Parviz Ghadirian Unité de recherche en épidémiologie Centre de

Parviz Ghadirian
Unité de recherche en épidémiologie
Centre de Recherche du CHUM
Pavillon Masson de l'Hôtel-Dieu
3850, rue St-Urbain
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2W 1T8
1. Mahboubi, E., Kmet, J., Cook, P.J., Day, N.E., Ghadirian, P. and Salmasizadeh,
S.: Oesophageal cancer studies in the Caspian Littoral of Iran. The Caspian
Littoral Registry. Br. J. Cancer, 28: 197-214, 1973.
2. Mirvish, S.S., Patil, K., Ghadirian, P. and Kommineni, V.R.C.: Disappearance of
nitrate from the rat stomach. Contribution of emptying and other factors. Journal
of the National Cancer Institute, 54, No. 4: 869-875, 1975.
3. Mahboubi, E., Day, N.E., Ghadirian, P. and Salmasizadeh, S.: Negligible role of
alcohol and tobacco in the aetiology of oesophageal cancer in Iran. A case-control
study. Cancer Detection and Prevention, 2: 1149-1159, 1977.
4. Ghadirian, P. and Thouez, J.P.: Alcohol, tobacco and oesophageal cancer: An
international comparison. Springer-Verlag, 32-46, 1986.
5. Ghadirian, P.: Food habits and oesophageal cancer in the Caspian Littoral of
Iran. Nutrition and Cancer, 9: 147-157, 1987.
6. Ghadirian, P., Simard, A. and Baillargeon, J.: Cancer of the pancreas in two
brothers and one sister. International Journal of Pancreatology, 2: 383-391,
7. Ghadirian, P., Vobecky, J. and Vobecky, J.S.: Factors associated with cancer of
the oesophagus: An overview. Cancer Detection and Prevention, 11: 225-234,
8. Thouez, J.P. and Ghadirian, P.: Cancer mortality risk among the major
immigrant and ethnic groups in Canada: 1969-1973. Geographia Medica, 18: 27-
46, 1988.
9. Ekoé, J.M., Thouez, J.P., Petitclerc, C., Foggin, P.M. and Ghadirian, P.:
Epidemiology of obesity in relationship to some chronic medical conditions among
Inuit and Cree Indian population in New Quebec, Canada. Diabetes Research and
Clinical Practice, 10 (suppl.): S17-S27, 1990.
10. Thouez J.P., Ekoé, J.M. Foggin, P.M., Verdy, M., Nadeau, M., Laroche, P.,
Rannou, A. and Ghadirian, P.: Obesity, hypertension, hyperuricemia and diabete
mellitus among the Cree and Inuit of Northern Quebec. Artic Medical Research,
49: 180-188, 1990.
11. Thouez, J.P., Ghadirian, P., Petitclerc, C. and Hamelin, P.: International
comparisons of nutrition and mortality from cancers of the oesophagus, stomach
and pancreas. Geographia Medica 20: 39-50, 1990.
12. Ghadirian, P., Boyle P., Simard, A., Baillargeon, J., Maisonneuve, P. and Perret,
C.: Reported family aggregation of pancreatic cancer: within a population based
case-control study in the Francophone community in Montreal, Canada.
International Journal of Pancreatology 10: 183-196, 1991.
13. Ghadirian, P. and Thouez, J.P.: The possible role of opium in the etiology of
aesophageal cancer: A geographical interpretation. Geographia Medica 21: 49-
61, 1991.
14. Vobecky, J., Simard, A., Vobecky, J.S., Ghadirian, P., Lamothe-Guay, M. and
Falardeau, M.: Nutritional profile of women with fibrocystic breast disease. Int. J.
Epidemiology. 22(6): 989-999, 1993.
15. Shatenstein, B., Ghadirian, P. and Lambert, J.: Nutritional intakes and some
health-relevent behaviours in ultra-orthodox (Hassidic) Jewish sects in Montreal.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 44: 105-121, 1993.
16. Parent, M.-É, Ghadirian, P. and Lacroix, A.: Familial Clustering of Obesity and
Breast Cancer. Genetic Epidemiology, 13(1): 61-78, 1996.
17. Lynch, H.T., Smyrk, T., Kern, S.E., Hruban, R.H., Lightdale, C.J., Lemon, S.J.,
Lynch, J.F., Fusaro, L.R., Fusaro, R.M., and Ghadirian, P.: Familial pancreatic
cancer: A review. Seminars in Oncology, 23(2): 251-275, 1996.
18. Shatenstein, B. and Ghadirian, P.: Nutrient patterns and nutritional adequacy
among French-Canadians children in Montreal. Journal of the American College of
Nutrition. 15(3): 264-272, 1996.
19. Shatenstein, B. and Ghadirian, P.: Validity of a self-administered and an
interviewer-administered food frequency questionnaire in comparison to 7-day
estimated food records. Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1(2): 89-98,
20. Ghadirian P, Jeanneret A, Perret C, Latreille J, Ayoub J, Sanderson D:
Carcinoma of the lung in three brothers and two sisters. Lung Cancer. 18(3):259-
21. Tonin, PN., Mes-Masson, AM., Futreal, A., Morgan, K., Mahon, M., Foulkes, WD.,
Cole, DEC., Provencher, D., Ghadirian, P., NAROD, SA.: Founder BRCA1 and
BRCA2 Mutations in French Canadian Breast and Ovarian Cancer Families. The
American Journal of Human Genetics, Vol. 63(5):1341-1351, 1998.
22. Ghadirian P, Lacroix A, Perret C, Maisonneuve P, Boyle P: Sociodemographic
characteristics, smoking, medical and family history, and breast cancer. Cancer
Detection & Prevention. 22(6):485-494, 1998.
23. Chappuis, P.O., Ghadirian, P., Foulkes, W.D.: The role of genetic factors in the
etiology of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: An update. Cancer Investigation.
19(1):65-75, 2001.
24. Laaziri, K., Sutton, M., Ghadirian, P., Scott, A.S., Paradis, A.-J., Tonin, P.N, and
Foulkes, W.D.: Is there a correlation between the structure of hair and breast
cancer or BRCA1/2 mutations? Phys.Med.Biol. 47:1623-1632, 2002.
25. Ghadirian, P., Fathie, K., Paredes, Y., Emard, J.F.: Secondary analysis of
occupational mortality among medical professionals in Canada. J Neurol Orthop
Med Surg, 22:1-10, 2002.
26. Gangbè, M.C., Thouez, J.P., Fathie, K.and Ghadirian, P.: Pesticide exposure and
childhood risk of cancer of brain and other nervous system in rural settings in
Quebec, Canada. Journal of Neurological & Orthopedic Medicine and Surgery
22:54-65, 2002.
27. Nkondjock, A., Shatenstein, B., Maisonneuve, P., Ghadirian, P.: Specific fatty
acids and human colorectal cancer: An overview. Cancer Detection & Prevention
27(1):55-66, 2003.
28. Nkondjock, A., Shatenstein, B., Maisonneuve, P., and Ghadirian, P.: Assesment
of risk associated with specific fatty acids and colorectal cancer among French-
Canadians in Montreal: a case-control study. International Journal of
Epidemiology. 32:200-209, 2003.
29. Nkondjock, A., Ghadirian, P.: Intake of specific carotenoids and essential fatty
acids and breast cancer risk in Montreal, Canada. The American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition 79:857-64, 2004.
30. Nkondjock, A., Krewski, D., Johnson, K.C., Ghadirian, P. and the Canadian
CancerRegistries Epidemiology Research Group: Dietary patterns and risk of
pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 114:817-823, 2005.
31. Nkondjock, A., Ghadirian, P., Johnson, K.C., Krewski, D., and the Canadian
Cancer Registries Epidemiology Research Group: Dietary intake of lycopene is
associated with reduced pancreatic cancer risk. Journal of Nutrition. 135:592-
597, 2005.
32. Zaroukian, S., Pineault, R., Gandini, S., Lacroix, A. Ghadirian, P.: Correlation
between nutritional biomarkers and breast cancer: a case-control study. The Breast.
14(3): 209-223, 2005.
Member of the SEARCH Study Group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC), Lyon, France.
Editorial Advisory Board of the Nutrition Quarterly, INFO - Nutrition, Dairy Nutrition
Information Centre, Montréal, Canada.
Consultant, monthly journal of "Vie Nouvelle" for cancer patients; Hôtel-Dieu de
Medical Advisory Board of the Cancer Research Society Inc.
External peer reviewer: Canadian Medical Association.
Président du Comité de Consultants en méthodologie de Recherche clinique de l'Hôtel-
Dieu de Montréal.
Comité d'oncologie de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal.
External peer reviewer: International Journal of Cancer.
Editorial Board Member of Journal of ESPOIR.
Comité pour les séminaires des étudiants, stagiaires et fellows du Centre de Recherche.
Président du Comité de publication du Centre de Recherche de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal.
Editorial Board Member of the European Journal of cancer.
Membre du Comité de sélection des professeurs, Département de nutrition, Université de
Editorial Board Member of Journal-e-Pezeshki (Iranian Medical Journal), and director of
this Journal in Canada.
External Peer reviewer: International Journal of Epidemiology
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Iranian Medical Journal.
In charge of the International affair of the Iranian Medical Journal.
External research grant reviewer of Medical Research Council of Canada (MRC).
Steering Comittee on Environmental Smoke and Lung Cancer: Health and Welfare
Canada, Dept. Environmental Health.
External peer reviewer: European Journal of Cancer.
External peer reviewer: Cancer.
Membre du Comité d'admission (1er cycle), Département de Nutrition, Univ. de
External peer reviewer: Canadian Journal of Public Health.
Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Collaborative Group for Cancer
Genetics (CCGCG).
Quebec representative to the Canadian Collaborative Group for Cancer Genetics
Membre du Comité aviseur, au Conseil d'évaluation des technologies de la santé du
Responsible of regular weekly Television (T.V. 14) show (Iranian) on nutrition and family
External peer reviewer: Cancer Causes & Control.
Membre conseil de l'Assemblée des chercheurs du Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital Ste-
Membre du Comité d'évaluation scientifique, Centre de recherche du CHUM, Hôtel-Dieu.
Editor responsible of the medical news section of weekly Iranian newspaper Iran Star in
Expert Advisory Panel-Standards of Evidence for Health claims for Foods, Health Canada,
Health Protection Branch./Groupe consultatif expert - Normes de preuve pour les
allégations relatives aux effets des aliments sur la santé. Santé Canada.
External peer reviewer: Nutrition and Cancer.
Comité de pairs du FRSQ: Évaluation du comité des demandes du programme conjoint
FRSQ-Santé Québec pour l'analyse et la validation de données d'enquêtes.
External peer reviewer: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI).
Membre-chercheur du Comité scientifique aviseur de l'Institut du cancer de Montréal
Membre du Comité exécutif, Canadian Cancer Etiology Research Network (CCERN).
Chair, VRC Diet & Lifestyle, Canadian Cancer Etiology Research Network (CCERN).
Membre du comité d'implantation de la clinique des cancers familiaux. Centre de
recherche du CHUM.
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