NAME :______________________________________________________________________
CLASS : ________________________ DATE : _______________________________________
I. Complète ces phrases par le verbe à la forme qui convient. /5
1. Do you have a sister? (have)
2. Why do English children eat so much junk food? (eat)
3. Jamie Oliver enjoys cooking (cook)
4. Listen! What is Bruce singing ? (sing)
5. Who sings well in your family? ( sing)
II. Voici où ils sont ? Que font-il ?/5
1. It’s 12 :30. Bruce is in the cafeteria.
He is having lunch.
2. It’s 4 am. Alison is in her room.
She is sleeping.
3. It’s 9 pm. The Fosters are in the living-room.
They are watching TV.
4. It’s 7 am. Mr Mckay is int the bathroom.
He is having a shower.
5. it’s 9:30 am. Bruce is at school.
He is doing a Math exercice.
III. Traduis /5
1. Que fait ton frère dans la vie?
What does your brother do (for a living) ?
2. Il est cuisinier. Il travaille à Londres.
He is a cook. He works in London.
3. Est-ce-qu’il travaille dans un hôtel ?
Does he work in a hotel ?
4. Oui. En ce moment il travaille au Hilton.
Yes, he does. At the moment he is working at the Hilton.