, June 2009, 22-26th. 58ième Congrès de
l’AFSE, Paris, France, September 2009, 10-11th.
2014. World Congress of the environmental and resource economists (WCERE), Istanbul, Tur-
key, June 28-July 2. The 63rdAnnual Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE), Lyon,
France, June 16-18. 23ièmes Rencontres de l’environnement (FAERE), Le Havre, France, March
2013. The 9th Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics (ISLE), Lugano, Swit-
zerland, December 12-13. The 11th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Asso-
ciation (GLEA), Bolzano, Italy, September 13-14. The 12th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet
Conference in Public Economics (LAGV), Marseille, France, June 26-28. The 62ndAnnual Mee-
ting of the French Economic Association (AFSE), Marseille, France, June 24-26.
2012. Association of Southern European Economic Theorists Annual Meeting (ASSET), Li-
massol, Cyprus, November 2-3. 7th French-German Talks in Law and Economics, Magdeburg,
Germany, October 19-20. 19th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental
and Resource Economists (EAERE), Prague, Czech Republic, June 27-30. French Experimental
Economics Association Annual Meeting (ASFEE), Montpellier, May 31 - June 2.
2011. 26th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), Oslo, August 25-29.
ESREL Annual Conference, Troyes, September 18-22. 18th Annual Conference of the European
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Rome, Italy, June 29-July 2.
The 20th Society for Risk Analysis-Europe Meeting (SRA), Stuttgart, June 6-8. International
Workshop on Economic and Financial Risks, Niort, May 26-27.
2010. Rencontres de l’environnement, Montpellier, December 9-10. Environmental Decisions :
Risks and Uncertainties, Ascona, Switzerland, April 25-29.
2009. 64thEuropean Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM), Barcelona, Spain, August 23-
27. 4th CSEF-IGIER Symposium on Economics and Institutions, Capri, Italy, June 22-26. The
8th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet Conference in Public Economics, Marseille, France, June
2008. 16th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Econo-
mists (EAERE), Gothenburg, Sweden, June 26-28. AFSE Thematic Meeting – Frontiers in Envi-
ronmental Economics and Natural Resources Management, Toulouse, France, June 9-11. Annual
Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET), Florence, Italy,
November 7-9.
2007. 6th IDEI-LERNA Conference on Environment and Resources Economics, Toulouse, France,
May 31 - June 2. 15th Annual Conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource
Economists (EAERE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 27-30 June. 56i `e me Congrès de l’AFSE, Paris, Sep-
tember. Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET),
Padua, Italy, November.
2006. XXIIIièmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Nantes, France, June. 61stEuropean
Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM), Vienna, Austria, August. 55i `e me Congrès de l’AFSE,
Paris, France, September.
2005. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE), Bremen, Ger-
many, June. Second Toulouse-Montréal Conference on Law, Economics and Management of Large
Scale Risks, Montreal, Canada, September.
2004. XXIièmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Lille, France, June. European Associa-
tion of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE), Budapest, Hungary, June. Congrès
de l’Association Française de Science Économique (AFSE), Paris, September.
2003. XXièmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA), Montpellier, France, June. First
CIRANO-LERNA-IDEI Conference on Major Industrial/Environmental Risks, Toulouse, France,
June. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE), Bilbao, Spain,
June. 18th European Economic Association Annual Conference (EEA), Stockholm, Sweden, Au-
2002. Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA), Rennes-St Malo, France, June. 5th Confe-
rence on Industrial Organization and Food Processing Industry, Toulouse, France, June. European
Economic Association (EEA), Venice, Italy, August. International Summer School on Innova-
tion and Sustainability, Seeon, Germany, October. I I I i`emes Doctoriales d’Économie et Finances
Internationales, Université de Nanterre Paris X, France, December.
2001. XV IIIièmes Journées de Micro-économie Appliquée (JMA), Nancy, France, June. Euro-
pean Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE), Southampton, England,
June. European Science Foundation on International Dimension of Environmental Policy, Ac-
quafredda di Maratea, Italy, October.
1998-2000. G.D.R.E.F.I.Q., Pau, France, June 1998. Journées du GREEN-CIRANO, Québec,
Canada, December 1999. Société Canadienne de Science Économique, Montréal, Canada, May
2000. Journées de Micro-économie Appliquée (JMA), Québec, Canada, June 2000.
Other presentations.
“Environmental Liability : the American experience with CERCLA,” for the Economic Council
of Sustainable Development, French Ministry of Sustainable Development and Energy, October
16th, 2013.
Professional Duties
Elected member of the Board of the Association Française de Sciences Économiques (AFSE)
since June 2014.
Member of the Economic Council on Sustainable Development, for the French Minister of Sus-
tainable Development and Energy (Journal official, June 27, 2015).
Organization of Conferences or Seminars.
Co-organizer of the 33ièmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA), Besançon, June 2-3,
Co-organizer with Éric Langlais and Jacques Pelletan of the 2nd Law and Economic Policy
International Workshop : Public Law Enforcement and Deterrence Policies (LEPIW), Nanterre,
France, October 8-9, 2015.
Organiser of the Journée Jeunes Docteurs, Université de Franche-Comté (CRESE), April 7, 2015.
Member of the Program Committee of the World Congress of Environmental and Resource Eco-
nomists (WCERE), June 28 - July 2, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the annual conference of the French Association of Expe-
rimental Economics (ASFEE), Besançon, May 22-23, 2014.
Member of the Program Committee of the 20th Annual Conference of the European Association
of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Toulouse, June 26-29, 2013.
Organizer of the 22th Rencontres de l’environnement, CRESE, University of Franche-Comté, May
21-22, 2012.
Member of the Program Committee of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association
of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Prague, June 27-30, 2012.
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