Geronimo est un serveur d'application open-source développé par la Apache
Software Foundation et distribué sous licence Apache.
Geronimo embarque un serveur Tomcat et est compatible avec les
spécifications Java EE 5 et 6, comme par exemple les servlets, les portlets,
les JSP, JDBC, RMI, e-mail, JMS ou encore web services.
La liste des composants qu’embarque Geronimo :
Component Description
HTTP server and Servlet container supporting Java Servlet 2.5
and JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.1.
Jetty HTTP server and Servlet container supporting Java Servlet 2.5
and JavaServer Pages 2.1—an alternative to the Tomcat server.
Open source Java Message Service (JMS) 1.1 applications
provider and supporter of message-driven beans (MDBs).
Open source Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Container System and
EJB Server that supports Enterprise JavaBeans at the 3.0 level,
including Container Managed Persistence 2 (CMP2) and EJB Query
Language (EJBQL).
OpenJPA Open source Java Persistence API (JPA) 1.0 implementation.
Open source Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and component suite
based on the Java Business Integration (JBI) standard on JSR 208.
Apache Axis
and Apache
Axis is a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) implementation,
while Scout is a JSR 93 (JAXR) implementation. These provide
support for Web Services and Web Services Interoperability
Organization (WS-I) Basic Profile support.
Apache CXF
Web Services frameworks with variety of protocols such as SOAP,
XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of
transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.
Apache Derby Full-fledged relational database management system (RDBMS)
with native Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) support.
Apache WADI
Clustering, load balancing and failover solution for the web
application container tier. (The project is currently in incubation
under the Apache Incubator.)
Java Management Extensions that supplies tools for managing
and monitoring applications, system objects, devices and service
oriented networks.
Dans le dossier où est Geronimo, deux sous dossiers peuvent nous intéresser:
–bin : contient les différents binaires permettant de lancer/gérer le serveur
–var : contient les différents fichiers de configuration, autant pour
Geronimo que pour Tomcat