Android, IOS, Microsoft, PhoneGap|Apache Cordova,
Windows Phone ...
Framework de devs java, scala, ruby, microsoft, python,
Architecture, Micro Service, HTML5, *JS (Angular,
JQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, Backbone, Ember, ...), CSS,
Web Disegn, etc.
Desktop Java SE, C#, Windev
Big Data, Base relationnelle, NoSQL, DatawareHouse,
DataSmart, BI tools, ....
Project Management Agile, Kanban, Lean, Safe, XP, ...
Performance & Sécurité JVM, Cache, Optimisation, Chiffrage, Hashage,
Cloud chez Amazon, Google, Microsoft et IBM.
OpenStack. Continuous Delivery, Puppet, Ansible,
Docker, Chef, Automatisation, etc
Operating System Linux, Unix, Windows 10, GroupWare, NAS, SAN, etc.
Knowledge Management (Veille) Comment rester Up to date?
Drones & Compagnies Drone, Google glass, Google Car, Raspberry
JCertif4Kids Apprendre aux enfants de moins de 15 ans à coder
Produits Open Source ERP, Santé, Management, etc
Code management GIT, SVS, CVS, Code review, Testings, TDD, BDD, DDD
Entreprenariat Comment monter sa boîte
Back end architecture (Data, API)
Application Architect (end to end)
Software project management