La phrase magique
What - an instructional strategy to develop students understanding of a
grammatically structured sentence in French
Why - this simple structure of le pronom/le verbe/l’article/l’adjectif/le nom
is used specifically to demonstrate singular/plural accord,
feminine/masculine accord and correct verb conjugation in the present
Who - students who transfer English language structure to their writing of
French, students who do not yet have an understanding of accord of
gender, singular/plural accord and verb conjugation
How - 1. Preteach masculine/feminine accord
2. Preteach verb conjugation for avoir and être in the present tense,
Preteach adjective as a descriptive word
3. Write structure on the board (see sheet attached)
4. Select a target sentence in mind for activity:
5. Student A guesses the sentence in mind
Award 1 point for each correct structural component:
1 point for capitalization
1 point for correct pronoun and verb conjugation
1 point for correct article in the feminine form
1 point for adjective in feminine form
1 point for feminine noun and punctuation
S - 5/5
2 points are awarded for the correctly guessed elements of the
sentence in mind because une and grande match original
sentence in mind.
P - 2/5
Le pronom Le verbe L’article L’adjectif Le nom
J’ ai une grande maison.
Le pronom Le verbe L’article L’adjectif Le nom
Il a une grande soeur.
La phrase magique/doc/Graça/pub/
Diagnostic Learning Centre