3rd Congress of the African Middle Eastern Digestive Cancer Alliance S3
Celebrate with us the 10th course
of the WGO-Rabat training center!
Almost 10 yearsago,through the initiativeand
dedicated butcareful negotiations of Prof
Meinhard Classen from Munich the Rabat WGO
training center was created under the energetic
leadership of its director Prof. Naïma Amrani.We
all were present at the inauguration and could not
foresee at that time that Rabat would become the
pearl of theWGO-training centers.The facilities of
the center are superb and ideally suited for small
and larger group discussion and hand-on training
This is now already the tenth Rabat training center
course and looking back, we all have witnessed
the steady educational progress and the rising
enthusiasm of the participants largely from
francophone Africa, diligently selected by Prof.
Amrani.To be truly appreciated is the dedication
with which Prof. Amrani and her team design an
equilibrated educational program, adapted to
local unmet needs, yet incorporating all novel
developments in Hepato-gastroenterology,offering
a balanced mix of theoretical teaching and
practical hands-on training, also applauded by a
most distinguished foreign faculty over the years.
To measure the actual impact of the center
activities on medical care in the homelands remains
utterly difficult, butevenwithout having exact
figures, one can be assured that the impact is real
and substantial. Bringing novelinsights in hepato-
gastroenterology science and practice together
with renewed professional enthusiasm, even to
the most remote areas of (francophone) Africa is
bound to raise the level of medical care and will
contribute in narrowing the gap between emerging
and developed countries, aworld of solidarity!
What more can we do than to wish the Rabat
center,its director and coworkers a long, happy
and prosperous life, with continued building and
expansion and belief in its precious educational
role particularly in the discipline of Hepato-
gastroenterology,so dear to our hearts. May the
2010 course expand and refresh knowledge and
invigorate enthusiasm in all its participants, to be
long remembered.
On behalf of Prof M Classen and Prof GNJTytgat