CFRE101 – Introductory French I Introduction to Verbs
Verb – an action word, expressing “doing”; e.g. going, swimming, eat, crush, kiss, basked, walked
In French, verbs can be conjugated many ways to suit the tense, (past, present, future, etc.) and the audience. (I, you,
she, they, etc.). In English you conjugate the verb “To Be” differently for each recipient too:
I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are, You all are
They are
Je suis
Tu es
Il est
Nous sommes
Vous êtes
Ils sont
Most verbs have a root portion, which can be found in the infinitive form. Verbs are generally sorted into four groups
based on the ending of the word. These groups are –er, -re, -ir, and irregular verbs. Irregular verbs must be memorized!
In this course you will learn to conjugate verbs in three different tenses: the present, future, and the imperative.
1. Verbs have the same conjugation for Il, Elle, and On, so only Il is shown on the verb chart and in most verb
conjugation books. The same goes for Ils and Elles as well!
2. The verb chart shows only three conjugations for each verb in the imperative. They are conjugated for Tu, Nous,
and Vous respectively, but you never use the subjects when you use the imperative.
3. In the imperative, most verbs are conjugated the same way as they are in the present tense for Tu, Nous, and
Vous. In regular –ER verbs, if the conjugation for “tu” ends in an S, you remove the S for the imperative.
4. In irregular verbs, the root portion may change for nous and vous.
e.g. Devoir, To have to, to must, to should - Je dois
Tu dois
Il doit
Nous devons
Vous devez
Ils doivent
The root portion for the purposes of memorization is “doi” but for nous and vous it completely changes to
Start memorizing the present tense immediately. Please DO NOT memorize the other tenses before they are
presented in lecture!
adj. - adjective nf. – noun, feminine vb. – verb pl. - plural
art. – article nm. – noun, masculine m. – masculine sing. - singular
n. – noun npl.- noun, plural f. – feminine conj. – conjugated
reg. – regular verb irreg. – irregular verb