bunch of flowers.
- On distingue :
- les noms dénombrables, que l'on peut
compter : (three) books
- les noms indénombrables :water, music.
La préposition se place devant un nom et sert à exprimer une relation de
type temps, lieu, direction, par exemple.
Exemples :
It was on my desk.
They came by car.
We 'll be there before six o'clock.
Note :
Une préposition peut être simple ou composée :
- in, on, after
- due to, because of
- in front of, as far as.
Le pronom remplace le nom.
Exemple :
I rang Jane but she was out.
Catégories :
- Pronom personnel sujet : I , you, he, she ,it, we, they.
- Pronom personnel complément : me, you, him, her, it, us,
- Pronom relatif : who, whom, which, whose, that. I like the suit
which is over there.
- Pronom interrogatif : What happened ?Who are you calling ?
- Pronom possessif : mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.
- Pronom indéfini : Anyone can do it.
- Pronom réfléchi : She was looking at herself in a mirror.
- Pronom réciproque : They rarely talk to each other.