Language Arts

Trimester 3
Grade 3 Test Topics
Material Covered
Test Schedule
Sunday, June 7: English
Monday, June 8: Math
Tuesday, June 9: Science
Wednesday, June 10: Social Studies, French
Students will be dismissed at 12 pm on all test days.
Informational text (Aero and Officer Mike)
Humorous fiction (A Mr. Rubbish Mood)
Informational text (The Albertosaurus Mystery)
Fantasy (Dogzilla)
 Informational text (Life on the Ice)
Author’s purpose
Cause and effect
 Main ideas and details
Lesson 14, 16, 17, 19, 20
Lesson 14, 16, 17, 19, 20
Words with ar, or, ore
Words with air, ear, are
Words with /j/ and /s/
Vowel sounds in spoon and wood
Compound words
Pronouns and Verbs
Using I and me
What is an adjective?
Adjectives with =er and =est
Adverbs that Compare
Quotations and Commas
Let and Make
Write to narrate (Story)
Write to narrate (Autobiography)
Write to persuade (Letter)
Write to persuade (Essay)
Chapter 8 – Understanding Fractions
 Equal Parts of a Whole
 Equal Shares
 Fractions of a Whole
 Fractions on a Number Line
 Relate Fractions and Whole Numbers
 Fractions of a Group
 Find Part of a Group Using Fractions
 Find the Whole Group Using Unit Fractions
Chapter 9 – Compare Fractions
 Compare Fractions with the Same Denominator
 Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator
 Compare and Order Fractions
 Equivalent Fractions
Chapter 11- Perimeter and Area
 Find Perimeter
 Find Unknown Side Length
 Understand and Measure Area
 Area of Rectangles
 Area of Combined Rectangles
 Same Perimeter, Different Areas
 Same Area, Different Perimeters
Chapter 12– Two-Dimensional Shapes
 Describe and Classify Plane Shapes
 Describe Angles in Plane Shapes
 Identify Polygons
 Describe Sides of Polygons
 Classify and Draw Quadrilaterals
 Describe Triangles
Lesson 1: What is Energy?
Lesson 2: What are some Energy Transformations?
The Earth:
Lesson 1: What are the Layers of the Earth?
Lesson 2: How can Rocks be Classified?
CHAPTER 7: Citizenship
Lesson 1: Rights of Citizens
Lesson 2: Duties of Citizens
Lesson 3: Being a Good Citizen
Critical Thinking Skills: Know and understanding the steps of making a thoughtful decision.
CHAPTER 8: Government
Lesson 1: Structure of Government
Lesson 4: Symbols of a Nation
Map and Globe Skills: Read a Road Map (pp. 278, 279)
CHAPTER 10: Cultures Around The World
Lesson 1: Expressions of Cultures
Lesson 2: Holidays and Traditions
Lesson 3: Cultures of The World
CHAPTER 11: Working in Our Communities
Lesson 1: Workers and Consumers
Lesson 2: How Business Works
Lesson 3: Trading With the World
Map and Globe Skills: Read a Land Use and Products Map
Focus only on the vocabulary words with examples.
Verbe être: je suis / tu es / il est / elle est / nous sommes / vous êtes / ils sont / elles sont
Verbe avoir : j ’ai / tu as / il a/ elle a / nous avons / vous avez / ils ont/ elles ont
Unité 5 Le Livre Zig Zag
Qu’est-ce que tu mets Papino ( les vêtements) : une jupe / une chemise / un pantalon / un
pull /une robe/ une cravate/ une écharpe des chaussettes / des chaussures
Rose , enfant du cirque ( la famille ) : un père / une mère / un grand- père / une grandmère / un frère / une sœur / un oncle / une tante / un cousin / une cousine
Oh ! j’ai peur (les sensations et les émotions ) : j’ai peur / j’ai faim / j’ai soif / je suis triste /
je suis malade / je suis fatigué / je suis heureux / je suis fâché / je suis étonné
les adjectifs possessifs
Le livre p :44 55
Le cahier d’activité p :4253
Tout le dossier de français