© 2012 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. 1 / 14 P/N 1061280-ML • REV B • ISS 25JUN12
ESL TX-6010-01-1 Smoke Alarm
Installation Sheet
EN: Installation Sheet
The ESL supervised smoke alarms are self-diagnostic Learn
Mode wireless sensors with 319.5 MHz transmitters that use
photoelectric technology with a self-contained sounder, a low
battery annunciator, a status LED, and an integrated fixed
temperature and rate-of-rise heat sensor. Each unit has a base
tamper switch, is part of a residential security/fire alarm
system, and communicates with the system control panel.
Transmitted signal outputs
The detector can transmit these signals to the control panel:
Low battery
This section describes the basic steps for programming
(learning) the unit into panel memory. For complete
programming instructions, refer to the installation instructions
for your specific panel.
To program the unit into panel memory:
1. Remove the alarm. Turn the alarm counterclockwise
(about 15 degrees) and remove it from the base.
2. Slide the battery cover away from the unit to unsnap it and
lift it off. See Figure 2.
3. Observing polarity, insert the two lithium batteries
(included) into the battery compartment and replace the
battery cover.
4. Attach the alarm. Align the tab on the alarm with the arrow
on the base, insert the alarm, and then turn it clockwise
(about 15 degrees) until it snaps into place. See Figure 3.
5. Put the panel into installer programming mode (refer to
your panel installation instructions) and proceed to
learning/enrolling sensors.
6. When prompted by the panel to learn/enroll the sensor,
trip the tamper by separating the unit from the mounting
base (see step 1).
7. Attach the unit to the mounting base (see step 4).
8. Exit from installer programming mode.
Verify programming and unit-to-panel RF communication
Before mounting, verify that the desired unit location provides
good RF communication to the panel.
To verify programming and RF communication:
1. Put the panel into Dealer Sensor Test mode (refer to the
specific panel installation instructions).
2. Take the unit to the desired mounting location.
3. Press and hold the unit Test/Silence button for 4 seconds.
The unit transmits a test signal.
4. Listen for the appropriate response from system sirens to
determine signal integrity from the unit to the panel (refer
to the specific panel installation instructions).
5. Exit from Dealer Sensor Test mode.
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Figure 1: Alarm features
(1) LED
(2) Temperature sensor
(3) Test/Silence button
(4) Sounder vent
Mounting hardware is included (screws and anchors), however
you may need different hardware depending on the installation.
To mount the smoke alarm:
1. Remove the alarm. Turn the alarm counterclockwise
(about 15 degrees) and remove it from the base.
2. Place the mounting base on the mounting surface at the
desired location and mark the mounting holes using a
3. Secure the mounting base to the surface.
4. Attach the alarm. Align the tab on the alarm with the arrow
on the base, insert the alarm, and then turn it clockwise
(about 15 degrees) until it snaps into place. See Figure 3.
Figure 2: Battery compartment
(1) Battery compartment and cover
Figure 3: Aligning the alarm
(1) Alignment tab on alarm
(2) Alignment arrow on base
Sensor test
The system and sensor test verifies good communication
between the unit and receiver/panel. The sensor test should be
performed weekly.
To conduct a sensor test:
1. Put the panel into Sensor Test mode (refer to the specific
panel installation instructions).
2. Press and hold the Test/Silence button for 4 seconds. The
unit transmits a test signal.
Holding the Test/Silence button for 20 seconds will cause
the unit to send a signal through to a central station.
3. Listen for the appropriate response from system sirens
(refer to the specific panel installation instructions).
4. After testing all units, exit from Sensor Test mode.
Smoke test
The smoke test verifies that the unit activates when detecting
smoke, that the transmitted signal is received by the
receiver/panel, and that the panel reports the alarm to the
central monitoring station. The smoke test should be
performed annually.
Note: To avoid false test results, wait 90 seconds after power-
up before conducting any testing.
To conduct a smoke test:
1. Contact the central monitoring station to alert them that
you are testing the system and that they should not
dispatch authorities.
2. Activate the unit using one of the following methods:
(1) (2)
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a. Hold a smoldering punk or cotton wick close to the unit
and gently direct the smoke into the smoke entry openings
for about 20 seconds.
b. Use Smoke! In A Can, following directions on the can.
Once activated, the transmitter LED turns on, the built-in
sounder emits a temporal-three pattern, and the unit
transmits an alarm signal. The panel then processes the
alarm signal and reports the alarm to the central station.
3. Press the Test/Silence button to quiet the sounder.
The unit automatically resets when smoke is no longer
present and the LED should turn off and return to normal
operation (one flash every 9 seconds).
4. Contact the central monitoring to verify they received the
alarm report.
5. Alert the central monitoring station when you are finished
Sensitivity test
Note: To avoid false test results, wait 90 seconds after power-
up before conducting any testing.
To test the smoke alarm sensitivity:
1. Press and hold the Test/Silence button for 2 seconds, and
then release it.
The unit transmits a test signal, then performs a self-test
that causes the LED to flash from 1 to 9 times.
2. Count the number of LED flashes, then use the following
table to determine what action is necessary.
Indication Action
0 to 1
hardware fault
Reset and rerun the
sensitivity test. If
the error persists, replace the unit.
to 3 Unit is becoming
Clean and reset the unit. Rerun the
sensitivity test. If the error persists,
replace the unit.
4 to 7
Unit is within normal
sensitivity range
8 to 9
Unit is becoming
too sensitive
Verify that the optical chamber is
snapped down securely. Clean the
unit and replace the optical chamber.
After the LED flashes, if the sensitivity is within limits and all
other tests pass, the unit goes into alarm and resets after 7
seconds. If the sensitivity is not within limits, or an
unserviceable hardware fault has been detected, the unit LED
extinguishes until the unit is serviced.
The section describes how the unit indicates fault conditions.
Correct fault conditions as soon as possible. Indications are:
The LED stops working (no flashing or turning on). See
Sensitivity testabove.
The unit transmits a trouble (CleanMe) signal. See
The panel indicates a supervisory fault. The unit stops
transmitting supervisory signals if the unit has an
unserviceable hardware fault or is not sensitive enough,
causing the panel to indicate that the detector is in a
supervisory condition. However, the unit can still transmit
alarm signals.
When to replace the batteries
When the battery voltage gets low, the unit transmits a low
battery signal for the panel to receive. The panel activates
trouble beeps through system sirens and identifies the unit with
the low battery on system touchpad displays. If the batteries
are not replaced within 7 days, the unit’s built-in sounder emits
a short beep or chirp every 45 seconds. Unit chirps can be
silenced for 24 hours by pressing the Test/Silence button.
Batteries should be replaced as soon as possible.
Replacing the batteries
Use only 3 V lithium batteries as listed in “Specificationson
page 7.
To replace the batteries:
1. Remove the alarm. Turn the alarm counterclockwise
(about 15 degrees) and remove it from the base.
2. Slide the battery compartment cover away from the alarm
to unsnap it and lift it off. See Figure 2.
3. Remove the batteries and dispose of them properly.
4. Observing correct polarity, insert two new 3 V lithium
batteries into the battery compartment and replace the
5. Attach the alarm. Align the tab on the alarm with the arrow
on the base, insert the alarm, and then turn it clockwise
(about 15 degrees) until it snaps into place. See Figure 3.
6. Test the system.
Clean the cover with a dry or damp (water) cloth as needed to
keep it free from dust and dirt.
When necessary, clean the interior and replace the optical
chamber (model 211).
To clean the interior and replace the optical chamber:
1. Contact the central monitoring station to alert them that
you are performing maintenance on the system and that
they should not dispatch authorities.
2. Put the control panel into Sensor Test mode (refer to the
specific control panel installation instructions.
3. Remove the alarm. Turn the alarm counterclockwise
(about 15 degrees) and remove it from the base.
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4. Remove the batteries. See “Replacing the batterieson
page 3.
Note: If the smoke chamber is removed with the batteries
installed, the smoke alarm will go into alarm and sound
after a few seconds. If the control panel has not been put
into Sensor Test mode, the central station will be called
and the fire department will be dispatched unless the
alarm is canceled or you have contacted the central
station as advised in step 1.
5. Slide a flat-blade screwdriver in the slot on the alarm cap
and gently push the handle down to pry the alarm cap up
and off. See Figure 4.
6. Squeeze the optical chamber where indicated and pull it
up and away from the optical base and discard the
chamber. See Figure 5.
7. Remove all dust and dirt from the optical base using
compressed air or a soft-bristled brush.
8. Line up the new optical chamber with the optical base by
aligning the arrows on the optical chamber to the latches
on the optical base, and then snap the optical chamber
down into place.
9. Replace the alarm cap. Align the alarm cap with the unit,
insert the cap, and then turn it clockwise (about 15
degrees) until it snaps into place.
10. Observing the proper polarity, replace the batteries and
the battery compartment cover.
11. Attach the alarm. Align the tab on the alarm with the arrow
on the base, insert the alarm, and then turn it clockwise
(about 15 degrees) until it snaps into place. See Figure 3.
12. Test the unit sensitivity. See “Sensitivity teston page 3.
13. After all smoke alarm maintenance is completed, exit the
control panel from Sensor Test mode (refer to the specific
control panel installation instructions).
14. We recommend that a smoke test also be done to ensure
the complete system is working properly. See “Smoke
teston page 2.
Note: The control panel alarm and all auxiliary functions
should be verified for a complete test of the system.
Figure 4: Removing the alarm cap
Figure 5: Alarm components
(1) Optical chamber latch
2) Optical base
(3) Optical chamber
(4) Alignment arrows
5) Alarm cap
The units are designed for easy field service and maintenance.
When installed and used properly, they require minimal
The units should be tested weekly.
When a unit requires maintenance, it extinguishes its LED and
sends a signal to the control panel as described in the
following table.
Action required
Trouble signal
Sensitivity range is too high and the unit needs
cleaning. See “Cleaningon page 3. Panels
supporting this feature identify the trouble as
“Partial Obscurity” on system touchpad displays.
Low battery
Alarm batteries are low. Replace the batteries.
See “Replacing the batterieson page 3.
Selecting a location
Selecting a suitable location is critical to the operation of
smoke alarms. This equipment should be installed in
accordance with NFPA 72. Figure 6 shows required and
additional locations.
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Figure 6: Alarm location
(1) Dining Room
2) Kitchen
(3) Living Room
(4) Bedroom
5) TV Room
(6) Basement
Required smoke alarms
Additional alarms required for new construction
Where to locate the required smoke alarms in existing
The major threat from fire in a family living unit occurs at night
when everyone is asleep. The principal threat to persons in
sleeping areas comes from fires in the remainder of the unit.
Therefore, a smoke alarm is best located between the
bedroom areas and the rest of the unit. In units with only one
bedroom area on one floor, the smoke alarm should be located
as shown in Figure 6 A.
In family living units with more than one bedroom area or with
more than one floor, more than one smoke alarm is required,
as shown in Figure 6 B.
In addition to smoke alarms outside of the sleeping areas, the
installation of a smoke alarm on each additional story of the
family living unit, including the basement, is required. These
installations are shown in Figure 6 C. The living area smoke
alarm should be installed in the living room or near the stairway
to the upper level, or in both locations. The basement smoke
alarm should be installed in close proximity to the stairway
leading to the floor above. Where installed on an open-joisted
ceiling, the alarm should be placed on the bottom of the joists.
The alarm should be positioned relative to the stairway to
intercept smoke coming from a fire in the basement before the
smoke enters the stairway.
Where to locate the required smoke alarms in new
All of the smoke alarms specified for existing construction are
required and, in addition, a smoke alarm is required in each
Are more smoke alarms desirable?
The required number of smoke alarms might not provide
reliable early warning protection for those areas separated by a
door from the areas protected by the required smoke alarms.
For this reason, it is recommended that the householder
consider the use of additional smoke alarms for those areas for
increased protection. The additional areas include the
basement, bedrooms, dining room, furnace room, utility room,
and hallways not protected by the required smoke alarms. The
installation of smoke alarms in kitchens, attics (finished or
unfinished), or garages is not normally recommended, as these
locations occasionally experience conditions that can result in
improper operation.
Since regulations pertaining to smoke alarm/detector
installation vary from state to state, contact the authority having
jurisdiction (AHJ). Where public safety is primary, the AHJ may
be a federal, state, local, or other regional department or
individual such as a fire chief, fire marshal, chief of a fire
prevention bureau, labor or health department, building official,
electrical inspector, or others having statutory authority. For
insurance purposes, an insurance inspection department,
rating bureau, or other insurance company representative may
be the AHJ. In some cases, the property owner or their
designated agent assumes the role of the AHJ. At government
installations, the commanding officer or department official may
be the AHJ.
General guidelines
Before mounting units, program (learn) them into panel
memory and perform a sensor test from the unit’s intended
location, to ensure good RF communication to the panel.
Locate units in environmentally controlled areas with
temperature and humidity as defined in Specificationson
page 7.
Locate units away from ventilation sources that can prevent
smoke from reaching the unit.
Locate ceiling-mounted smoke alarms in the center of a room
or hallway at least 4 in. (10 cm) from any walls or partitions.
Locate wall-mounted smoke alarms so the top of the alarm is 4
to 12 in. (10 to 31 cm) below the ceiling.
In rooms with sloped, peaked, or gabled ceilings, locate
detectors 3 ft. (0.9 m) down or away from the highest point of
the ceiling.
When mounting to suspended ceiling tile, the tile must be
secured with the appropriate fastener to prevent tile removal.
Note: Do not mount the unit on the metal runners of
suspended ceiling grids. The metal runners can draw the
magnet’s field away from the unit’s reed switch, causing a false
tamper alarm.
(1) (2)
(4) (4)
(1) (2)
(4) (4)
(3) (1)
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