– Génie Logiciel – – Méthodes de programmation – (fascicule 7

Université de Picardie Jules Verne
L@RIA, Bat Curi, 5 rue du moulin neuf
80000 Amiens
E-Mail: [email protected]
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– Génie Logiciel –
– Méthodes de programmation –
(fascicule 7 : PYTHON)
Licence d’informatique
Christophe Cérin
version 3.7 au 5/9/2003
– http://www.python.org/
– Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl,
Scheme or Java.
Il peut être vu comme un langage de scripts !
– Python has modules, classes, exceptions, very high level
dynamic data types, and dynamic typing. There are interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to
various windowing systems (X11, Motif, Tk, Mac, MFC).
New built-in modules are easily written in C or C++. Python
is also usable as an extension language for applications
that need a programmable interface.
– Nos objectifs : comparer (au moyen d’exemples) avec SML,
en particulier la couche objet.
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Les e´l´
ements de base
[christophe@localhost licenc]$ python
Python 2.3a1 (#4, Jan 19 2003, 12:22:48)
[GCC 3.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> help()
Welcome to Python 2.3!
This is the online help utility.
If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
the tutorial on the Internet at http://www.python.org/doc/tut/.
Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
Python programs and using Python modules. To quit this help utility and
return to the interpreter, just type "quit".
To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",
"keywords", or "topics". Each module also comes with a one-line summary
of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word
such as "spam", type "modules spam".
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Les e´l´
ements de base
[root@m11 Python-2.2.1]# /usr/local/bin/python
Python 2.2.1 (#1, Aug 20 2002, 09:56:09)
[GCC 2.96 20000731 (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> quit
’Use Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit.’
>>> quit
’Use Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit.’
>>> print ’bonjour’
>>> 12 + 3
>>> x = 12 * 2
>>> x + 1
>>> a = 3
>>> b = 4
>>> b / 2 + a
>>> b / (2+a)
>>> b / (2.0 + a)
>>> 999999999999999999999999999 + 1 # ATTENTION LONG INT en 2.2
>>> a = 4 ; b = 5
>>> a * b
>>> b % a
1>>> a % b
>>> print ’Le %s est %d’ % (’résultat’,1)
Le résultat est 1
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Les e´l´
ements de base : condition
>>> a = b = c = 1
>>> print a, ’bonjour’, c
1 bonjour 1
>>> a = 1; b=1; # ceci est un commentaire
>>> if a == 1:
print ’a vaut 1’
... elif a==2:
print ’autre’ # il faut mettre une indentation
a vaut 1
>>> if 1<2<3: print ’Hello’
>>> if 1 < 2 and ’fifi’ == ’fifi’: print ’Okay’
>>> if not 5 == 5 or (1 < 2 and 3 != 4): print ’Hello’
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Les e´l´
ements de base : condition
>>> x = int(raw_input("Please enter #:"))
Please enter #:4
if x < 0:
x = 0
print(’Negative changed to zero’)
elif x == 0:
elif x == 1:
print(’More’)... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Note : il n’y a pas d’instruction case (comme en C)
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Les e´l´
ements de base : boucle
>>> i = 0
>>> while i < 3:
print ’Hello\n’; i = i + 1
>>> y = 17 ; x = y / 2
while x > 1:
if y % x == 0:
print y, ’ has factor ’, x
x = x - 1
print y, ’ is prime’... ... ... ... ... ...
17 is prime
>>> # noter l’indentation du else: vis à vis du while
>>> for i in range(3): print ’Une fraise !’
Une fraise !
Une fraise !
Une fraise !
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Boucle for
break and continue like C, else after loop exhaustion
(see while)
>>> for n in range(2,10):
for x in range(2,n):
if n % x == 0:
print n, ’equals’, x, ’*’, n/x
# loop fell through without finding a factor
print n, ’is prime’... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2 is prime
3 is prime
4 equals 2 * 2
5 is prime
6 equals 2 * 3
7 is prime
8 equals 2 * 4
9 equals 3 * 3
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Les e´l´
ements de base
Utiliser les types de données prédéfinis
– Les types ”liste de, dictionnaire de, tuple de” sont directement accessibles à l’utilisateur.
– L’utilisateur peut définir ses propres types de données
abstrait via les notions de modules, classes et extensions C.
– Les listes se notent comme en SML et on remarquera
dans les exemples qui suivent que l’instruction for est
un itérateur générique
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Les e´l´
ements de base
>>> L = [’ABC’, ’DEF’, ’GHE’]
>>> for x in L: print x
>>> for x in ’Hello world’: print x
>>> x = ’hello’ ; y = ’world’ ; L = [x, y]
>>> ’hello’ in L
>>> ’helo’ in L
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Les e´l´
ements de base
>>> L = [’C’, ’i’, ’w’, ’u’, ’n’, ’e’]
>>> for x in ’Christophe cerin’:
if x in L:
print x,... ...
C i e e i n
>>> range(5)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> range(1,3)
[1, 2]
>>> r = []
>>> low = 0; high = 5
>>> while low<high:
r.append(low); low = low + 1
>>> r
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> r.append(6)
>>> r
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
>>> r.remove(3)
>>> r
[0, 1, 2, 4, 6]
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Les e´l´
ements de base
Les listes (suites)
3 #
4, 2, 1, 0]
4, 2, 1, 0, 7, 8]
return index of first occurrence of value 1
6, 4, 2, 1, 0, 7, 8]
r.__eq__([9, 6, 4, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6])
r.__ne__([9, 6, 4, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6])
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Les e´l´
ements de base
Les dictionnaires :
>>> d = {’christophe’:’cerin’, ’gil’:’utard’}
>>> d[’christophe’]
>>> for x in range(2):
print d[x]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
KeyError: 0
>>> l = [’cerin’,’utard’]
>>> for x in range(2):
print l[x]
On ne peut pas indexer par des entiers un dictionnaire dont
les clés sont des chaı̂nes !
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Les e´l´
ements de base
Les tuples
>>> t = (’chris’, ’tophe’, ’cerin’)
>>> for x in t: print x,
chris tophe cerin
>>> x = 1, 2, 3
>>> x
(1, 2, 3)
>>> a, b ,c = 1, 2 ,3
>>> a
>>> b
>>> c
>>> x = 1; y = 2
>>> x, y = y, x
>>> x
>>> y
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Les e´l´
ements de base
Les tuples et les listes
>>> L = [1, 2, 3]
>>> T = (1, 2, 3)
>>> L[2]
>>> T[2]
>>> L[2] = ’x’
>>> L
[1, 2, ’x’]
>>> T
(1, 2, 3)
>>> T[2] = ’x’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn’t support item assignment
# il est interdit de faire cette affectation sur les tuples !!!
>>> L = [’c’,’e’,’r’,’i’,’n’]
>>> T = None
>>> for x in L:
T = x, T
>>> T
(’n’, (’i’, (’r’, (’e’, (’c’, None)))))
>>> while T:
x, T = T
print x,
n i r e c
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Les e´l´
ements de base
Dicos et listes :
>>> D = {’a’:1, ’b’:2, ’c’:3, ’d’:4}
>>> D.items()
[(’a’, 1), (’c’, 3), (’b’, 2), (’d’, 4)]
>>> L = []
>>> for (key, value) in D.items(): L.append(value)
>>> L
[1, 3, 2, 4]
>>> D
{’a’: 1, ’c’: 3, ’b’: 2, ’d’: 4}
>>> D.__contains__
<method-wrapper object at 0x81cd004>
>>> D.__len__()
>>> D.__contains__(’c’)
>>> D.clear()
>>> D
>>> help(dict) # pour une vue complète, par exemple :
| iteritems(...)
D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D
| iterkeys(...)
D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D
| itervalues(...)
D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D
Remarquer l’ordre des objets : implémentation par hachage.
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Structures de donn´
Structures de données encore plus élaborées !
1. Les structures de données sont hétérogènes dans le
sens où elles peuvent contenir des objets de n’importe
quel type.
2. Elles supportent aussi un niveau d’imbrication quelconque.
Voici un exemple d’une liste avec des séquences imbriquées : L = [’abc’, (1,2), ([3], 4), 5]. La
structure L est vraiment un arbre d’objets Python. Voyons
les opérations permises sur cet arbre.
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Structures de donn´
Mécanisme d’indexation
>>> L = [’abc’, (1,2), ([3], 4), 5]
>>> L[0]
>>> L[1]
(1, 2)
>>> L[0][1]
>>> L[1][1]
>>> L[2][0]
>>> L[2][0][0]
>>> L[2][0][0][0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsubscriptable object
>>> L
[’abc’, (1, 2), ([3], 4), 5]
>>> L.__len__()
>>> range(L.__len__())
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> for x in range(L.__len__()): L.__getitem__(x)
(1, 2)
([3], 4)
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Structures de donn´
Le mécanisme d’indexation est très général comme le montre les exemples suivants :
>>> table = {
’licence’: { ’prof’:(’cerin’,’christophe’), ’cours’:[’GL’, ’TECHNO’]},
’maitrise’: { ’prof’:(’utard’,’gil’), ’cours’:[’GL’, ’ALGO’]}
}... ... ...
>>> table[’licence’][’prof’]
(’cerin’, ’christophe’)
>>> table[’licence’][’prof’][1]
>>> table[’licence’][’prof’][1][5]
>>> table[’licence’][’cours’][0]
>>> # on peut tester l’égalité
>>> table[’licence’][’cours’][0] == table[’maitrise’][’cours’][0]
>>> table[’licence’][’cours’] == table[’maitrise’][’cours’]
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Structures de donn´
En python, nous avons deux opérateurs d’égalité qui sont
== pour signifier est ce que deux objets (éventuellement
récursifs) sont égaux? et l’opérateur is qui dit si deux entités partagent le même objet.
>>> L = [’hello’, ’world’] ; M = L ; L.append(’!’)
>>> L
[’hello’, ’world’, ’!’]
>>> M
[’hello’, ’world’, ’!’]
>>> x = [1,2]
>>> y = [’a’, x, ’c’]
>>> z = {’a’:x, ’b’:2}
>>> x[0] = 3
>>> y
[’a’, [3, 2], ’c’]
>>> z
{’a’: [3, 2], ’b’: 2}
>>># opérateur is
>>> x is y
>>> L is M
>>> x is y[1]
>>> x == y[1]
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Structures de donn´
Opérateurs sur les listes
>>> [1,2] + [3,4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> ’abc’ + ’def’
>>> (1,2) + (3,4) + (5,6)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
>>> [’a’,’b’] + ’e’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list
>>> ’cerin’ * 3
>>> [’cerin’,’c’] * 3
[’cerin’, ’c’, ’cerin’, ’c’, ’cerin’, ’c’]
>>> {2:’hell’, 1:’o’} * 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: ’dict’ and ’int’
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Structures de donn´
>>> L = [3.14, ’cerin’, [7,8], ’christophe’, {2:’world’, 1:’hello’}]
>>> L[1:]
[’cerin’, [7, 8], ’christophe’, {1: ’hello’, 2: ’world’}]
>>> L[2:4]
[[7, 8], ’christophe’]
>>> L[1:1] + L[5:5]
>>> L[1:] + L[5:]
[’cerin’, [7, 8], ’christophe’, {1: ’hello’, 2: ’world’}]
>>> L[1:2] + L[2:3]
[’cerin’, [7, 8]]
>>> L[:1]
>>> L[0:len(L)]
[3.14, ’cerin’, [7, 8], ’christophe’, {1: ’hello’, 2: ’world’}]
>>> L[-1:]
[{1: ’hello’, 2: ’world’}]
>>> L[1:-1]
[’cerin’, [7, 8], ’christophe’]
>>> S = ’agathe’
>>> S[-1]
>>> S[-3:-1]
>>> S[:-1]
>>> S[:]
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Structures de donn´
On peut aussi faire de l’affectation de la façon suivante à
partir de l’exemple précédent :
>>> L[1:1] = ’agathe’
Traceback (innermost last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: illegal argument type for built-in operation
>>> L[1:1] = [’agathe’]
>>> L
[3.14, ’agathe’, ’cerin’, [7, 8], ’christophe’, {1: ’hello’, 2: ’world’}]
>>> L[2:] = [’and’, ’jeanne’]
>>> L
[3.14, ’agathe’, ’and’, ’jeanne’]
>>> L[1:2] = []
>>> L
[3.14, ’and’, ’jeanne’]
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Structures de donn´
Attention, contrairement aux listes et aux dictionnaires, la
modification des chaı̂nes et des tuples requiert quelques
précautions supplémentaires pour le programmeur. Pour modifier une chaı̂ne ou un tuple, le principe est de créer un nouvel objet en utilisant le ’slicing’ et la concatenation.
>>> S = S[3:]
>>> S
>>> S[1] = ’’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn’t support item assignment
>>> L
[’hello’, ’world’, ’!’]
>>> del L[1]
>>> L
[’hello’, ’!’]
>>> del S[1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn’t support item deletion
>>> S = S[0] + ’n’ + S[2:]
>>> S
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Structures de donn´
Cas des tuples
>>> T = ([1,2,3],3)
>>> T[0] = 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn’t support item assignment
>>> T[0][0] = 4
>>> T
([4, 2, 3], 3)
>>> T = T[0] + 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "int") to list
>>> # qui a causé l’erreur : T[0] ou 5 ?
>>> T = (T[0])
>>> T
[4, 2, 3]
>>> T = (T[0] + 5)
>>> T
>>> # c’est plus un tuple !!!
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Structures de donn´
Cas des tuples
>>> T = ([1,2,3], 3)
>>> T[1:]
>>> T[1]
>>> T[1:1]
>>> T[1:2]
>>> T[1:] + ’abc’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "str") to tuple
>>> T[1:], ’abc’
((3,), ’abc’)
>>> ’abc’, T[1:]
(’abc’, (3,))
>>> T[1], ’abc’
(3, ’abc’)
>>> T
([1, 2, 3], 3)
>>> T = T[1], ’abc’
>>> T
(3, ’abc’)
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En travaillant sous l’évaluateur, les définitions sont vues comme
appartenant à un module particulier appelé main .
>>> def foo(item): print item
>>> foo(’hello world’)
hello world
>>> foo(30)
>>> def count(string, chars):
total = 0
for x in string:
if x in chars:
total = total + 1
return total... ... ... ... ...
>>> count(’hello world’,’hello world’)
>>> count([’H’,’a’,’l’], ’hello world’)
>>> count([1,2,3,4],[2,4])
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Ce genre de fonctionnement généric est propre à Python.
De plus, en python comme en SML d’ailleurs, nous avons à
notre disposition un moyen simple d’écrire des fonctionelles
(des fonctions qui admettent en paramètre des fonctions).
>>> x = foo
>>> x(’hello’)
>>> def indirect(fun, arg): fun(arg)
>>> indirect(foo,’hello’)
>>> sched = [(foo, (’hello’,)), (count, ([1,2,3],[2,4]))]
>>> for (fun, arg) in sched:
apply(fun, arg)
>>> def argumentMAGIC(a, b, (c,d,e)):
a = ’cde’
b[1] = 9
e = c + d
>>> l = ’ABC’
>>> m = [1,2,3]
>>> n = 1.1, 2.2, 0.0
>>> argumentMAGIC(l, m, n)
>>> l, m, n
(’ABC’, [1, 9, 3], (1.1000000000000001, 2.2000000000000002, 0.0))
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Fonctionnelles (suite)
>>> def argumentMAGIC(a,b,(c,d,e)):
a = ’xyz’
(c,d,e) = c,d,c+d
>>> l = ’ABC’
>>> m = [1,2,3]
>>> n = 1.1, 2.2, 0.0
>>> argumentMAGIC(l,m,n)
>>> l,m,n
(’ABC’, [1, 9, 3], (1.1000000000000001, 2.2000000000000002, 0.0))
On remarque qu’ici m a été modifié mais pas le tuple n. Cela
veut dire que c,d,e ont été passé par valeur et pas par
référence (au sens C ou Pascal).
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Default argument values
>>> def ask_ok(prompt, retries=4, complaint=’Yes or no, please!’):
while 1:
ok = raw_input(prompt)
if ok in (’y’, ’ye’, ’yes’): return 1
if ok in (’n’, ’no’): return 0
retries = retries - 1
if retries < 0: raise IOError, ’refusenik error’
print complaint ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
>>> ask_ok(’Really?’)
Yes or no, please!
Yes or no, please!
Yes or no, please!
Yes or no, please!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "<stdin>", line 7, in ask_ok
IOError: refusenik error
>>> ask_ok(’Really?’)
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Functional programming tools
filter(function, sequence):
>>> def f(x): return x%2 != 0 and x%3 != 0
>>> filter(f, range(2,25))
[5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
map(function, sequence): call function for each item, return
list of return values
>>> def f(x): return x%2 != 0 and x%3 != 0
>>> map(f, range(2,25))
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
reduce(function, sequence): return a single value, call BINARY
function on the first two items then on the result and next
item iterate
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
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List comprehensions (2.0)
Comment créer des listes sans usage de map(), filter(),
expression followed by for clause + zero or more for clauses.
>>> vec = [2,4,6]
>>> [3*x for x in vec]
[6, 12, 18]
>>> [{x: x**2} for x in vec]
[{2: 4}, {4: 16}, {6: 36}]
>>> vec1 = [2,4,6]
>>> vec2 = [4,3,-9]
>>> [x*y for x in vec1 for y in vec2]
[8, 6, -18, 16, 12, -36, 24, 18, -54]
>>> [vec1[i]*vec2[i] for i in range(len(vec1))]
[8, 12, -54]
>>> [3*x for x in vec if x > 3]
[12, 18]
>>> [3*x for x in vec if x < 2]
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Les modules adressent le problème de la réutilisation de
code. Ils sont ouverts à l’intérieur d’autres modules et il semble normal que les objets définis dans un module et ouverts à l’intérieur d’un autre module ne soient visibles qu’à
l’intérieur de ce module sauf si des régles de partages explicites ont été mis en oeuvre. On importe un module à l’aide
de la commande import comme suit :
>>> import sys
>>> sys.modules
{’tokenize’: <module ’tokenize’ from ’/usr/local/lib/python2.2/tokenize.pyc’>,
’stat’: <module ’stat’ from ’/usr/local/lib/python2.2/stat.pyc’>,
’__future__’: <module ’__future__’ from
’/usr/local/lib/python2.2/__future__.pyc’>, ’copy_reg’:
>>> import time
>>> time.modules
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: ’module’ object has no attribute ’modules’
>>> time.asctime()
’Tue Aug 20 14:00:50 2002’
>>> time.time()
>>> time.time()
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Introduction à la programmation objet
Lire le chapitre ”Data model” dans le manuel ”Python Reference Manual”, Guido van Rossum, Fred L. Drake, Jr., editor,
Release 2.2.1, April 10, 2002
– Objects are Python’s abstraction for data. All data in a
Python program is represented by objects or by relations
between objects.
– Every object has an identity, a type and a value. See id(),
– Some objects contain references to other objects; these
are called containers. Examples of containers are tuples,
lists and dictionaries.
>>> s = ’abcdef’
>>> id(s)
>>> type(s)
<type ’str’>
>>> import os
>>> id(os)
>>> type(os)
<type ’module’>
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Classes (vocabulaire)
Class objects are created by class definitions (see section 7.6,
‘‘Class definitions’’). A class has a namespace implemented by a
dictionary object. Class attribute references are translated to
lookups in this dictionary, e.g., "C.x" is translated to
"C.__dict__["x"]". When the attribute name is not found there, the
attribute search continues in the base classes. The search is
depth-first, left-to-right in the order of occurrence in the base
class list. When a class attribute reference would yield a
user-defined function object, it is transformed into an unbound
user-defined method object (see above). The im_class attribute of
this method object is the class for which the attribute reference
was initiated.
Class attribute assignments update the class’s dictionary, never
the dictionary of a base class.
A class object can be called (see above) to yield a class instance
(see below).
Special attributes: __name__ is the class name; __module__ is the
module name in which the class was defined; __dict__ is the
dictionary containing the class’s namespace; __bases__ is a tuple
(possibly empty or a singleton) containing the base classes, in
the order of their occurrence in the base class list; __doc__ is
the class’s documentation string, or None if undefined.
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Classes (vocabulaire)
Class instances
A class instance is created by calling a class object (see
above). A class instance has a namespace implemented as a
dictionary which is the first place in which attribute references
are searched. When an attribute is not found there, and the
instance’s class has an attribute by that name, the search
continues with the class attributes. If a class attribute is found
that is a user-defined function object (and in no other case), it
is transformed into an unbound user-defined method object (see
above). The im_class attribute of this method object is the class
of the instance for which the attribute reference was
initiated. If no class attribute is found, and the object’s class
has a __getattr__() method, that is called to satisfy the lookup.
Attribute assignments and deletions update the instance’s
dictionary, never a class’s dictionary. If the class has a
__setattr__() or __delattr__() method, this is called instead of
updating the instance dictionary directly.
Class instances can pretend to be numbers, sequences, or mappings
if they have methods with certain special names. See section 3.3,
‘‘Special method names.’’
Special attributes: __dict__ is the attribute dictionary;
__class__ is the instance’s class.
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Classes (syntaxe)
A class definition defines a class object (see section 3.2):
"class" classname [inheritance] ":" suite
"(" [expression_list] ")"
A class definition is an executable statement. It first evaluates the
inheritance list, if present. Each item in the inheritance list should
evaluate to a class object. The class’s suite is then executed in a
new execution frame (see section 4.1), using a newly created local
namespace and the original global namespace. (Usually, the suite
contains only function definitions.) When the class’s suite finishes
execution, its execution frame is discarded but its local namespace is
saved. A class object is then created using the inheritance list for
the base classes and the saved local namespace for the attribute
dictionary. The class name is bound to this class object in the
original local namespace.
Programmer’s note: variables defined in the class definition are class
variables; they are shared by all instances. To define instance
variables, they must be given a value in the the __init__() method or
in another method. Both class and instance variables are accessible
through the notation ‘‘self.name’’, and an instance variable hides a
class variable with the same name when accessed in this way. Class
variables with immutable values can be used as defaults for instance
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Les classes
– En termes C++ : all class members are public (il n’y a
pas de notion ”private” au sens C++);
– all member functions are virtual;
– no constructors or destructors (not needed).
>>> class MyClass:
"A simple example class"
i = 123
def f(self):
return ’hello world’... ... ... ...
>>> MyClass.i
>>> MyClass.f()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unbound method f() must be called with
MyClass instance as first argument (got nothing instead)
>>> x = MyClass()
>>> x.f()
’hello world’
>>> y = MyClass
>>> y
<class __main__.MyClass at 0x81167b4>
>>> x
<__main__.MyClass instance at 0x811611c>
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Classes & attribus
Reprise de l’exemple précédent : MyClass
>>> type(MyClass)
<type ’classobj’>
>>> id(MyClass)
>>> MyClass.__name__
>>> MyClass.__module__
>>> MyClass.__dict__
{’i’: 123, ’__module__’: ’__main__’,
’__doc__’: ’A simple example class’,
’f’: <function f at 0x401c87d4>}
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Les classes
Soit le fichier bag.py suivant :
class Bag:
def __init__(self):
self.data = []
def add(self, x):
def addtwice(self,x):
l = Bag()
On le charge et on l’exécute sous l’évaluateur :
[christophe@m11 licenc]$ python
Python 2.2.1 (#1, Aug 20 2002, 09:56:09)
[GCC 2.96 20000731 (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from bag import *
[’first’, ’second’, ’third’, ’third’]
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Les classes
– Il y a eu des nouveautés avec la version 2.2 par rapport
aux versions ultérieures du langage : generator & iterator
et le modèle de classes et d’objets !!!
– Il était impossible de créer des sous classes à partir de
built-in types : on ne pouvait pas ajouter une fonction à
la classe prédéfinie des listes.
– You can subclass built-in types such as lists and even
integers, and your subclasses should work in every
place that requires the original type.
– It’s now possible to define static and class methods,
in addition to the instance methods available in previous versions of Python.
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Les classes
Un exemple tiré d’une version 2.2 : la notion de classe
dans Python support l’héritage d’attributs et d’instantiation
# Rational numbers
from types import *
def rat(num, den):
if type(num) == FloatType or type(den) == FloatType:
return num/den
return Rat(num, den)
def gcd(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a%b
return a
class Rat:
def __init__(self, num, den):
if den == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError, ’rat(x, 0)’
if type(den) == FloatType or type(num) == FloatType:
g = float(den)
g = gcd(num, den)
self.num = num/g
self.den = den/g
def __repr__(self):
return ’Rat(%s, %s)’ % (self.num, self.den)
def __str__(self):
if self.den == 1:
return str(self.num)
return ’%s/%s’ % (self.num, self.den)
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Les classes
def __cmp__(a, b):
c = a-b
if c.num < 0:
return -1
if c.num > 0:
return 1
return 0
def __float__(self):
return float(self.num) / float(self.den)
def __long__(self):
return long(self.num) / long(self.den)
def __int__(self):
return int(self.num / self.den)
def __coerce__(a, b):
t = type(b)
if t == IntType:
return a, Rat(b, 1)
if t == LongType:
return a, Rat(b, 1L)
if t == FloatType:
return a, Rat(b, 1.0)
if t == InstanceType and a.__class__ == b.__class__:
return a, b
raise TypeError, ’Rat.__coerce__: bad other arg’
def __add__(a, b):
return rat(a.num*b.den + b.num*a.den, a.den*b.den)
def __sub__(a, b):
return rat(a.num*b.den - b.num*a.den, a.den*b.den)
def __mul__(a, b):
return rat(a.num*b.num, a.den*b.den)
def __div__(a, b):
return rat(a.num*b.den, a.den*b.num)
def __neg__(self):
return rat(-self.num, self.den)
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Les classes
def test():
print Rat(-1L, 1)
print Rat(1, -1)
a = Rat(1, 10)
print int(a), long(a), float(a)
b = Rat(2, 5)
l = [a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b]
print l
print l
print Rat(0, 1)
print a+1
print a+1L
print a+1.0
print Rat(1, 0)
raise SystemError, ’should have been ZeroDivisionError’
except ZeroDivisionError:
print ’OK’
>>> test()
0 0 0.1
[Rat(1, 2), Rat(-3, 10), Rat(1, 25), Rat(1, 4)]
[Rat(-3, 10), Rat(1, 25), Rat(1, 4), Rat(1, 2)]
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Static methods and class methods
The new descriptor API makes it possible to add static methods and class methods. Static methods are easy to describe:
they behave pretty much like static methods in C++ or Java.
Here’s an example:
class C:
def foo(x, y):
print "staticmethod", x, y
foo = staticmethod(foo)
C.foo(1, 2)
c = C()
c.foo(1, 2)
Both the call C.foo(1, 2) and the call c.foo(1, 2) call foo()
with two arguments, and print ”staticmethod 1 2”. No ”self” is
declared in the definition of foo(), and no instance is required
in the call.
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Les classes en Python 2.2
Maintenant on veut compléter la définition de foo. On crée
une nouvelle classe paramétrée par la classe C et qui a un
attribut foo.
>>> class C:
def foo(x, y):
print "staticmethod (foo)", x, y
foo = staticmethod(foo)
C.foo(1, 2)
c = C()
c.foo(1, 2)
class D(C):
def foofoo(x, y):
print "staticmethod (foofoo)", x, y
foofoo = staticmethod(foofoo)
D.foofoo(1, 2)... ... ... ... >>> staticmethod (foo) 1 2
>>> >>> staticmethod (foo) 1 2
>>> >>> ... ... ... ... ... >>>
staticmethod (foofoo) 1 2
staticmethod (foo) 1 2
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Les classes en Python 2.2
Class method
class C:
def foo(cls, y):
print "classmethod", cls, y
foo = classmethod(foo)
c = C()
#But notice this:
class E(C):
def foo(cls, y): # override C.foo
print "E.foo() called (cls=", cls,")"
foo = classmethod(foo)
>>> E.foo(1)
E.foo() called (cls= __main__.E )
classmethod __main__.C 1
>>> e = E()
>>> e.foo(1)
E.foo() called (cls= __main__.E )
classmethod __main__.C 1
ICI, il faut noter le passage en paramètre de la classe (E, C).
La notation avec un point permet de clarifier les situations !!!
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Le cas Static/Class
class C:
def foo(x, y):
print "staticmethod", x, y
foo = staticmethod(foo)
C.foo(1, 2)
c = C()
c.foo(1, 2)
class D(C):
def foofoo(x, y):
print "staticmethod (foofoo)", x, y
foofoo = staticmethod(foofoo)
D.foofoo(1, 2)
class E(C):
def foo(cls, y): # override C.foo
print "E.foo() called (cls=", cls,")"
foo = classmethod(foo)
e = E()
[christophe@localhost licenc]$ python titi.py
staticmethod 1 2
staticmethod 1 2
staticmethod (foofoo) 1 2
staticmethod 1 2
E.foo() called (cls= __main__.E )
staticmethod 4 16
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Le cas Class/Static
class C:
# Attention : 3 args because classmethod
def foo(self, x, y):
print "classmethod", x, y
foo = classmethod(foo)
C.foo(1, 2)
c = C()
c.foo(1, 2)
class D(C):
def foofoo(x, y):
print "staticmethod (foofoo)", x, y
foofoo = staticmethod(foofoo)
D.foofoo(1, 2)
class E(C):
def foo(y): # override C.foo
# print "E.foo() called (cls=", cls,")"
print "E.foo() "
foo = staticmethod(foo)
e = E()
[christophe@localhost licenc]$ python titi.py
classmethod 1 2
classmethod 1 2
staticmethod (foofoo) 1 2
classmethod 1 2
classmethod 3 6
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Exemple d’impl´
class font:
def __init__(self,tip):
if [’ROMAN’,’BOLD’,’ITALIC’,’SANS_SERIF’].__contains__(tip):
print ’erreur de type (class font)’
class type_font:
class new_font(type_font):
def __init__(self,tip):
if (type_font.letype).__contains__(tip):
print ’erreur de type (class font)’
print f.__dict__
[christophe@localhost python-gl]$ python titi.py
erreur de type (class font)
{’type’: ’BOLD’}
"$# &()+(,--
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e sur l’h´
eritage (Inheritance)
class DerivedClassName(BaseClassName)
May override methods in the base class
Call directly via BaseClassName.method
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eritage multiple
class DerivedClass(Base1,Base2,Base3):
Recherche : depth-first, left-to-right
PROBLEM: class derived from two classes with a common
base class
class A:
ˆ ˆ def save(self): ...
class B
class C:
ˆ def save(self): ...
\ /
class D
Dans la classe D, on fait un appel à save. Quel est l’algorithme de recherche du code à exécuter et quelle save est
exécutée (celui de A ou celui de C)?
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Comment représenter en Python un type abstrait SML?
datatype ellipse = ER | ED | CR | CD;
class ellipse:
"simulation datatype sml ellipse"
def __init__(self,a):
if a in (’ER’,’ED’,’CR’,’CD’):
self.val = a
print "mauvaise saisie objet ellipse"
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Comment représenter en Python un type abstrait SML?
datatype color = Color of int;
class Color:
"datatype paramétré"
def __init__(self,nom,x):
if(nom==’COLOR’) and (type(x) == int):
print "valeur incorrecte"
print c.val, c.data
"$# &()+(,--
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Comment représenter en Python un type abstrait SML?
class arcSubType:
def __init__(self):
def set(self, s):
styles=["PI", "OP"]
try: styles.index(s)
except: raise "Style not defined"
Exercice : coder en Python et avec une classe
datatype ’a tree = empty | Leaf of ’a
| Node of ’a tree * ’a tree * ’a tree;
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