French I Lesson 13
1. Repeat the French words with the indefinite articles given in class
(Look at the Classwork). Here is a website with a text-to-speech
feature: http://www.sitepal.com/ttswidgetdemo. Make sure you
change the language to French. You can also change the voice.
2. Repeat the CLOTHES vocabulary and prepare for a test: Le chapeau,
le veston, les chassures, les chassettes, la robe, les souliers, la jupe,
le pull, les lunettes, le cache-net.
3. Complete the Survey about the Clothes.
4. Write five words with each of plural articles beginning with R using
the French dictionary (preferably a book version):
LES_______, _______, _______, ________, _________
DES______, _______, _______, ________, _________
5. Complete the assignment translating the expressional sentences into
There is a nice and comfortable house.________________________
Are there any cats here?.___________________________________
There is a table here.______________________________________
How many clothes are there?__________________________________
There is a nice TV there._______________________________
Is there a good house?.______________________________
There are some books here._______________________________
6. Practice the French Clothes using the following website: