I Traduisez en français.
1. a picnic _______________________________________
2. an inn, lodge _______________________________________
3. a team _______________________________________
4. a holiday package _______________________________________
5. outdoors _______________________________________
6. a forest _______________________________________
7. the mountains _______________________________________
8. the accomodation _______________________________________
9. the food _______________________________________
10. the meals _______________________________________
11. a flashlight _______________________________________
12. a bike helmet _______________________________________
13. a compass _______________________________________
14. a whistle _______________________________________
II Traduisez ces moyens de transport.
1. by helicopter _______________________________________
2. on horseback _______________________________________
3. in a raft _______________________________________
4. by boat _______________________________________
5. by motorcycle _______________________________________
III Traduisez ces adjectifs.
1. relaxing (f, s) _______________________________________
2. recreational (m,s) _______________________________________
3. marvellous (f, pl) _______________________________________
4. active (m,pl) _______________________________________
5. tiring (m, s) _______________________________________
IV Traduisez.
1. some fast rivers _______________________________________
2. a big rock _______________________________________
3. an easy itinerary _______________________________________
4. some small mountains _______________________________________
5. a good coach (f) _______________________________________
V Le Comparatif: Écrivez les phrases au comparatif.
subject + (ne/n') est / sont (pas) + plus / moins / aussi + adjective + que + object
Une rivière est aussi belle qu'une chute.
Les guides sont plus patients que les enfants.
1. a tent / (less) comfortable / inn
2. mountain bikes / (more) ecological / cars
3. horseback riding / not (as) active / snow shoeing.
4. an excursion / (as) fun / adventure
VI L'Impératif. Récrivez la phrase à l'impératif (command form).
1. Dites aux plusieurs personnes d'éteindre le feu ....avec toi.
2. Dites à ton amie de ne pas déranger les animaux.
3. Dites aux élèves de ne pas laisser la nourriture.
4. Dites aux enfants de ranger la tente....avec toi.
5. Dites à sa soeur de respecter toujours la faune.
VII Traduisez.
1. Wear a life jacket in the water! (vous)
2. Use sunscreen in the summer! (tu)
3. Let's clean the forests!
4. Be patient! (vous)
5. Don't swim alone in the lake! (tu)
6. Let's not pick the flowers!
I Traduisez.
1. a bathing suit _______________________________________
2. some earrings _______________________________________
3. a belt _______________________________________
4. some platform shoes _______________________________________
5. some dresses _______________________________________
6. a pocket _______________________________________
7. some gloves _______________________________________
8. a rain jacket _______________________________________
9. some boots _______________________________________
10. a tank top _______________________________________
11. the sleeves _______________________________________
12. a tie _______________________________________
II Traduisez.
1. those socks _______________________________________
2. that blouse _______________________________________
3. those lounging pants _______________________________________
4. this scarf _______________________________________
5. those coats _______________________________________
III Traduisez.
1. These mittens (here) are practical, those mittens (there) are not practical.
2. We like this vest (here), you (p) like that jacket (there).
3. These suit jackets (here) are not original, those shirts (there) are original.
IV Associez (Match) les prépositions. Écrivez la LETTRE de colonne B à côté de colonne A.
1. that has... _____ a. en
2. for... _____ b. sans
3. made of... _____ c. avec
4. with... _____ d. à
5. without... _____ e. de
V Traduisez.
1. some shorts with pockets ____________________________________________________
2. a jacket (f) that has a hood ____________________________________________________
3. a sweater made of fleece ____________________________________________________
4. an outfit for sports ____________________________________________________
5. a shirt without a collar ____________________________________________________
VI Les Adjectifs. Écrivez la forme correcte de l'adjectif sur la ligne correcte (one line only).
Avant ou après le nom?
1. pink: une ____________________ jupe ____________________
2. little: ce _____________________ gant ____________________
3. old-looking: un ____________________chandail ___________________
4. embroidered: sa ____________________ blouse ____________________
5. big: mes __________________ chaussures ____________________
6. shiny: notre _________________montre ______________________
7. stonewashed: un ___________________ jean ________________________
8. fitted: son __________________ maillot ______________________
9. stretchy: tes ___________________ collants _____________________
10. new: mon __________________ tunique _____________________
VII Les Prépositions + les villes / provinces / pays / continents
In / To : ________ = + masc. country / prov. ________ = + plural country / prov.
________ = + fem. country / prov. ________ = + city
Completez avec la forme correcte:
1. _____ Paris 2. _____ Australie 3. ______ Québec
4. _____ États-Unis 5. _____ Portugal 6. ______ Vancouver
From : ________ = + masc. country / prov. ________ = + plural country / prov.
________ = + fem. country / prov. ________ = + city
________ = + voyelle (vowel)
1. _____ Italie 2. _____ Manitoba 3. ______ Japon
4. _____ Montréal 5. _____ Angleterre 6. ______ Canada
VIII Traduisez.
1. This brand comes from China.
2. This brand was founded in the United States.
3. The brand "Le Château" comes from France.
4. This brand was founded Germany.
I Traduisez.
1. track and field _______________________________________
2. synchronized swimming _______________________________________
3. speed skating _______________________________________
4. snowboarding _______________________________________
5. hurdles _______________________________________
6. freestyle skiing _______________________________________
7. a star (person) _______________________________________
8. a cup _______________________________________
9. a medal _______________________________________
10. a trophy _______________________________________
11. a kicker _______________________________________
12. some goals _______________________________________
II Traduisez et écrivez le participe passé.
L'Infinitif Le Participe Passé
1. to score ____________________ ____________________
2. to get ahead of ____________________ ____________________
3. to make, do ____________________ ____________________
4. to win ____________________ ____________________
5. to reflect ____________________ ____________________
6. to defeat ____________________ ____________________
7. to be ____________________ ____________________
8. to read ____________________ ____________________
9. to accomplish ____________________ ____________________
10. to have ____________________ ____________________
11. to finish ____________________ ____________________
12. to receive ____________________ ____________________
Encerclez la bonne réponse:
Tous ces verbes se conjuguent avec... avoir être
III Récrivez ces phrases au passé composé.
1. choisir: Ils ______________________________________________ leurs coéquipiers.
2. faire: Vous ________________________________ du ski alpin.
3. battre: Nous n'________________ pas __________________ le record.
4. préférer: Monique _______________________________ le patinage artistique.
5. vaincre: Mes amis n'_______________ pas ___________________ leur rival.
6. finir: J' ________________ __________________ mon pratique à sept heures.
7. marquer: Mon frère ___________ _________________________ son premier but.
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