For verbs ending in ‘IR’, such as ‘FINIR’, we remove the final
‘r’ to get the past participle of the verb; FINIR → FINI.
Finally, for those verbs ending in ‘RE’, we remove the ‘RE’
ending, then add ‘u’, RÉPONDRE → RÉPONDU.
Most verbs in French, are conjugated with the auxiliary verb
‘AVOIR’. Those conjugated with ‘ÊTRE’, include ALL
PRONOMINAL VERBS (which can be identified by the
PRONOUN ‘SE’ appearing in front of them, e.g. ‘Se doucher’
= to shower one’s self, ‘Se souvenir’ = to remember.
Below is the complete conjugation of the verbs ‘DANSER’ (to
dance) and ‘PARTIR’ (to leave, depart), in the PASSÉ
COMPOSÉ. NOTICE, that for Verbs conjugated with the
auxiliary verb ‘ÊTRE’, the PAST PARTICIPLE agrees with the
subject in number (singular – plural) - by adding ‘s’ at the end
to make it plural; as well as gender (masculine – feminine) –
by adding ‘e’ to make it feminine. See the image below: