C.V. - Département d`histoire

Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
Canadian Citizen
Permanent address: 4592 Stanley Weir, Montréal (QC) H3W 2C9, Canada
Temporary address: 42 Barker Hill Dr., Guilford (CT) 06437, USA
Tel.: (203) 533-5946
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Greek and Latin Mythology
Greek and Latin Literature, especially Early Greek Poetry, Greek and Roman
Tragedy, the “Orphic” tradition and the oracular poetry
Greek Religion
Ancient Cultural History
Cultural Anthropology and Greek Religious Thought
Greek Iconography
Ancient Greek Philosophy, especially the Presocratics.
Greek religion, Greek imaginary:
- sacred space and time;
- space representations in Greek religious thought, especially the fathomless spaces
(the ether, the air, the depths of the sea, the Underworld), the unfathomable realms of
the gods, the paths leading to the Otherworld;
- time and temporality in the Greek religious thought;
- liminal spaces and rites of transitional passage from one register of spatiality and/or
temporality to another
Communication with the gods and ritual encounter with the divine, contact spaces
between the divine and human worlds
Early Greek Law: Secular Laws and “Sacred Laws” in the Archaic and Classical
Divine journeys, heroes’ quests for wisdom: ascensions to the sky and descents to
Hades, anábasis and katábasis
Divine corporality and epiphanies, juridical and religious connotations of divine
Pre-platonic cosmogonic myths, cosmologic theories and Near Eastern parallels
The cultural interaction between mythopoeic imagery, philosophy and religion.
Ph.D. (History) with distinction, University of Montréal.
Dissertation: Structures spatiales dans la pensée religieuse grecque de
l’époque archaïque. La représentation de quelques espaces insondables:
l’éther, l’air, l’abîme marin
(vol. I: xiii+483 p.+22 pl.; vol. II: Appendices: 194 p.+13 pl.)
Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/1866/3275 (English abstract)
M.A. with distinction, Philosophy, University of Bucharest.
B.A. Philosophy, University of Bucharest.
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
2013 - present Research Associate, Department of History, University of Montréal
Co-Researcher, Editor and Scientific Secretary
Project: Dodona Online (DOL). Edition, translation and commentary of the
oracular lamellae from Dodona
Project Coordinator: Pierre Bonnechère (University of Montréal).
Project: Processions in Ancient Greece: from Archaic Age to Justinian I
Project Coordinators: Jacques Des Courtils (University of Bordeaux 3) and
Arthur Müller (Lille 3 – Charles de Gaulle University)
Project: Myths of origin and their rationalization in Greek and other
Eastern and Indo-European Cultures
Project Coordinator: Marco Antonio Santamaría (University of Salamanca)
Project: Pseudopythagorica. Stratégies du faire croire dans la philosophie
A research project of CNRS (Paris, France) – Hastec – Laboratoire d’études
sur les monothéismes (UMR 8584) – Centre Jean-Pépin (UMR 8230)
Project Coordinators: Constantinos Macris, Luc Brisson and Tiziano Dorandi
Project: Raison et révélation: L’héritage critique de l’Antiquité
Project Coordinators: Jean-Marc Narbonne (Laval University) and Philippe
Hoffmann (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Ve Section)
Project Title: El motivo del viaje al Más Allá en la literatura griega arcaica y
clásica y sus paralelos en otras literaturas antiguas
Project Coordinator: Marco Antonio Santamaría (University of Salamanca)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laval University, Department of Philosophy
Project: Thèmes et motifs de l’imagerie mythico-poétique dans le Proème de
Supervisor: Jean-Marc Narbonne
Research Assistant, University of Ottawa, Department of Classics and
Religious Studies
Project Title: Plato and Myth. Studies on the Use and Status of Platonic
Project Coordinators: Catherine Collobert, F. J. Gonzales, and Pierre Destrée
2009 (Fall)
Research Assistant, University of Ottawa, Department of Classics and
Religious Studies
Project Title: Le temps et la quête héroïque d’immortalité dans l’épopée
Project Coordinator: Catherine Collobert
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Ottawa, Department of Classics and
Religious Studies
Project: Logique spatiale dans les cosmogonies grecques archaïques
Supervisor: Catherine Collobert
Research Assistant, University of Montréal, Center of Classical Studies
Project Title: Rôle et nature du bois sacré dans la religion grecque
Project Coordinator: Pierre Bonnechère.
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
Lecturer in Classics & Religious Studies
University of Ottawa, Department of Classics and Religious Studies
Joint Course CLA/HIS 3510B – History of Cosmological Thought in Ancient
Lecturer in Classics and Religious Studies
University of Ottawa, Department of Classics and Religious Studies
CLA 2520 – History of Greek Art.
Lecturer in Classics and History
University of Montréal, Center of Classical Studies
HGL 1021 – Mythology and Religion in Ancient Greece.
Instructor, University of Montréal, Department of History
HST 1031 – Ancient History (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome).
(* Peer-reviewed publications)
2016 * Parcourir l’invisible. Les espaces insondables à travers les déplacements des dieux
dans la pensée religieuse grecque de l’époque archaïque, Louvain: Peeters (Collection
d’études classiques)
(510 p., under press).
2016 * Las ascensiones al cielo de los mortales en cuerpo y/o espíritu en la tradición griega
arcaica [transl. in Spanish by Abdiel Macías Arvizu], Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México, Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales et Centro de Estudios
Clásicos del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas (Coll. Didaskalía).
(246 p., under press).
Mythopoeic Imagery, Philosophy, and Religion in Parmenides’s Proemium.
(in progress).
Edited Volumes
2015-2016 * Katábasis, I. Proceedings of the International Conference “Katábasis, the
Descent to the Underworld in the Ancient Greek Tradition and Religious Thought”, Montréal
& Québec, May 2-5, 2014. Co-edited with Pierre Bonnechère (= Les Études classiques 83.1-4
2015-2016 * Katábasis, II. Proceedings of the International Conference “Katábasis, the
Descent to the Underworld in the Ancient Greek Tradition and Religious Thought”, Montréal
& Québec, May 2-5, 2014. Co-edited with Pierre Bonnechère (= Cahiers des études
anciennes 53 [2016]).
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
2007-2008 * Actes de la VIe conférence annuelle de l’European Association for the Study of
Religions (EASR) et de la conférence spéciale conjointe de l’International Association for the
History of Religions (IAHR), Bucarest, 20-23 septembre 2006. Co-edited with Pierre
Bonnechère. 2 vols, Namur: Société d’études classiques, 2008 (= Les Études classiques 75.12 [2007] and 76.1-2 [2008]).
Peer-Reviewed Articles
1. “The liminal space between and betwixt air and sea in Ancient Greek imagery”,
forthcoming in Cheryl Hart (ed.), Liminal Spaces – Transitions between Land, Sea & Sky in
the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the Workshop Liminal Spaces – Transitions between
Land, Sea & Sky in the Ancient Near East, BANEA Annual Conference for the Ancient Near
East, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, 6-8th January 2016.
2. “Odysseus in Aeolia. Aeolus, ἀποπομπή, and θέμις”, forthcoming in Marie-Claire Beaulieu
and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (ed.), Water in Greek Religion. Proceedings of the
International Meeting of the CIERGA, Tufts University, July 21-24, 2015 (= Kernos, Suppl.
31 [2017]).
3. “Ἑλιξ (ελίσσω) and δίνη: whirlpool and sacrificial smoke”, forthcoming in Marie-Claire
Beaulieu and Pierre Bonnechère (ed.), The Greek Vortex in Context. Proceedings of the
Workshop on Vortex. The Motif of the Whirlpool and Psychic Phenomena in Ancient Greece,
Tufts University, 18-19 April 2015, Boston, 2017, 35 p.
4. * “La maternité des Grandes Déesses-mères de l'abîme marin”, in Giulia Pedrucci,
Florence Pasche-Guignard, and Marianna Scapini (ed.), Motherhood(s) and Polytheisms,
Bologna: Pàtron, 2017, 283-294.
5. * “Imagerie mythico-poétique, philosophie et religion dans le Proème de Parménide”,
Archaeus. Studies in the History of Religions 19-20 (2015-2016), 15-44.
6. * “Le Proème de Parménide: anabase et/ou catabase?”, in Pierre Bonnechère and Gabriela
Cursaru (ed.), Katábasis, II. Proceedings of the International Conference “Katábasis, the
Descent to Hades in the Ancient Greek Literary Tradition and Religious Thought”, Montréal
& Québec, May 2-5, 2014 (= Cahiers des études anciennes 53 [2016]), 141-164.
7. * “Χώρα au cœur des enjeux politico-religieux et de la rhétorique patriotique dans les
tragédies grecques. Étude de cas: Œdipe à Colone de Sophocle”, Mythos. Rivista di Storia
delle Religioni 8 (2014) [2015], 113-136.
8. * “Les sandales d’Hermès, III. Enquête sur les traces des σάνδαλα dans l’Hymne
homérique à Hermès”, Mouseion. Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 12.1 (2012)
[2015], 53-86.
9. * “Les traces d’un Centaure dans l’Hymne homérique à Hermès (v. 224-226)”, Pallas 97
(2015), 9-30.
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
10. * “Les plantes, jalons du parcours catabasique d’Hermès dans l’Hymne homérique à
Hermès”, Prometheus 40 (2014), 38-69.
11. * “Létô à Délos, II. Ἐπὶ Δήλου ἐβήσετο πότνια Λητώ (Hymne homérique à Apollon, 49):
significations du pas divin de Létô dans l’œuvre de fondation de Délos”, Les Études
classiques 80.3-4 (2012) [2014], 209-245.
12. * “Exposition et initiation: enfants mythiques soumis à l’épreuve du coffre et abandonnés
aux flots”, in Chiara Terranova (a cura di), La presenza dei bambini nelle religioni del
Mediterraneo antico: la vita e la morte, i rituali e i culti tra archeologia, antropologia e
storia delle religioni, Roma: Aracne, 2014, 361-385.
13. * “Les sandales d’Hermès, II. Les σάνδαλα végétales et le voyage catabasique d’Hermès
(Hymne homérique à Hermès, 79-139)”, Mouseion 11.2 (2011) [2014], 153-189.
14. * “Les πτερόεντα πέδιλα de Persée”, in Maria-Paola Castiglioni (ed.), Les objets de la
mythologie grecque (= Gaia 16 [2013]), 95-112.
15. * “Le mythe de Dédale et d’Icare et le thème du vol ascensionnel des mortels en corps
vivant”, Phoenix 66.3-4, 2012 [2013], 298-334.
16. * “Les sandales d’Hermès, I. Les καλὰ πέδιλα de l’Hermès homérique”, Rivista di
Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, 140.1 (2012), 20-61.
17. * “Létô à Délos, I. Le catalogue du voyage de Létô dans l’Hymne homérique à Apollon (v.
30-45)”, Les Études classiques 78.4 (2010) [2011], 289-330.
18. * “Entre est et l’ouest, à midi. Structures spatio-temporelles de l’île de Circé”, Les Études
classiques 76.1 (2008), 39-64.
19. * “On offre un sacrifice pour la brillante Panhellas (Pindare, Péan VI 60): enjeux
identitaires et portée panhellénique des théoxénies delphiques”, in Renaud Lussier et
Sébastien Goupil (ed.), Valeurs, normes et constructions identitaires. Le processus
d'identification dans le monde greco-romain (= Cahiers d’études anciennes 44 [2007]), 2540.
20.* “L’épiphanie d’un dieu anonyme dans la Cyclopie homérique (Od. IX 142-152)”,
Archaeus. Studies in the History of Religions 10, 2006, 7-73.
21. * “Hippodamos de Milet: évolution ou révolution des structures spatiales urbaines?”,
Studia Humaniora Tartuensia, 7.A.3 (2006), 12 p. (electronical review:
Online Articles (DOL)
Dodona Online, DVC 632A (Ex-lamella 632-633, Museum of Ioannina, M316 ): Private
Question Concerning Success (https://dodonaonline.com/lamellae/dvc-632/)
Reference Articles & Dictionary Entries
* Aegeus (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah30112/abstract)
* Wind Gods (all periods) (under review)
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
In The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History, Section “Greek and Roman Religions”, Malden,
MA: Wiley - Blackwell.
* Asclépigénéia d’Athènes
* Cléobuline de Rhodes
* Hipparchia de Maronée
* Femmes de la famille de Pythagore: Théanô, Arignôtè de Samos, Damô, Myia, Sara,
* D’autres Pythagoriciennes: Timycha de Sparte, Phyntis de Sparte, Okkelô de Lucanie,
Cheilonis de Sparte, Lastheneia d’Arcadie, Périctionê, Mélissa, Aésara de Lucanie
I n Mireille Calle-Gruber, Béatrice Didier, and Antoinette Fouqué (ed.), Dictionnaire des
femmes créatrices, Paris, 2013.
In progress
“What is a katábasis?” (with Ingela Nilssen, University of Uppsala, and Pierre Bonnechère,
University of Montréal), for Archiv für Religionswissenschaft.
“Shores and Islands,” in Marie-Claire Beaulieu (ed.), A Cultural History of the Sea, London –
Oxford – New York, Bloomsbury (The Cultural Histories Series), 2020.
“Vortex, 1: Cosmic wars, theomachies and crashes: theo-cosmological sounds and noises”
“Vortex, 2: Phaethon and the parching of the Earth”
“Visual taboos in the Greek cathartic regulations”.
Book Reviews (selection)
Review of Elton Barker, Stefan Bouzarovski, Christopher Pelling, Leif Isaksen (ed.), New
Worlds from Old Texts: Revisiting Ancient Space and Place, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2016, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.02.02
Review of Marie-Claire Beaulieu, The Sea in the Greek Imagination, Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, in Mythos. Rivista di Storia delle Religioni n.s. 10 (2016), 233237.
Review of Stamatia Dova, Greek Heros in and out of Hades, Lanham: Lexington Books,
2012, in Mythos. Rivista di Storia delle Religioni n.s. 10 (2016), 248-251.
Review of Jocelyn Groisard, Mixis. Le problème du mélange dans la philosophie grecque
d'Aristote à Simplicius, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2016, forthcoming in Revue de
métaphysique et de morale 86.4 (2016).
Review of Claude Calame, Qu’est-ce que la mythologie grecque ?, Paris: Gallimard, 2015,
forthcoming in Revue de métaphysique et de morale 96 (4/2017).
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
Review of Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, Redefining Ancient Orphism: A Study in Greek Religion,
Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013, in Revue de métaphysique et de
morale 92 (4/2016), 558-562.
Review of Pierre Sauzeau & André Sauzeau, La quatrième fonction: altérité et marginalité
dans l’idéologie des Indo-Européens, Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Coll. Vérité des mythes),
2012, in Revue de métaphysique et de morale 84.4 (2014), 577-581.
Review of Corinne Ondine Pache, A Moment’s Ornament. The Poetics of Nympholepsy in
Ancient Greece, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, in Les Études classiques 81.3-4
Review of Bernard Eck, La mort rouge. Homicide, guerre et souillure en Grèce ancienne,
Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Collection d'études anciennes. Série grecque, 145), 2012, in Les
Études classiques 80.3-4 (2012).
Review of Emma Aston, Mixanthrôpoi. Animal-human hybrid deities in Greek religion (=
Kernos, Suppl. 25), Liège: CIERGA, 2011, in Les Études classiques 81.3-4 (2013).
Review of Charles Doyen, Poséidon souverain, contribution à l’histoire religieuse de la
Grèce mycénienne et archaïque, Bruxelles: Académie royale de Belgique, 2011, in Les
Études classiques 80.3-4 (2012).
Review of Vincianne Pirenne-Delforge, Francesca Prescendi (ed.), “Nourrir les dieux?”
Sacrifice et représentation du divin. Actes de la VIe rencontre du Groupe de recherche
européen FIGURA. Représentation du divin dans les sociétés grecque et romaine, Université
de Liège, 23-24 octobre 2009 (= Kernos, Supplément 26), Liège: CIERGA, 2011, in Revue
archéologique 56.2 (2013), 410-413.
Review of Radcliffe G. Edmonds III (ed.), The “Orphic” Gold Tablets and Greek Religion:
Further Along the Path, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, in
Revue de métaphysique et de morale 79.3 (2013), 389-394.
Review of Magali Année, Parménide. Fragments Poème, précédé de Énoncer le verbe être,
Paris: Vrin (Coll. “Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques”), 2012, in Revue de métaphysique
et de morale 79.3 (2013), 394-398.
Review of Athanassia Zografou, Chemins d’Hécate. Portes, carrefours et autres figures de
l’entre-deux, Liège: CIERGA, 2010 (= Kernos, Supplément 24), in Les Études classiques
79.3-4 (2011), 371-374.
Review of Pierre Judet de la Combe, Les Tragédies grecques sont-elles tragiques ? Théâtre et
théorie, Montrouge: Éditions Bayard, 2010, in Revue de métaphysique et de morale 74.3
(2012), 404-407.
Review of Alexis Pinchard, Les Langues de sagesse dans la Grèce et l’Inde anciennes (=
Hautes Études du monde gréco-romain, 43), Genève: Droz, 2009, in Revue de métaphysique
et de morale 69.1 (2011), 80-82.
Review of Robert Zaborowski, Sur le sentiment chez les Présocratiques. Contribution
psychologique à la philosophie des sentiments, Warszawa: Stakroos, 2008, in Revue de
métaphysique et de morale 69.1 (2011), 82-84.
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
Review of David Fearn (ed.), Aegina Contexts for Choral Lyric Poetry. Myth, History, and
Identity in the Fifth Century BC, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, in Les Études
classiques 78.4 (2010) [2012], 387-390.
Review of Françoise Morzadec, Les Images du monde. Structure, écriture et esthétique du
paysage dans les œuvres de Stace et Silius Italicus, Bruxelles: Latomus, 2009, in Les Études
classiques 78.4 (2010), 398-400.
Review of Richard Hunter et Ian Rutherford (ed.), Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek
Culture. Travel, Locality and Pan-Hellenism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009,
in Les Études classiques 77.3-4 (2009), 352-357.
Review of Dominique Jaillard, Configurations d’Hermès. Une "théogonie hermaïque", Liège:
CIERGA, 2007 (= Kernos, Supplément 17), in Revue archéologique 47.1 (2009), 89-92.
Review of Barry B. Powell, Homer, 2nd edition, Blackwell Introductions to the Classical
World, Blackwell Publishing, 2007, in Les Études classiques 75.3 (2007), 265-267.
Review of Gérard Freyburger, Laurent Pernot, Bibliographie analytique de la prière grecque
et romaine (1898-1998), Turnhout: Brepols, 2000; F. Chapot et B. Laurot (textes réunis,
traduits et commentés), Corpus des prières grecques et romaines, Turnhout: Brepols, 2001, in
Archaeus. Studies in the History of Religions 8 (2004), 423-428.
Review of Anthony Corbeill, Nature Embodied: Gesture in Ancient Rome, Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2004, in Archaeus. Studies in the History of Religions 8 (2004), p.
Review of Anastasia Serghidou (ed.), Dórema. A Tribute to the A. G. Leventis Foundation on
the occasion of its 20th anniversary, Nicosia: The A. G. Leventis Foundation, 2000, in
Archaeus. Studies in the History of Religions 7.3-4 (2003), p. 389-395.
Review of Robert Laffineur and Robin Hägg (ed.), POTNIA. Deities and Religion in the
Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 8th International Aegean Conference/8 e Rencontre
égéenne internationale, 12-15 April 2000 (= AEGAEUM 22), Göteborg University, 2001, in
Archaevs. Studies in the History of Religions 6.3-4 (2002), p. 461-463.
* Review-article: Vincianne Pirenne-Delforge et Emilio Suárez de la Torre (ed.), Héros et
héroïnes dans les mythes et les cultes grecs. Actes du Colloque organisé à l’Université de
Valladolid, du 26 au 29 mai 1999 (= Kernos, Supplément 10), Liège: CIERGA, 2000, in
Archaeus. Studies in the History of Religions 6.1-2 (2002), p. 409-423.
- Histoire des conceptions cosmologiques chez les Grecs. University of Ottawa, Department
of Classics and Religious Studies, Virtual Campus, CLA/HIS 3510B, 100 p.
- Introduction dans l'art grec. University of Ottawa, Department of Classics and Religious
Studies, Virtual Campus, CLA 2520, 50 p. + 250 pl.
- Introduction dans l'histoire ancienne. 1. Égypte ancienne: écriture, architecture, littérature; 2.
Mésopotamie: écriture, architecture, littérature; 3. Grèce ancienne: épigraphie; 4. Rome
ancienne: numismatique. University of Montréal, Department of History, HST 1031. 40 p. +
20 pl.
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
Conference Organization
Katábasis, the Descent to the Underworld in Ancient Greek Literary
Tradition and Religious Thought. Montréal-Québec, May 2-5, 2014.
(URL: http://katabasis.ca/)
Rituals of Katábasis. University of Montréal, 25 November 2013.
Greek and Roman Religions. Panel of the Sixth Annual Conference of the
European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) and of the Joint
Special Conference of the International Association for the History of
Religions (IAHR), Bucharest, 20-23 September 2006.
Conference Papers
Public/private questions concerning a σαμείον on the lamellae of the oracle at Dodona,
Celtic Conference in Classics, Montréal, 19-22 July 2017.
Les fragments de Ps.-Hippodamos: un traité sur la meilleure constitution de la «politique
pythagoricienne»? Workshop IV of Pseudopythagorica project, organised by Constantinos
Macris, Luc Brisson, and Tiziano Dorandi, CNRS – Hastec – LEM – Centre Jean-Pépin,
Paris, 19-20 April 2017 (invitation accepted).
Panthéon(s) des Présocratiques, Workshop on Approches des mentalités grecques: la
religion polythéiste et la culture de l’agôn, University of Liège, 7-9 March 2016.
A Greek Liminal Space: The Floating Island of Aeolia, Workshop on Liminal Spaces –
Transitions between Land, Sea & Sky in the Ancient Near East, to be held at BANEA Annual
Conference for the Ancient Near East, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, 68 January 2016.
Ulysse chez Éole: le récit d’une ordalie par l’eau de la mer?, International Meeting of the
CIERGA, Tufts University, 21-24 July 2015.
The liminal space between and betwixt air and sea as a wholly divine realm, International
Conference on Time and Space in Greek Myth and Religion, University of Patras, 3-6 July
Ἑλιξ (ελίσσω) and δίνη: Whirlpool and Sacrificial Smoke, Workshop on Vortex. The Motif of
the Whirlpool and Psychic Phenomena in Ancient Greece, Tufts University, 18-19 April
Les traces des σάνδαλα dans l’Hymne homérique à Hermès: signature en creux d'Hermès et
signe de son épiphanie, 14th International Conference of the Fédération Internationale des
Études Classiques (FIÉC), Bordeaux, 25-30 August 2014.
L e Proème de Parménide: anabase ou catabase?, International Conference on Katábasis in
the Ancient Greek Literary Tradition and Religious Thought, Montréal-Québec, 2-5 May
Paysages de catabase à travers les voyages d'Hermès, Workshop on Catabasis and
Literature, McGill University, Department of Classics, 31 October 2013.
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
L’épiphanie végétale d’Hermès dans l’Hymne homérique consacré au dieu, Midis des études
anciennes, Institut of Ancient Studies, Laval University, 23 April 2013.
Le Proème de Parménide, à la croisée de deux chemins: la poésie et la philosophie, Midis du
Laboratoire de Philosophie Ancienne et Médiévale, Laval University, Faculty of Philosophy,
28 November 2012.
Χώρα au cœur des enjeux politico-religieux et de la rhétorique patriotique dans les tragédies
grecques, Workshop on Les mondes grec et romain: définitions, frontières et représentations
dans le judaïsme, le christianisme et le paganisme, 80th annual Congress of ACFAS,
Montréal, 7 May 2012.
Parmenides as Myth-Maker, Third Biennial Conference of the International Association for
the Presocratic Studies, Mérida (Yucatán, Mexico), 9-13 January 2012.
Connotations funéraires de l’oiseau dans l’iconographie archaïque à partir de deux
représentations possibles de la chute d’Icare (vers 475-425 av. J.-C.), Annual Meeting of the
Classical Association of Canada, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 10-12 May 2011 (in
collaboration with Valérie Toillon, University of Montréal).
Mythopoeic Themes and Motifs in Parmenides’ Proemium, Research Group in Greek
Thought, University of Ottawa, 3 December 2010.
L’espace liminal entre l’air et la mer: un espace chargé de connotations religieuses, Annual
Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, Laval University, Québec, 11-14 May 2010.
Et les dieux errent? Catalogue des errances de Létô dans l’Hymne homérique à Apollon (v.
30-45), Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, University of Montréal, 9
May 2008.
“On offre un sacrifice pour la brillante Panhellas” (Pindare, Péan VI, 60): enjeux
identitaires et portée panhellénique des théoxénies delphiques, Workshop on Valeurs, normes
et constructions identitaires. Les processus d’identification dans le monde gréco-romain, 75th
Annual Congress of the ACFAS (L’Association francophone pour le savoir), Laval
University, Québec, April 2008.
L’espace et la spatialité dans le champ de l’histoire ancienne: nouvelles perspectives et
raffinement progressif de la connaissance, 73th Annual Meeting of the ACFAS, University of
Québec at Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, April 2005.
Libertés et contrôles du droit d’asile des sanctuaires en Grèce ancienne, 14th Annual
Colloquium of the Graduate Students, Department of History, University of Montréal, March
À la recherche de l’espace inviolable: l’asylie en Grèce archaïque, 7th Annual Colloquium of
the Graduate Students Department of History, Laval University, Québec, February 2007.
Hippodamos de Milet et la rationalité de la cité: évolution ou révolution des structures
spatiales de l’urbanisme classique en Grèce ancienne? 11th Annual Colloquium for the
Graduate Students of the Department of History, University of Montréal, March 2005.
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
Dodona Online. Edition, translation and commentary of the oracular
lamellae from Dodona (Insight Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada [SSHRC])
Project Coordinators: Pierre Bonnechère, Gabriela Cursaru (University of
Montréal), and Gaétan Thériault (University of Québec at Montréal).
Myths of Origin and their Rationalization in Greek and other Eastern and
Indo-European Cultures
Standard Research Grant, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad,
Proyectos de investigación fundamental no orientada, FFI2015-66484-P,
Project Coordinator: Marco Antonio Santamaría (University of Salamanca).
Processions in Ancient Greece: from Archaic Age to Justinian I (pending
request, European Research Council)
Project Coordinators: Jacques Des Courtils (University of Bordeaux 3) and
Arthur Müller (Lille 3 – Charles de Gaulle University).
Raison et révélation: L’héritage critique de l’Antiquité
Project Coordinators: Jean-Marc Narbonne (Laval University) and Philippe
Hoffmann (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Ve Section) (Partnership
Grant, SSHRC).
El motivo del viaje al Más Allá en la literatura griega arcaica y clásica y sus
paralelos en otras literaturas antiguas
Standard Research Grant, University of Salamanca, Department of Classics.
Project Coordinator: Marco Antonio Santamaría.
Katábasis, the Descent to the Underworld in Ancient Greek Literature and
Religious Thought
Connection Grant, SSHRC (with Pierre Bonnechère)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, SSHRC.
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Fonds de recherche Société et culture du Québec,
Canada (FQRSC).
Doctoral Award, University of Montréal.
Doctoral Fellowship, FQRSC.
Doctoral Award, University of Montréal, Department of History.
Award of the University of Québec at Montréal for ''the best student
conference paper'' presented at the 73e Annual Congres of the ACFAS
(Association francophone pour le savoir).
Marie-France Leduc, Les cultes d’Hadès, M.A. History – Classical Studies, University of
Montréal – Center for Classical Studies (2013-2015, co-supervision with Pierre Bonnechère).
Samuel Chaput, M.A. History, University of Montréal (2014-2016).
Jennyfer Desbiens, Questions sur les esclaves et l'esclavage dans les lamelles de Dodone,
University de Montréal, Centre d’études classiques (2016-).
American Philological Association, Classical Association of Canada, Canadian Philosophical
Association, Homerica (Grenoble III, Stendhal University, MSH-Alpes), Romanian
Association for the History of Religions.
Gabriela Cursaru
March 2017
Referee for two articles submitted to Kernos.
Referee for three articles submitted to Archaeus. Studies in the History of
Referee for two articles submitted to Cahiers d’histoire (Department of History,
University of Montréal).
Referee for one article submitted to Mouseion.
2006-2010 Member of the Editorial Board of Archaeus. Studies in the History of
Professor Alberto Bernabé, Departamento de Filología Griega y Lingüística Indoeuropea,
Complutense University of Madrid ([email protected])
Professor Pierre Bonnechère, Department of History, University of Montréal (Pierre
Bonnechere ([email protected])
Professor Emeritus Jan Bremmer, Faculty of Religious Studies and Theology, University of
Groningen ([email protected])
Professor Jonathan Burgess, Department of Classics, University of Toronto
([email protected])
Dr. Eugen Ciurtin, Institute for the History of Religions, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
([email protected])
Professor Catherine Collobert, Department of Philosophy & Classics and Religious Studies,
University of Ottawa ([email protected])
Professor Emerita Renée Koch-Piettre, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences
Religieuses; CNRS, UMR 8210 (ANHIMA) ([email protected])
Professor Jean-Michel Roessli, Department of Theological Studies, Concordia University,
Montréal ([email protected]).
Professor Marco Antonio Santamaría Álvarez, Departmento de Filología Clasíca e
Indoeuropeo, University of Salamanca ([email protected]).