Herbig Ae/Be stars are pre-main sequence (PMS) stars of intermediate mass showing
signs of intense stellar activity, variability and winds. The origin of their tremendous acti-
vity is still not understood in the frame of current theoretical evolutionary models for PMS
stars. As of today, growing evidences tend to indicate that the energy needed to produce
this activity might be of internal origin, but no definite answer has been provided. It is a
major concern for testing young stellar evolutionary theory to solve this still open ques-
tion about HAeBe stellar activity, by constraining the internal structure of these objects
using asteroseismic techniques, i.e. the observation, analysis and modeling of stellar pul-
sation frequencies and modes. Such a study implies characterising and constraining the
theoretical PMS instability strip that Herbig stars cross for a significant fraction of their
evolution to the main sequence. This can be done through observation and asteroseismic
analysis of the largest number of pulsating Herbig stars.
The purpose of this thesis work is to constrain the PMS instability strip through the
observation and the analysis of high-resolution spectra of a Herbig Ae stars sample. More
especially, we focused on the prototype Herbig Ae star HD104237, by carrying out a
comprehensive and thorough analysis and modelling of this star.
The determination of the HD104237 fundamental parameters required the develop-
ment of a specific spectral normalisation numerical program, taking into account the bi-
narity and activity of this star, in order to increase the signal to noise ratio by adding the
spectra of a whole night. A rigorous statistical treatment enabled me, by comparing line
equivalent width from the observed spectra to those of a tridimensional grid of synthetic
spectra, to determine the effectivetemperature, the surface gravity and the iron abundance,
namely 8550 ±150K, 3.9±0.3 et −4.38 ±0.19 respectively (confidence level : 68.3%).
The study of the photospheric line profile variations, based on time-series of equi-
valent profiles (LSD profiles), confirmed the presence of multi-periodic oscillations and
enabled to find non-radial pulsations of low-degree ℓfor the first time in this star. The use
of the 2D Fourier Method enabled me to identified the dominant mode as a ℓ=1 or 2