Writing your research proposal

Telechargé par axelle.paris
AT 3517 Research
Project 1
Writing your research
Course work for AT3517
Statement of proposed research
topic (600 words).
Due 28th February.
Essay on one aspect of your research
topic (4000 words).
Due 4th May .
A research proposal should include
the following:
The general topic and/or research question.
The setting for any ethnographic research you intend to
carry out.
The role of the researcher (how you will go about doing the
Your proposed methods of data collection.
Safety and ethical considerations.
An approximate timetable for the research.
Library Projects
If you intend to do a library project, you
will probably have a good idea of the
general area of your research and the
question you wish to address.
You will obviously not have an
ethnographic research setting… but,
otherwise you will have to address the
same sorts of issues in your proposal.
Research topic/question
You may at this stage not have a
clear idea of your research question…
…but a research question will help
you to focus your research and
It would be acceptable to propose a
number of possible questions in this
sort of proposal.
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Writing your research proposal

Telechargé par axelle.paris
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