
Telechargé par Olivier Piron
Table of Contents
Regular Verbs That End in Ar .................... 1
Regular Verbs That End in Er ................... 17
Regular Verbs That End in Ir .................... 18
Irregular Verbs That End in Ar ................. 20
Irregular Verbs That End in Er ................. 21
Irregular Verbs That End in -IR ................ 22
Regular Verbs That End in Ar
abundar (abound)
aclarar (clarify)
acomodar (accommodate)
aconsejar (advise)
acostumbrar (accustom)
activar (activate)
acumular (accumulate)
adaptar (adapt)
adelantar (forward)
adivinar (guess)
afirmar (claim)
afrontar (face)
agotar (sell out)
agravar (aggravate)
agrupar (group)
aguantar (endure)
aguardar (wait for)
ahorrar (save)
aislar (isolate)
alejar (take away)
alertar (alert)
almacenar (store)
alojar (host)
animar (animate)
anotar (take notes)
anticipar (anticipate)
anular (cancel)
apartar (separate)
apelar (appeal)
aportar (provide)
apoyar (support)
aprovechar (take advantage)
aproximar (approach)
argumentar (argue)
arrastrar (drag)
arrojar (throw)
asegurar (secure)
asomar (show, peek)
acariciar (caress)
aliviar (alleviate)
apreciar (appreciate)
asociar (associate)
abonar (pay, fertilise)
abordar (address, approach,
abortar (abort, cancel)
descansar (rest)
abrumar (overcome, overwhelm,
abusar (abuse, misuse)
acabar (finish, end, stop)
acampar (camp, go camping)
acelerar (accelerate, speed up,
aceptar (accept, agree to, take
acompañar (accompany, go with
sb., join sb./sth.)
acusar (accuse sb. of sth., blame
sb. for sth.)
adeudar (owe)
administrar (manage, administer,
admirar (admire, look up)
adobar (baste sth, pickle sth.)
adoptar (adopt)
adornar (decorate, garnish)
afamar (promote, fame)
afectar (affect, influence sb./sth.)
afilar (sharpen)
afinar (refine, tune up)
aflojar (loosen, undo sth.)
agachar (bend)
agarrar (grab, grasp, take)
agitar (shake, agitate, stir)
ajustar (adjust, adapt)
alabar (praise, commend)
alarmar (alarm, startle sb.,
frighten sb./sth.)
alegrar (cheer up, brighten
alimentar (nurture, feed, fuel)
alisar (smooth, straighten)
alistar (get ready)
alquilar (rent)
alterar (alter, change)
amar (love)
amputar (amputate, cut off)
amueblar (furnish)
anhelar (long, wish, look forward)
anunciar (announce, advertise,
apestar (smell, stink)
apilar (stack, pile)
aplastar (crush)
apuntar (aim)
apurar (hasten)
arañar (scratch)
lograr (achieve, reach,
arar (plough)
armar (build)
arreglar (fix, arrange, repair)
arropar (wrap up)
articular (articulate)
asar (roast, grill sth.)
asear (tidy sth. up)
asesorar (advise, counsel sb./sth.)
asignar (assign, allocate)
asimilar (assimilate, take sth. in)
aspirar (pursue sth., vacuum sth.)
asustar (frighten, scare)
atar (tie, bind sb./sth.)
atornillar (screw)
atrapar (catch, trap)
auditar (audit)
aumentar (increase, enhance)
ayudar (help, assist sb./sth.)
bailar (dance)
brillar (shine)
brindar (give)
brotar (sprout)
burlar (cheat)
bajar (lower, decrease)
bañar (bathe, coat sth.)
besar (kiss)
borrar (delete, erase)
bordar (embroider)
calcular (calculate)
callar (silence)
calmar (calm)
cambiar (change)
caminar (walk)
cancelar (cancel)
cansar (get tired)
cantar (sing)
capacitar (train)
captar (get)
capturar (capture)
casar (marry)
causar (cause, create)
cenar (have dinner, dine)
citar (quote sb./sth.)
crear (create)
curar (cure, heal)
dañar (damage, harm, injure)
depositar (deposit, deliver)
dejar (stop, allow, quit)
desayunar (have breakfast)
desear (desire, wish)
doblar (bend, double, fold)
donar (donate, give)
drenar (drain)
duchar (shower)
echar (pour)
editar (edit, modify sth.)
egresar (graduate)
ejercitar (exercise, train sb./sth.)
elaborar (develop, prepare sth.)
elogiar (commend, praise)
emigrar (migrate)
empujar (push sb./sth., shove
enflorar (adorn with flowers)
enrollar (roll, wind, coil)
envenenar (poison)
estafar (defraud)
esperar (wait)
estimar (estimate, cost, calculate)
estorbar (hinder sb./sth.)
estudiar (study, examine)
evitar (avoid)
exclamar (exclaim)
expirar (expire)
explotar (exploit, develop)
exportar (export)
fumar (smoke)
ganar (win, gain, earn)
gastar (spend)
girar (turn)
golpear (hit sb./sth.)
grabar (record)
habilitar (enable sb./sth.)
habitar (inhabit)
hablar (speak, talk)
heredar (inherit)
holgazanear (slack)
honrar (honor, grace)
humectar (moisturize)
humillar (humiliate)
hurtar (steal)
idear (devise, design)
ignorar (ignore, disregard)
igualar (match)
ilusionar (deceive)
ilustrar (illustrate)
imaginar (imagine)
impactar (impact)
implementar (implement)
importar (import, matter, care)
imposibilitar (preclude)
impresionar (impress)
improvisar (improvise)
impulsar (drive, boost, push,
inaugurar (inaugurate, open)
incapacitar (incapacitate, disable)
incentivar (incentivize)
incitar (incite, encourage, prompt)
inclinar (tilt, tip sth.)
incomodar (discomfort sb.)
incorporar (incorporate)
incrementar (increase, augment)
incrustar (embed)
incubar (hatch, incubate)
infectar (infect)
infiltrar (infiltrate)
influenciar (influence, bias)
inhabilitar (disable)
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