Impact des facteurs embryonnaires sur la réceptivité maternelle

Impact des facteurs embryonnaires sur la
réceptivité maternelle
Rôles de la Gonadotrophine Chorionique humaine et de
l’Interleukine 1
Amélie Bourdiec
Doctorat en microbiologie-immunologie
Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.)
Québec, Canada
© Amélie Bourdiec, 2014
La récepti     est un point crucial en reproduction. Il
 
          éparent le
         communique avec
 
         
     
laboratoire, portant sur le système IL (interleukine) 1, la hCG (hormone
gonadotrophine chorionique humaine) et    , nous avons
étudié le rôle de ces deux facteurs embryonnaires précoces, dans 
 
         naire est
strictement fondamental et représente la base pour une meilleure compréhension
. Pour se faire, des approches in vitro et in vivo
ont été utilisées. est ciblée de
façon originale par la hCG. Celle-
déséquilibre pro-     
ble modérer certains
        
  s cibles par effet de coopération. Nos travaux démontrent
 
lien avec la présence du chef de file des facteurs embryonnaires, la hCG.
The endometrium receptivity for embryo is a crucial feature in reproduction.
Overall, it seems that synchronization between the maternal endometrium and the
developing embryo is necessary. At the maternal side, the appointment with the
embryo is carefully prepared by ovarian steroids action. An another hand, the
embryo communicates with the endometrium through a large molecular network.
In some cases of infertility, maternal receptivity is altered, resulting in implantation
failure. Moreover, the maternal side of implantation is in question. Therefore, taking
into account our previous studies revealing a close cooperation between major and
early embryonic signals, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and interleukin1 (IL1),
at the feto-maternal interface, we have studied the role of these embryonic factors
in the acquisition of endometrial receptivity. This research on the physiology of
embryo implantation is strictly fundamental and the basis for a better understanding
of female fertility and infertility.
Using in vitro and in vivo approaches, our results suggest that the IL1 family is
targeted in an original way by hCG. This seems to favor the effect of IL1 through a
functional imbalance affecting different IL1 receptors. In addition, the effect of hCG
on various targets of IL1 appears to be selective and seems to moderate some
aspects that could be detrimental for embryo implantation, while it favors certain
targets by synergic cooperation. Our work demonstrates the existence of a dynamic
expression of different IL1 receptors in link with the presence of hCG, the leading
embryonic factor.
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