*** *** *** ***
+33 677 564 317
Born on 21/12/1990
22 years old
Driving license
French nationality
Trainee developer, Quantic Dream
Paris, France — February 2013 until today
Accomplishment : Debug menus on PS3
Trainee developer, Kylotonn
Paris, France — 2011 (10 weeks)
Accomplishment : Theora video player built into the PlayAll game engine
Trainee developer, Quantic Dream
Paris, France — 2010 (10 weeks)
Accomplishment : Memory analyzer for PS3
UFR-ST, Besaon, France
Master 2 Informatique2011 - 2013
5 years university study in Computer Sciences
Options :
3D modeling/rendering
Distributed network systems
High performance computing
UFR-ST, Besaon, France
Licence Generale 3 Informatique — 2010-2011
Equivalent to Bachlor’s degree in Computer Sciences
IUT-BM, Belfort, France
DUT Informatique — 2008-2010
2 years technical degree in Computer Sciences
Lye Ledoux, Besaon, France
Baccalauréat Scientifique — 2005-2008
Equivalent to an A level specialized in Sciences
Option : Mathematics
Languages : C, C++, C#, JAVA, Python, Prolog, HTML, PHP, SQL
Frameworks : Qt, WPF, Swing, XNA, HGE, notions of DirectX and
IDE : Visual Studio, Eclipse
Revision control : SVN, Perforce
Database : MySQL, Oracle
Mastering Windows and GNU/Linux
Digital news/culture, video games, cinema, electronic music
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