The objective of this thesis is the modeling, mathematical analysis and numerical simu-
lation of a few models of transmission of the HIV-AIDS in a sexually active population
given in general and in particular in that of Mali.
We propose models based on the epidemiology currently known from the transmission
of the HIV virus. Thus, we present three models of the transmission of HIV : a individual
behavior and epidemiological model, a model that incorporates the role of public health
education program on HIV and a mathematical model for the co-circulating into two
circulating recombinants forms of HIV-1.
In the first model, some results of existence and uniqueness of solution of a semi-
linear parabolic problem describing the evolution of a population subjected to a disease
are presented. The population is divided into individuals whose behavioral risk is low
and in individuals whose behavior are very risky and that interact between them. A
continuous variable representing a behavioral risk is introduced. The asymptotic in time
of the problem is studied, and the existence of a non zero stationary state is proved.
Some numerical results concerning the distribution of the population according to the
variable representing a behavioral risk are presented within the disease of the HIV-AIDS
in Mali.
In the last two models, we obtain a thorough analysis of the stability of these models
using the Lyapunov techniques according to the value of the basic reproduction ratio,
R0. We propose an alternative method to the basic reproductive rate R0which allows to
confine the evolution of the disease in the fixed limits. Numerical simulations are done
to illustrate the behaviour of the model, using data collected in the literature regarding
the spread of HIV in Mali.
Keywords :Modelling, semi-linear parabolic equation, asymptotic behavior, non-
linear dynamical system, Van den Driessche et Watmough method, Lyapunov function,
basic reproduction ratio R0, local and global stability, epidemiological models, control-
lability, HIV virus, numerical simulations, Mali.
Cette thèse est accessible à l'adresse : http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2012ISAL0068/these.pdf
© [M. Alassane], [2012], INSA de Lyon, tous droits réservés