We deal with a solution uhaving a finite Dirichlet integral and assume, for
simplicity, that f=0inacertain δ-neighborhood Gδ={x∈G:|x|<δ}of
the origin. We suppose that there exists a constant symmetric matrix Awith
positive definite real part such that the function
is sufficiently small for r<δ.Wealso need the function
(3) Q(x)=(A(x)−A)ν, ν−nA−1(A(x)−A)ν, xν, xA−1x,x−1
|Sn−1|(det A)1/2A−1x,xn/2,
where z,ζ=z1ζ1+...+znζnand νis the interior unit normal at O.(For
the notation (det A)1/2and A−1x,xn/2see [H], Section 6.2.)
The following asymptotic formula is a very special corollary of our main
Theorem 1 which is formulated in Section 4
u(x)=exp −Gδ\G|x|
Q(y)dy +Oδ
(ρ) dρ
ρ2−ε +O(|x|2−ε),
where C=const and εis a small positive number.
It a simple matter to derive from (4) sharp two-sided estimate for the H¨older
exponent of uat the origin. Another direct application of (4) is the following
criterion. Under the condition
(5) δ
all solutions uare Lipschitz at the origin if and only if
lim inf
Qdx >−∞ .
Needless to say, this new one-sided restriction (6) is weaker that the classical
Dini condition at the origin. The complementary assumption (5) appeared pre-
viously in several papers dealing with other problems of the boundary behavior
of solutions to equation (1) (see [FJK], [Dahl], [Ken] et al).
Let us turn now to another particular case of our main result which is
of independent interest and illustrates how lower order terms in the equation
influence the boundary behavior of solutions. Consider a solution uof the
magnetic Schr¨odinger equation
(igrad +
M(x))2u−P(x)u=0on B+