Processes Shaping Galilean Satellite Atmospheres from the Surface

Processes Shaping Galilean Satellite Atmospheres from the Surface to the Magnetosphere.
W. H. Smyth1 and M. L. Marconi2, 1Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. (131 Hartwell Avenue, Lexing-
ton, MA 02421,, 2Prisma Basic Research (1625 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY 14303).
Introduction: The atomic and molecular
species in the atmospheres of the Galilean satellites
provide a direct link to surface processes and interior
composition. The structure and abundance of gases in
the atmospheres are established by the flow of gases
(or supply rates) between the satellite surface, the
bound atmosphere, and the extended neutral clouds of
gravitationally escaping gases that form asymmetric
gas tori about Jupiter, where the gas densities in the
vicinity of the satellite orbit are peaked about the
satellite’s location. The distribution and loss of these
gases are also shaped by their interactions with the
planetary magnetosphere, and these gases
consequently supply ions to and alter the properties of
the planetary magnetosphere. In turn, alterations in the
magnetosphere can affect the surfaces and atmospheres
of the Galilean satellites. This overall complex flow of
gases from the satellites has been best studied for Io,
less well studied for Europa, even less well studied for
Ganymede, and virtually unstudied for Callisto.
Io has a bound atmosphere dominated by SO2,
which is supplied by active volcanoes and sublimation
of surface frost. The interaction and the relative source
rates of the day-to-night supersonic flow of the
sublimation atmosphere and the volcanic plume
atmospheres as well as the global nature of Io's
atmosphere during eclipse in Jupiter's shadow are
topics of great interest. The electrodynamic interaction
of the corotating plasma torus with the satellite [1]
drives atmospheric chemistry [2] and gas escape [3, 4,
5] and creates neutral emissions [6, 7] in (1) a "limb
glow" all around the satellite, (2) equatorial aurorae
near the sub-Jupiter and anti-Jupiter points, and (3) a
near portion of the Io plasma wake. The SO2 family
(SO2, SO, O2, O, S) of species as well as minor gas
species (Na, K, S2, NaCl) in the atmosphere have
substantial escape rates that create circumplanetary gas
tori which, through electron impact ionization and
charge exchange reactions together with direct ion
escape from the satellite, supply the primary source of
the heavy-ions (O+, O++, S+, S++, S+++) for the Io
plasma torus and the larger planetary magnetosphere
[8, 9]. A significant fraction (~60%) of neutrals
originally lost from Io are lost from the Jupiter system
as fast neutrals through charge exchange reactions, and
the remaining are transported outward as plasma and
ultimately lost down the magnetotail. Some of these
ions, initially derived from materials on Io's surface
and interior, also contribute to the energetic particles
and thermal plasma that process the surfaces of Europa
and Ganymede and create their atmospheres.
Europa has a bound atmosphere dominated by
O2 at lower altitudes and by H2 at higher altitudes [10],
both noncondensable chemical products arising from
the H2O family (H2O, OH, H2, O2, O, H) of species
supplied from the water ice surface by ion sputtering
and more complex sub-surface processes [11]. Hubble
Space Telescope observations [12, 13] of O (1304 Å,
1356 Å) emissions, produced by magnetospheric
electron impact dissociative excitation of O2, have
confirmed a tenuous but collisional atmosphere.
Ground-based observations of Europa [14, 15] have
also detected the minor atmospheric species Na and K
likely liberated from surface salts supplied by
underlying ocean brines [16]. The escape of these
atmospheric species creates gas tori, whose size and
density for the dissociative products O and H are
determined by exothermic reaction energies and
plasma interactions as well as by dissociation and
dissociative recombination reactions of molecular ions
like H2+ in the magnetosphere. H due to its light mass
will be created with high velocities and therefore will
be distributed at low density throughout the entire
planetary system. The dominant H2 gas torus,
characterized primarily by thermal escape and
consequently much more localized about the satellite
orbit, has a circumplanetary gas population that is even
larger than that for the O and S gas tori for Io [10].
The Europa gas tori thereby establish within the
magnetosphere a second prominent circumplanetary
maximum both in the radial neutral-density profile and
in its corresponding instantaneous ion production-rate
profile. These substantial circumplanetary neutral
distributions can alter the thermal plasma in ways yet
to be determined and are known to alter the population
and pitch angle distribution of inward-moving
energetic particles through charge exchange reactions,
creating copious quantities of energetic neutral atoms
[17] that rapidly escape the Jupiter system.
Ganymede, which has a substantial intrinsic
magnetic field that includes both closed and open field
line regions, is thought to have a more complex two-
part atmospheric structure [18]. H2O is predicted to be
the primary bound atmospheric species in the closed
field line region near the subsolar point, where the
dominant gas source is H2O sublimation. O2 and H2
are predicted to be the primary bound atmospheric
Ices, Oceans, and Fire: Satellites of the Outer Solar System (2007) 6039.pdf
species near the poles in the open field line regions,
where magnetospheric ion sputtering is the dominant
gas source, and are also predicted to be the primary
bound atmospheric species within the nightside
atmosphere. Hubble Space Telescope observations of
O (1304 Å, 1356 Å) emissions [13, 19] have been
interpreted as being produced by magnetospheric
electron impact dissociation of O2 in a collisional but
tenuous atmosphere. H, which is expected to be
produced mainly from electron impact dissociation of
H2, has also been detected with the Hubble Space
Telescope [19] and the Galileo UV spectrometer [20]
in an extended distribution from near the surface to
several Ganymede radii via its scattering of solar
Lyman-α photons. Pickup ions formed in the
atmosphere can accumulate in the closed field line
regions and escape more readily in the open field line
regions, affecting the charge exchange loss of neutrals
from the atmosphere and the detection of near-satellite
ions, as is the case for Europa, through pickup ion
signatures [21] and ion-cyclotron waves [22]. In
addition, substantial gas escape rates are expected from
dissociative products, mainly O and H, with
exothermic reaction energies forming even more
distant gas tori about the planet. The primary escaping
species and also dominant species at higher altitudes is,
however, H2. Like the H2 from Europa, the H2 from
Ganymede escapes thermally and is also expected to
form a torus but one that is more dispersed due to its
larger distance from Jupiter.
In summary, neutrals, ions, and their
emissions along the flow of gases from the satellite
surface, to the bound atmosphere, to the extended
neutral clouds, and to the magnetosphere contain vital
information that, through measurements and modeling,
provides a powerful approach to connect and
illuminate the physical processes that occur along this
chain of events.
References: [1] Saur J. et al. (1999) JGR, 104, 25105-
25126. [2] Smyth W. H. and Wong M. C. (2004)
Icarus, 171, 171-182. [3] Smyth W. H. and Combi M.
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Processes Shaping Galilean Satellite Atmospheres from the Surface

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