conference series "L’esprit des autres / Other’s Mind", University of Lausanne, in
collaboration with the "Déterminismes et Libertés" group
Conference "Emotion, Rationality, and Value", University of Manchester
Workshop "Emotion, Ethics, and Adaptation", University of Manchester
Workshop "Emotion and Rhetoric: Politics and the Self", University of Manchester
conference series "Va et coopère!", University of Lausanne, in collaboration with
the "Déterminismes et Libertés" group
Conference "Emotions and Rationality in Moral Philosophy", Universities of
Neuchatel and Bern + Editorial board for proceedings of the conference
conference series "L’éthique, l’inné et l’acquis", University of Lausanne, in
collaboration with the "Déterminismes et Libertés" group
Peer-reviewed articles
Clavien, C., Mersch D., Chapuisat M., "No evidence for moral reward and punishment
in an anonymous context", PLoS ONE, 11/3.
C. Clavien, Michel Chapuiat, "The evolution of utility functions and psychological
altruism", Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science C, 56, pp. 24-31.
C. Clavien, M. Chapuisat, "Altruism across disciplines: one word, multiple meanings",
Biology and Philosophy, 28, pp. 125–40.
C. Clavien, "Philosophie expérimentale : illustration par l’exemple de la punition
morale", Klesis, 27, pp.191-210.
C. Clavien, Colby J. Tanner, Fabrice Clément, Michel Chapuisat, "Choosy Moral
Punishers", PLoS ONE, 7/6.
C. Clavien, Michel Chapuisat, "Altruism - a philosophical analysis", eLS, John Wiley &
Sons Ltd, Chichester. URL :
C. Clavien "Nouvelle sociologie et morale naturalisée", SociologieS. January 2012.
C. Clavien, "Altruistic Emotional Motivation: An argument in Favour of Psychological
Altruism", in Katie Plaisance & Thomas Reydon (eds.), Philosophy of Behavioral
Biology, Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science, vol. 282, Springer Press.
C. Clavien, "An Affective Approach to Moral Motivation", Journal of Cognitive
Science, 11/2, pp. 129-160.
C. Clavien, Rebekka Klein, "Eager for Fairness or Revenge: Psychological Altruism in
Economics", Economics and Philosophy, 26, pp. 267-290.
C. Clavien, "Comment comprendre les émotions morales", Dialogue, 48/3, pp. 601- 618.
C. Clavien, "Gibbard's Expressivism: an Interdisciplinary Critical Analysis",
Philosophical Psychology, 22/4, pp. 465-484.
C. Clavien, Chloe FitzGerald, "Le réalisme métaéthique face à la science : un rapport
conflictuel", Klesis, 9, pp. 157-179.
C. Clavien, Julien Deonna, Ivo Wallimann, "Introduction : Affective Intentionality and
Practical Rationality", Dialectica, 61/3, pp. 311-322.
C. Clavien, Julien Deonna, Ivo Wallimann, "Introduction" of a Special Issue on
Emotions, European Journal of Analytical Philosophy, 2/2, pp. 5-9.
C. Clavien, "L’éthique évolutionniste", Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, 138, pp.