Publications in 2013
Tumor promotion by
intratumoral plasmacytoid
dendritic cells is reversed
by TLR7 ligand treatment
Le Mercier I, Poujol D,
Sanlaville A, Sisirak V,
Gobert M, Durand I, Dubois
B, Treilleux I, Marvel J, Vlach
J, Blay JY, Bendriss-Vermare
N, Caux C, Puisieux I,
Goutagny N.
Breast cancer-derived TGF-
b and TNF-a compromise
IFN-a production by tumor-
associated plasmacytoid
dendritic cells
Sisirak V, Vey N, Goutagny
N, Renaudineau S, Malfroy
M, Thys S, Treilleux I, Labidi-
Galy SI, Bachelot T,
Dezutter-Dambuyant C,
Ménétrier-Caux C, Blay JY,
Caux C, and Bendriss-
Vermare N.
ICOS is associated with
poor prognosis through
CD4 T cell amplification
by plasmacytoid DC in
breast tumours
Faget J, Sisirak V, Blay JY,
Caux C, Bendriss-Vermare
N, and Ménétrier-Caux C.
Plasmacytoid dendritic
cells deficient in IFNα
production promote the
amplification of FOXP3+
regulatory T cells and
are associated with poor
prognosis in breast
cancer patients
Sisirak V, Faget J, Vey N,
Blay JY, Ménétrier-Caux C,
Caux C and Bendriss-
Vermare N.
Culture of isolated floor
plate tissue and
production of
conditioned medium to
assess functional
properties of Floor plate-
released signals
Charoy C, Arbeille E, Thoinet
K, Castellani V.
Use of pHluorin to assess
the dynamics of axon
guidance receptors in
cell culture and in the
chick embryo
Delloye-Bourgeois C*,
Jacquier A*, Falk J,
Castellani V.
Ectopic Expression Of
Twist1 In Breast Cancer
Cells Facilitates Bone
Metastasis Formation
Croset M, Goehrig D,
Frackowiak A, Bonnelye E,
Ansieau S, Puisieux A,
Clezardin P.
Journal of Bone and Mineral
Combination of
antiangiogenic therapies
reduces osteolysis and
tumor burden in
experimental breast
cancer bone metastasis
Croset M, Goehrig D, Van
Der Pluijm G, Clezardin P.
International Journal of
Precursor diversity and
complexity of lineage
relationships in the
outer subventricular
zone (OSVZ) of the
Betizeau M, Cortay V, Patti
D, Pfister S, Gautier E,
Bellemin-Menard A,
Afanassieff M, Huissoud C,
Douglas RJ, Kennedy H,
Dehay C.
Neuron - vol 80, pages 442-
The Tudor protein
survival motor neuron
Mirna Sabra, Pascale Texier,
Jhony El Maalouf, and