Résumé des travaux et recommandations
Colloque sur le réchauffement climatique et le développement en Afrique des 2 & 3 octobre 2015
1. Test circular economy at a local level (at the level of towns for instance), in order to draw
lessons so as to include it in AU’s 2063 Development Agenda.
2. On the African continent, adopt two treaties– one for soil conservation and one about
energy transition for green growth.
3. Speed up the creation of an African Medicines Agency.
4. Implement a social protection floor for Africa, and set up sub-regional social welfare
5. Help international environmental governance with dedicated jurisdiction. Use COP21 as
a platform to organize a world conference on that topic in Africa. Such a meeting might
be preceded by a Summit of AU’s Heads of State and Government.
6. Beyond technology transfers, ask for and get funds to finance research in Africa during
7. In each region of the Continent, create an R &D institute focusing on energy efficiency.
These institutes would bring together five groups – companies, universities, local banks,
the diaspora and a representative of the sub-regional institution.
8. Create an African Silicon Valley in each sub-region, providing fiscal incentives and easy
installation for technology-driven companies and entrepreneurs.
9. Set up African regional agencies acting for the environment.
10. Ease the circulation of economic agents between Europe and Africa.
11. Encourage the birth and growth of industrial alliances of African and European
companies working in the fields of health, energy and transportation.
12. Create and implement legal texts aiming at stopping the exports of polluting second-
hand vehicles to Africa.
13. Improve the efficiency of fiscal tools through better tax collections.
14. Launch a large-scale African loan to finance electrification for the whole continent, as
well as equipment, health and research projects.
15. Implement a Continental tax to finance AU’s actions and priority fields, while at the
same time diverting funds from EU to return action programs for migrants.
16. Create an investment bank for the diaspora.