[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOMaxIOBufferSize=8196
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOApplicationName=PoesieTEST
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMin=16
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOSocketMonitorSleepTime=50
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WODirectConnectEnabled=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOIncludeCommentsInResponse=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOWorkerThreadCount=8
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAdaptorURL=http://localhost/cgi-
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOPlatform=UNIX
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOOutputPath=/var/log/woapps/PoesieTEST-1
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WODebuggingEnabled=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOEnvClassPath=
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOListenQueueSize=128
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WODirectConnectEnbled=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOMissingResourceSearchEnabled=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOSessionStoreClassName=WOServerSessionStore
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOContextClassName=WOContext
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOCachingEnabled=false
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main>
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAcceptMalformedCookies=false
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> NSProjectSearchPath=()
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOMonitorEnabled=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAllowRapidTurnaround=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WORootDirectory=/opt/Apple
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WONoPause=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WODev=
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOLocalRootDirectory=/opt/Apple/Local
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOGenerateWSDL=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMax=256
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAllowsConcurrentRequestHandling=false
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAdaptor=WODefaultAdaptor
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOSessionTimeOut=3600
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOMaxSocketIdleTime=180000
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WODefaultUndoStackLimit=10
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAutoOpenClientApplication=false
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAutoOpenInBrowser=false
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOMaxHeaders=200
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOApplicationBaseURL=/WebObjects
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOLifebeatEnabled=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAllowsCacheControlHeader=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOSMTPHost=smtp
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main>
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOStatisticsStoreSessionMax=50
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOAdditionalAdaptors=()
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOLifebeatDestinationPort=1085
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOPort=2108
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOLifebeatInterval=30
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WOSocketCacheSize=100
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main>
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> WODisplayExceptionPages=true
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> com.webobjects.pid = 8831
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> ------------------------
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> Created adaptor of class WODefaultAdaptor on port
2108 and address brun.gadm.ens-cachan.fr/ with WOWorkerThread minimum
of 16 and maximum of 256
[2009-10-16 06:16:19 GMT+1] <main> NSBundle is unable to find
"ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the main bundle. Ignoring optional configuration file.
[2009-10-16 06:16:21 GMT+1] <main> Creating LifebeatThread now with: PoesieTEST
2108 brun.gadm.ens-cachan.fr/ 1085 30000
Error while setting the time zone to "0"
The time zone was set to "CEST"
at com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimeZone.setDefault(NSTimeZone.java:846)
at fr.univlr.cri.webapp.CRIWebApplication.<init>(CRIWebApplication.java:165)
at org.cocktail.poesie.serveur.Application.<init>(Application.java:50)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:274)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:308)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:261)
at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.main(WOApplication.java:323)
at org.cocktail.poesie.serveur.Application.main(Application.java:46)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap.main(WOBootstrap.java:71)
Bienvenue dans PoesieTEST !
Framework CocktailApplication2 Version 2.1.8 du 24/10/2008
[16/10/2009 - 07:16:33] Version du 16/06/2008 - INFORMATION : IDs SAUT :
[16/10/2009 - 07:16:33] Version du 16/06/2008 - INFORMATION : fichier de
configuration : Poesie.config
Version du 16/06/2008
Test de la version des framworks :
Connexion(s) à la base de données :
Modele GB_Courrier :
- Connexion base de données = jdbc:oracle:thin:@jaune2.gadm.ens-
- Instance = gest2005
- User base de données = jefy_poems
Modele poesie :
- Connexion base de données = jdbc:oracle:thin:@jaune2.gadm.ens-
- Instance = gest2005
- User base de données = jefy_poems
Modele UserLogin :
- Connexion base de données = jdbc:oracle:thin:@jaune2.gadm.ens-
- Instance = gest2005
- User base de données = GRHUM
Modele DataCom :
- Connexion base de données = jdbc:oracle:thin:@jaune2.gadm.ens-
- Instance = gest2005
- User base de données = GRHUM
[16/10/2009 - 07:16:34] Version du 16/06/2008 - INFORMATION : Collecte
Desactivee !!!
[16/10/2009 - 07:16:34] Version du 16/06/2008 - INFORMATION : WOOutputPath =
[16/10/2009 - 07:16:34] Version du 16/06/2008 - INFORMATION : WOPort = 2108
[2009-10-16 06:16:34 GMT+1] <main> The URL for webserver connect is:
The URL for direct connect is:
[2009-10-16 06:16:35 GMT+1] <main> null
[2009-10-16 06:16:34 GMT+1] <main> Waiting for requests...
Nouvelle session
[16/10/2009 - 09:33:26] Version du 16/06/2008 - INFO LOGIN OK : login=rsandoz
userInfo = {noCompte = 70282; login = "rsandoz"; email = "roger.sandoz@ens-cachan.fr";
vLan = "P"; userName = "rsandoz"; persId = 110579; prenom = "ROGER"; nom =
"SANDOZ"; noIndividu = 102658; }
[16/10/2009 - 09:33:50] Version du 16/06/2008 -
org.cocktail.poesie.serveur.Application : executeStoredProcedure(controleNomenclatures)
[16/10/2009 - 09:33:50] Version du 16/06/2008 -
org.cocktail.poesie.serveur.Application : returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation()
Creation du moteur
Creation des instructions pour la feuille 01
lastCallJxls = 1
lastCallJxls = 2
lastCallJxls = 3
1422ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
ORA-06512: at "JEFY_POEMS.POEMS_KA_R4", line 508
ORA-06512: at line 1
Creation des instructions pour la feuille 02
lastCallJxls = 4
lastCallJxls = 5
lastCallJxls = 6
lastCallJxls = 7
lastCallJxls = 8
Creation des instructions pour la feuille 03
Creation des instructions pour la feuille 04
Creation des structures pour la feuille 02 / Etape 1
lastCallJxls = 9
SQL executé sur la base :
DROP TABLE R4_0150_02_2009_02
Creation des structures pour la feuille 02 / Etape 2
SQL executé sur la base :
CREATE TABLE R4_0150_02_2009_02 as select id_r4, exercice, mois, conex, sum(case
when idelt=101000 then montant else 0 end) t_101000,sum(case when idelt=101070 then
montant else 0 end) t_101070,sum(case when idelt=102000 then montant else 0 end)
t_102000,sum(case when idelt=104000 then montant else 0 end) t_104000,sum(case when
idelt=200033 then montant else 0 end) t_200033,sum(case when idelt=200076 then montant
else 0 end) t_200076,sum(case when idelt=200108 then montant else 0 end)
t_200108,sum(case when idelt=200172 then montant else 0 end) t_200172,sum(case when
idelt=200221 then montant else 0 end) t_200221,sum(case when idelt=200222 then montant
else 0 end) t_200222,sum(case when idelt=200286 then montant else 0 end)
t_200286,sum(case when idelt=200407 then montant else 0 end) t_200407,sum(case when
idelt=200440 then montant else 0 end) t_200440,sum(case when idelt=200487 then montant
else 0 end) t_200487,sum(case when idelt=200489 then montant else 0 end)
t_200489,sum(case when idelt=200657 then montant else 0 end) t_200657,sum(case when
idelt=200674 then montant else 0 end) t_200674,sum(case when idelt=200676 then montant
else 0 end) t_200676,sum(case when idelt=201143 then montant else 0 end)
t_201143,sum(case when idelt=201225 then montant else 0 end) t_201225,sum(case when
idelt=201359 then montant else 0 end) t_201359,sum(case when idelt=403201 then montant
else 0 end) t_403201,sum(case when idelt=403210 then montant else 0 end)
t_403210,sum(case when idelt=403212 then montant else 0 end) t_403212,sum(case when
idelt=403301 then montant else 0 end) t_403301,sum(case when idelt=403310 then montant
else 0 end) t_403310,sum(case when idelt=403312 then montant else 0 end)
t_403312,sum(case when idelt=403361 then montant else 0 end) t_403361,sum(case when
idelt=403412 then montant else 0 end) t_403412,sum(case when idelt=403461 then montant
else 0 end) t_403461,sum(case when idelt=403501 then montant else 0 end)
t_403501,sum(case when idelt=403510 then montant else 0 end) t_403510,sum(case when
idelt=403512 then montant else 0 end) t_403512,sum(case when idelt=403610 then montant
else 0 end) t_403610,sum(case when idelt=403612 then montant else 0 end)
t_403612,sum(case when idelt=403710 then montant else 0 end) t_403710,sum(case when
idelt=403712 then montant else 0 end) t_403712,sum(case when idelt=403761 then montant
else 0 end) t_403761,sum(case when idelt=403801 then montant else 0 end)
t_403801,sum(case when idelt=403810 then montant else 0 end) t_403810,sum(case when
idelt=403812 then montant else 0 end) t_403812,sum(case when idelt=403861 then montant
else 0 end) t_403861,sum(case when idelt=404001 then montant else 0 end)
t_404001,sum(case when idelt=404010 then montant else 0 end) t_404010,sum(case when
idelt=404012 then montant else 0 end) t_404012,sum(case when idelt=404061 then montant
else 0 end) t_404061,sum(case when idelt=411050 then montant else 0 end)
t_411050,sum(case when idelt=411053 then montant else 0 end) t_411053,sum(case when
idelt=411058 then montant else 0 end) t_411058,sum(case when idelt=501110 then montant
else 0 end) t_501110,sum(case when idelt=501180 then montant else 0 end)
t_501180,sum(case when idelt=502110 then montant else 0 end) t_502110,sum(case when
idelt=554500 then montant else 0 end) t_554500 from jefy_poems.R4_all where mois = 02
and exercice = 2009 and R4_all.temps = 0 and R4_all.programme = 0150 and montant !=0
group by id_r4, exercice, mois, conex
Creation des structures pour la feuille 02 / Etape 3
SQL executé sur la base :
DROP TABLE R4_XLS_0150_02_2009_02
Creation des structures pour la feuille 02 / Etape 4
SQL executé sur la base :
CREATE TABLE R4_XLS_0150_02_2009_02 as select id_r4, exercice, mois, conex
,t_101000,t_101070,t_102000,t_104000,t_101000+t_101070+t_102000+t_104000 TOTAL_1
,t_200221,t_200286,t_200221+t_200286 TOTAL_2
1 / 8 100%
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