Week 3 September 14 – September 18, 2014
Weekly Topics
For Grade Three
Reading: The Trial of Cardigan Jones
Comprehension Skill: Drawing Conclusions –
Predict and Infer
Vocabulary: convinced- pointed- trial- honest- jury- murmur- guilty- stand
Phonics: Long Vowels
Spelling: VCe words; Spelling list 2
Grammar: Kinds Of Sentences
Writing: Writing a Friendly Letter
Review Rounding and Estimation
Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add
Unit 6- People and Resources
Natural Resources
Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
How Do We Use It?
The Effects of Pollution
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Map Skills (compass rose, cardinal directions and intermediate directions).
Difference between Map and Globe
Map titles and map symbols.
Bird’s eye view.
Les pronoms personnels sujets (Je / Tu / Il / Elle / Nous / Vous / Ils / Elles ).
Verbe s’appeler ( Je m’appelle / Tu t’appelles / Il s’appelle / Elle s’appelle / Nous
nous appelons / Vous vous appelez / Ils s’appellent / Elles
: :
Using the scratch programming (edit sound)