Master d'Océanographie
Spécialité Océanographie Physique,
Chimique, Biologique
Andrea M. Doglioli
Master Mécanique, Physique et
Spécialité FLuides, Environnement et
Bibliographie et Liens utiles
Pizzigalli, C., V. Rupolo, E. Lombardi, and B. Blanke (2007), Seasonal probability dispersion maps in the
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Qiu, Z.F., Doglioli, A.M., Hu, Z.Y., Marsaleix, P., Carlotti, F. (2009), The influence of hydrodynamic
processes on zooplankton transport and distributions in the North Western Mediterranean: estimates
from a Lagrangian model. J. Marine Syst., accepted.
Batchelder, H.P., Edwards, C.A., Powell T.M., 2002. Individualbased models of copepod populations
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Darmofal, D.L., Haimes, R., 1996. An analysis of 3D particle path integration algorithms. Journal of
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Garcia, R.M., Flores, H.T., 1999. Computer Modeling of Oil Spill Trajectories With a High Accuracy
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Oliveira, L.A., Costa V.A.F., Baliga, B.R., 2002. A lagrangianEulerian
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a turbulent plane mixing layer. International Journal for numerical methods in fluids. 40, 639653.
Parada, C., Van der Lingen C.D., Mullon, C., Penven, P., 2003. Modelling the effect of buoyancy on
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Benguela: an IBM approach. Fisheries Oceanography. 12(3), 170184
Tittensor, D.P., Deyoung, B., Tang, C.L., 2003. Modelling the distribution, sustainability and
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Visser, A.W., 1997. Using random walk models to simulate the vertical distribution of particles in a
turbulent water column. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 158, 275281.