Press contacts:
Vronique del Marmol MD,PhD
Euromelanoma Europe Chair
Hpital Erasme – Universit Libre de Bruxelles Head Department Dermatology
Myrto Trakatelli
Associate Professor
2nd Dept of Dermatology and Venereology Papageorgiou Hospital
Aristotle University School of Medicine Thessaloniki, Greece
John Paoli , MD, PhD
Skin Cancer and Surgery Sahlgrenska University Hospital 413 45 Gothenburg,
Tel: +46 (0) 730 40 40 44
Dr PD MER Jean-Luc Bulliard
Unit d'pidmiologie du cancer
Institut universitaire de mdecine sociale et prventive
1066 Epalinges, Switzerland
Paul Afflek
GenoMEL Project Manager University of Leeds
J. A. Newton-Bishop
Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine
University of Leeds
Ketty Peris
Department of Dermatology
Catholic University of the Scared Heart, Institute of Dermatology
Dr. Eduardo Nagore
Associate professor
Department of Dermatology Instituto Valenciano de Oncologa Universidad Catlica
de Valencia c/ Profesor Beltrn Bguena, 8 46009 Valencia- Spain
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