Julien GASCO
12, allée du petit Arcachon
33610 Canéjan
06 74 06 79 29
2001 : Baccalauréat scientifique (french secondary school diploma in science)
2001-2003 : D.U.T. (two years university degree in computing technologie) at University
Institute of Technology of Bordeaux.
March-June 2003: LaBRI, the Research Laboratory in Informatic of Bordeaux.
I’ve done reverse engeneering, i.e. the documentation of an existing application, the LaBRI’s
Work Experience
July-August 2002: waiter in “Café de la Grande Plage” in Biarritz.
Computing Skills
Programming languages: C, C++, Java, HTML, PHP.
Analisis’ Methods: Merise, UML.
Some knowledges in networsks.
Foreign Languages
English and German : working knowledge, spoken and written.