Our simulations of the Pliocene climate
used near-modern levels of atmospheric
carbon dioxide (315 ppm) but required a
nearly 30% change in the implied
meridional ocean heat transports to
maintain Pliocene conditions. This
additional heat transport implies
substantial changes in the ocean's
thermohaline circulation, wind-driven
circulation, or both. Evidence of such
thermohaline circulation changes comes
from carbon isotopic data from deep-sea
microfossils, which show that the strength
of North Atlantic deep water production
was increased during the middle Pliocene.
Wind-driven changes, however, are not yet
supported by the wind velocities indicated
by model simulations or by geologic
We also conducted several Pliocene simulations with varying levels of increased atmospheric
carbon dioxide. Simulated surface energy fluxes were collected from those simulations and were
used to calculate the ocean heat convergence/divergence at each grid cell. From the convergences
we calculated the implied ocean heat transports which would have been necessary to maintain the
specified SST distribution; in this case the SSTs are those derived from Pliocene paleo observations.
Figure 5 shows the poleward heat transports from this series of Pliocene experiments. The plot
reveals that CO2 levels must be four times current values, and perhaps higher, before ocean heat
transports could be reduced to modern levels. At lower levels of atmospheric CO2 the ocean heat
transports must remain higher than modern in order to maintain anything close to the observed
Pliocene SSTs.
Estimates based on carbon isotope measurements (Raymo and others, 1992; 1996) indicate that
Pliocene atmospheric CO2 levels were, at most, 100 ppm greater than today. Moreover, if we
compare Pliocene and modern ocean heat transport distributions (Figure 5) we find that a poleward
shift in the peak ocean heat convergence would have been necessary to balance the Pliocene SSTs
regardless of the CO2 level. Thus, neither simulation results or data support the conclusion that
Pliocene warming was caused entirely by a large increase in atmospheric CO2 content. We cannot
rule out, however, that some combination of the altered CO2 and altered ocean heat transport caused
the warmer climate of the middle Pliocene.
Final Comments
Simulating past warm climates and identifying model/data contrasts for periods such as the Pliocene
provide a test of the sensitivity of our primary tool for study future climate change: global climate
models. At present, our results do not support the suggestion that Pliocene warming was caused by
carbon dioxide increase since such changes are not consistent with the SST distributions derived
from deep sea cores. There is evidence that changes in ocean circulation and the amount of heat
oceans transport may be one potential cause of the warming.
Still, investigators have found evidence that minor increases in CO2 (up to 380 ppm) did occur in
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Fig. 5: Poleward ocean heat transport in the Northern