be embedded as a cubic curve into P2
k. That is, we assume that there exist a homogeneous
polynomial F∈k[X, Y, Z]of degree 3and an isomorphism
−→ V+(F)⊂P2
Remark 1.2. Condition (1.1) also ensures that Eis proper and connected. The smooth-
ness of Ethen further implies that Eis irreducible.
We still need to define what it means for E/ Spec kto be smooth. There are several
different definitions which are all powerful, and we will learn about them soon in this
course. Today, we go with the so-called Jacobi criterion which is especially useful for
studying concrete equations such as (1.1).
We use the notion of local dimension: If Xis a scheme and x∈X, then the local
dimension of Xin xis defined by
dimx(X) := lim
x∈U⊂Xopen affine dim(U)∈[0,∞].
Definition 1.3. (1) The partial derivatives ∂f/∂Tjof a polynomial f∈k[T1, . . . , Tn]are
defined by the rules from analysis. Note that this is a purely algebraic definition which
makes sense over any field. The Jacobi matrix of a tuple f1, . . . , fm∈k[T1, . . . , Tn]is the
matrix of all partial derivatives
∂Tji,j ∈Mm×n(k[T1, . . . , Tn]) .(1.2)
(2) Consider U=V(f1, . . . , fm)⊆An
kand a point x∈U. Let d= dimxUdenote the
local dimension of Uin x. We say that the Jacobi criterion holds in xif there exist subsets
I⊆ {1, . . . , m},J⊆ {1, . . . , n}with |I|=|J|=n−dand such that the (I, J)-minor
(∂fi/ ∂Tj)i∈I,j∈Jis invertible in x. The latter is the case if and only if the polynomial
det (∂fi/ ∂Tj)i∈I,j∈J∈k[T1, . . . , Tn]
does not vanish in x.
(3) Let Xbe a k-scheme of locally finite type. Then Xis said to be smooth in x∈X
if there exist integers n, m ≥0, polynomials f1, . . . , fmas before, an affine open neighbor-
hood x∈U, and an isomorphism U∼
→V(f1, . . . , fm)⊆An
ksuch that the Jacobi criterion
holds in x. We call Xsmooth if it is smooth in every point.
Explanation 1.4. In Definition 1.3 (2) and (3), we do not assume that xis a closed.
Let p⊂A=k[T1, . . . , Tn]be the prime ideal defined by xand let κ= Quot(A/p)be its
residue field. A polynomial p∈Anot vanishing in xthen means p /∈p, or equivalently
p(x)6= 0 where p(x)is the image of pin κ. Similarly, a square matrix P∈Mn(A)is said
to be invertible in xif its image in Mn(κ)lies in GLn(κ). Equivalently, det(A)(x)6= 0.
Remark 1.5. The Jacobi criterion is well-known from the implicit function theorem in
analysis. (Recall that this theorem states that the vanishing set V(f1, . . . , fm)⊆Rnof
a tuple of smooth functions with det(∂fi/∂Tj)(x)6= 0 is isomorphic to Rn−mnear x.)
Definition 1.3 is an algebraic incarnation of the same idea.
Remark 1.6. Let Xbe a k-scheme of locally finite type that is smooth in a point x∈X.
Then, in fact, for every choice of affine open neighborhood x∈U, integers n, m ≥0,
polynomials f1, . . . , fm∈k[T1, . . . , Tn], and isomorphism U∼
→V(f1, . . . , fm), the Jacobi
criterion holds in x. That is, being smooth in xis an intrinsic property.
Our next aim is to construct elliptic curves. Let h(x) = x3+ax +bbe a monic cubic
polynomial (without x2-term). A polynomial of the form