Professional experience
Associate Professor
(Since Jun.2011)
School of Economics-University of Auvergne
Teaching : Principles of Economics, International economics, Advanced
Macroeconomics, International Trade Policy, Social Protection
Research Fellow
Teaching Assistant
(Sept.2005-May 2011)
Paris School of Economics- University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Teaching : Applied Statistics, Principles of Economics,
Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Mathematics
Research Assistant
OECD-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Non-Member Economies and International Migration Division
Research Project: "The impact of immigration on the economic
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Immigration Policy and Macroeconomic Performances in France (Joint with Dramane Coulibaly and Hippolyte
d'Albis), Forthcoming in Annals of Economics and Statistics, 121-122, pp.279-308 2016.
Wealth of Immigrants: Evidence from France, Revue d'économie financière, vol 122 (2), pp.205-2022, 2016
Immigration and economic growth in the OECD countries1986-2006 (Joint with Jean-Christophe Dumont and
Christophe Rault), in Oxford Economic Papers, 68(2), pp.340–360, 2016.
Characterizing migration flows in France using residence permits data (Joint Hippolyte d'Albis), in Population, 70
(3), 2015.
Immigration, Growth and Unemployment: Panel VAR Evidence from OECD Countries (Joint with Dramane
Coulibaly and Christophe Rault), Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 27(4), pp. 399-
420, 2013.
Immigration, Unemployment and Growth in the Host Country: Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Analysis on
OECD Countries (Joint with Dramane Coulibaly and Christophe Rault), Economic Modelling, 33, pp. 261-269,
Immigration and retirement age" in Revue Économique, 5, pp. 917-931, 2010.
Working papers and works in progress
• International Migration and Regional Housing Markets: Evidence from France (Joint with Dramane Coulibaly and
Hippolyte d'Albis),IZA Discussion Papers 10516, 2017
• Economics of Refugees and Asylum Policies (Joint with Hippolyte d’Albis and Dramane Coulibaly)
• Immigration and the provision of a public good (Joint with Bertrand Wigniolle)
• Immigration and the labour supply of skilled native women (Joint with Dramane Coulibaly and Christophe Rault)
Referee for academic journals
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, The World Economy, Mathematical Social Sciences, International Journal of
Manpower, Empirical Economics, Economic Systems, Population, Revue Économique, Revue Française d'Économie.
Conferences and seminars
Annual Congress of the European Society for Population Economics (2011, 2015), Annual Conference on
Immigration in OECD Countries (2013), Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association (2008, 2010, 2013),
Annual Congress European Economic Association (2010), Workshop Overlapping Generation Days (2008, 2013),
International Workshop on Immigration and Economic Growth (2011), Working Party on Migration (2008).