Treasury Talks
"A European strategy for growth and integration with solidarity"
A conference organized by the Directorate General of the Treasury
Friday, 30 November 2012 – from 9am to 1pm
at the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Ministry for Foreign Trade
Pierre-Mendès-France Conferences Centre
139 rue de Bercy – Paris 75012
The conference will be moderated by François Lenglet, Editor-in-chief for France, France 2 TV
9.00am Opening
Ramon Fernandez, Director-General of the Treasury
9.15am Key note speeches
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB)
10.15am Budgetary union
Moderator: Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, professor of economics at the University of
California, Berkeley, and Sciences Po Paris
Vittorio Grilli, italian Minister for the Economy and Finance
Martin Hellwig, Director of the Max Planck Institute for research on collective goods
Sylvie Goulard, Member of the European Parliament
11am Banking union
Moderator: Jean Pisani-Ferry, Director of the Bruegel Institute
Jacek Rostowski, Polish Minister of Finance
Beatrice Weber di Mauro, Professor of economics, Johannes Gutenberg-University
Klaas Knot, Governor, Central Bank of the Netherlands
Jose Antonio Alvarez, Group CFO, Banco Santander
11.45am European competitiveness
Moderator: Philippe Aghion, professor of economics at Harvard University
Nicole Bricq, Minister for Foreign Trade
Louis Gallois, General Commissioner for investment
Jean-François Trogrlic, Director, ILO France
Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman of Investor AB
12.30pm Conclusion
Pierre Moscovici, Minister for the Economy and Finance
1pm End
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