"Espace et changement climatique", Paris, 4.7.2008
Wolfgang Cramer
Erdsystemanalyse, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK),
Institut für Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam,
Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Géosciences de l’Environnement
(CEREGE), Aix-en-Provence
defi pour l'observation de la terre
et pour la modelisation du systeme
"Espace et changement climatique", Paris, 4.7.2008
defi pour l'observation de la terre
et pour la modelisation du systeme
„Avoiding dangerous climate climate change“
– science-based policy support from
observations and modelling
From land cover change to land use change
Earth system implications of land use change
"Espace et changement climatique", Paris, 4.7.2008
"Espace et changement climatique", Paris, 4.7.2008
Policy support for safeguarding the global
environment presently concerns Earth
System Interactions more than ever:
Impacts of climate change on human life-
support systems on land and in the ocean
Feedbacks from changing land (and ocean)
use to the atmosphere and climate
Interactions between land and ocean
climate change“ – science-based
policy support from observations
and modelling
"Espace et changement climatique", Paris, 4.7.2008
Policy support must be
based on international conventions
science-based & peer-reviewed
use the best available information
This demands an assessment process (e.g.,
IPCC, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment)
which takes into account findings from Earth
Observation, process modelling and other
climate change“ – science-based
policy support from observations
and modelling
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