La Grammaire, Le vocabulaire,
La Prononciation et mémorisation
(50 pts)
Using all required vocabulary from the
chapter. Correct usage of vocab and
Using some vocabulary and grammar
concepts. Show some minor mistakes
with meaning.
Using a few words and grammar
Using incomplete sentences, making
fun of material instead of having fun
with material, lots of mistakes in
Has an engaging plot and surprise
ending. All group members are clear
in role responsibilities.
Has an interesting plot. Group
members adding to creativity most of
the time.
Plot isn’t clear and hard to follow, but
there is some cohesiveness in storyline.
No plot, no theme, hard to follow.
Uses multiple means of
representation in play with visual aids,
props, art, music, etc.
Uses some means of representation in
play with visual aids, props, art, music,
Uses very few means of representation
in play with visual aids, props, art,
music, etc.
Uses no means of representation in
play with visual aids, props, art, music,
Presenting in a mature fashion. Not
reading from cards. Excellent
Presenting in a mature fashion. Using
script cards but not “hiding behind’
cards. Some pronunciation mistakes.
Not engaged in the presentation. Hiding
behind script cards. Laughing when
Unsuccessful in saying lines. Laughing
too much. Not on task. Not coming in
the right time.
Working well together as a team and
independently on job responsibilities.
Helping each other and keeping each
other on task.
Working well as a group but tends to
pair up and not work as a team.
Keeping on task most of the time, but
spending some time talking about
unrelated issues.
Keeping the project going as a group
but not really focusing and loosing time
by talking about unrelated issues.
Getting work done, but not producing
quality material.
Not focused as a group, not aware of
time and not on task. Talking with
friends and wandering around room with
no purpose. Work not complete and
result is sloppy material.