Impersonation is a common cheating tactic whereby you ask or pay
someone to take your gre exam safely. Students successfully use this
method by deploying fake identity matching, such as making a fake
passport. The fake passport contains the real applicants’ details but
the impersonator’s photo12.
4. Teamwork/Collaboration
Students can get help from a collaborator while they take their exams.
For instance, test-takers could have a helper sneak into their
workspace, completely hidden from the webcam’s field of view. The
student could then use help by signaling the collaborator in sign
language such as body movements, pencil dropping, coughing,
fidgeting, etc.12.
5. Remote Desktop Control (RDC) and Screen Sharing
Test-takers can use remote desktop software to allow someone else
to control their computer remotely. This method enables a helper to
see the exam questions and provide answers without being detected
by the proctor12.
6. Using Virtual Machines (VM)
A virtual machine is an environment that functions as a computer.
While proctoring software monitors the main operating system (OS)
of the device, some students enable an undetectable virtual machine
as an extra OS to search for the answers to the test questions3.