Forward Collision Warning (FCW) Systems Explained

Telechargé par badreeddine264
Forward Collision Warning
Forward Collision Warning uses sensors in front of the vehicle to
detect the chances of any collision with front vehicle or other
This systems consider Ego vehicle‘s current speed, the speed of the
vehicle or other object in front of the ego vehicle (mostly in same
lane) and the distance between them.
If it finds the chances of collision, then it alerts the driver by audio /
visual warning on the panel.
Some of the FCW systems can also brake lightly to reduce the ego
vehicle speed, but mostly do not stop the vehicle completely.
For this purpose another system, known as AEB (Automatic
Emergency Braking) is used in vehicles.
Reference: (Picture courtesy: Insurance Institute for Highway Assist & Bosch)
FCW from IIHS (using Radar)
FCW from Bosch (using Radar and camera)
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Forward Collision Warning
FCW systems are also referred to as “Pre-safe Braking”, “Collision Warning with Auto-Brake”, “Pre-Crash
Warning Systems”, “Collision Mitigation Braking System”, “Predictive Forward Collision Warning”, etc.
Some situations on road, where the FCW is specifically useful.
A line of cars ahead is stopped at a green light due to an obstacle in the intersection, and you are driving
too fast towards it.
Cars are travelling too close to one another and not leaving a safe distance between vehicles.
The car ahead unexpectedly slows down to turn without signaling
The vehicle ahead decelerates rapidly for a pedestrian crossing the road, but you do not immediately
notice the braking
FCW systems are useful whenever a driver is at risk of colliding with a vehicle (or, depending on the type of
system, a pedestrian or animal) directly ahead. It helps to avoid rear end collisions.
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Forward Collision Warning
Sensor in FCW
Only Radar Based
Uses generally LRR (Long Range Radar) which is also use for ACC systems to detect the objects in
front of the vehicle and also to measure speed and direction.
Front camera + Radar Based
Uses two sensors to compliment each other and increase perception efficiency in front of the vehicle
to detect and classify object correctly
Other sensor systems like(generally used very less)
Only camera based
Only IR Laser beam based, etc.
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Forward Collision Warning
How FCW alert driver ?
Active Symbols on the dashboard
Beep sound or other tones
Tightening the seat belts
Jerks due to pulsed brake (apply remove apply remove ..)
Adjusting the head rest
Image courtesy: IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Assist)
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Forward Collision Warning Radar Sensors FoV and understanding
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