French Passé Composé Lesson for Grades 10-11

Telechargé par megha.vora
LEÇON : LE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ (aka Perfect Tense)
What is the PASSÉ COMPOSÉ?
A COMPOUND PAST TENSE in French that describes
a COMPLETED past action. It is usually accompanied
by a specified time, date etc.
This lesson focuses on the use of the Passé compose
in the Affirmative: I ate, I have eaten, I did eat.
In another lesson, we will learn how to structure a
sentence in the NEGATIVE using this compound past
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
Identify the Passé Composé (Present Perfect) in French.
Employ it to describe what they did last week.
Lets go! On y va!
As seen in the image above, the PASSÉ COMPOSÉ is formed
using the Present Tense of ONE of the Auxiliary Verbs,
‘AVOIR (to have) or ÊTRE’ (to be) and the PAST
PARTICIPLE of the main verb.
It resembles the PRESENT PERFECT in English which is
formed as follows: Subject + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE
I have spoken > J’ai parlé (in French)
You have left > Tu es parti(e)
It is also equivalent to the English SIMPLE PAST
I spoke > J ai parlé
You left > Tu es parti(e)
As well as the English EMPHATIC PAST
I did speak > J ai parlé
You did leave > Tu es parti(e)
In French, verbs may be placed into THREE categories, ER,
IR and RE. The image above shows how the past participle
is generally formed for EACH.
For ER verbs, the past participle is formed typically by
dropping the R from the Infinitive form (the unconjugated
form) of the verb, then adding an acute accent above the
letter e. So that e é.
For verbs ending in IR, such as FINIR, we remove the final
r to get the past participle of the verb; FINIR FINI.
Finally, for those verbs ending in RE, we remove the RE
ending, then add u, RÉPONDRE RÉPONDU.
Most verbs in French, are conjugated with the auxiliary verb
AVOIR. Those conjugated with ‘ÊTRE, include ALL
PRONOMINAL VERBS (which can be identified by the
PRONOUN SE appearing in front of them, e.g. Se doucher
= to shower ones self, Se souvenir = to remember.
Below is the complete conjugation of the verbs DANSER(to
dance) and PARTIR (to leave, depart), in the PASSÉ
COMPOSÉ. NOTICE, that for Verbs conjugated with the
auxiliary verb ÊTRE’, the PAST PARTICIPLE agrees with the
subject in number (singular plural) - by adding s at the end
to make it plural; as well as gender (masculine feminine)
by adding e to make it feminine. See the image below:
Now let us have a look at REFLEXIVE VERBS in the Pas
Composé. Below is the complete conjugation of the verb Se
reposer (to rest, relax, take a break). Notice that between
the subject pronoun and the auxiliary verb, ‘Être,
(conjugated in the Present Tense), there is a Reflexive
Pronoun. (me/m, te/t etc.). These pronouns accompany all
PRONOMINAL (which includes Reflexive) Verbs.
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