Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Continuing Education (UFC) Oum el Bouaghi Center
Specialization: Technical English
Courses: Culture(s)/Civilization(S) of
language 3
Summative 01 Culture(s)/Civilization(S) of language 3
The answer:
1. The Glorious Revolution:
- This refers to the events of 1688-1689 in England, where King James II was
overthrown and replaced by William III and Mary II. It was called "glorious" because it was
achieved with minimal bloodshed and led to significant changes in the English government,
establishing parliamentary sovereignty over the monarchy.
2. The Magna Carta:
- A charter of liberties agreed upon by King John of England in 1215. It is
considered a foundational document in the development of constitutional government, as it
limited the powers of the monarchy and established certain legal rights for the subjects.
3. Class Consciousness:
- This term refers to the awareness of one's social class and its inherent interests,
often in relation to other classes within society. It is particularly associated with Marxist
theory, where the working class (proletariat) becomes aware of their exploitation and unites to
bring about social change.
4. The Constitution:
- This is a fundamental legal document that outlines the structure, functions, and
powers of a government and the rights of the citizens. It serves as the supreme law of the land,
guiding the legal and political framework within a country.