Understanding POCO Class, Dependency Injecon, and Repository Design Paern in C#
Posted on Csharpmaster.com
In the world of C#, designing scalable, maintainable, and ecient applicaons is paramount. One of the
most important aspects of creang well-structured soware is the ability to manage data access, control
dependencies, and model domain objects in a way that is exible and clean. In this arcle, we will delve
into key concepts such as POCO class, dependency injecon in .NET Core, and the repository design
paern in C#, explaining their relevance and how they help in creang a robust soware architecture.
What is a POCO Class in C#?
The term POCO stands for Plain Old CLR Object. It refers to a class in C# that is designed without any
dependency on a framework or external infrastructure. A POCO class is typically simple, focusing purely
on represenng data, without being ed to any complex inheritance structures or specic technology
stacks like Enty Framework or other ORM systems.
Key Characteriscs of POCO Classes:
• No Framework Dependencies: POCOs do not rely on any framework-specic features such as
data annotaons or base classes from a specic ORM (Object-Relaonal Mapping) system.
• Focused on Domain Logic: POCOs are oen used to represent domain enes, storing and
manipulang data without being coupled to the underlying storage mechanism.
• Lightweight: These classes tend to be simple and contain only properes and methods that are
directly related to the data or behavior they represent.
For example, here is a basic POCO class in C#:
In this example, the Product class is a POCO. It contains basic properes to represent a product and has
no es to any external library or framework.
Why Use POCO Classes in C#?