-3000 : Binaire chinois
-1750 : Code Hamourabi
-330 : Logique
802 : Al Khawarizmi
Notation positionnelle
1000: Zéro
1614 : Logarithme Neper
1697 : Binaire Leibniz
1853: Théorie de la programmation
1854: Théorie de la logique Boole
26/08/2016 ENCG 2007-2008 - Pr. M. BENJELLOUN 3
- 1750 DCode d'HAMMOURABI
Le roi de Babylone (Mésopotamie),
HAMMOURABI, a fait graver une stèle
composée d'un ensemble de phrases
royales sous la forme:
SI {personne} ET {action} ALORS
If a builder builds a house for a man and
does not make its construction firm and
the house which he has built collapses
and causes the death of the owner of the
house, that builder shall be put to death.
If it causes the death of the son of the
owner of the house, they shall put to
death a son of that builder.