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"The power of God" in Matthew 22:29 is Prophecies and fulfillment.
Ephesians 4:22-24 --> We need to sharpen ourselves like a sword, and it
takes time and that new self shouldnt be things of the word but "true"
rightenoeous, aka the Bible. So we can't change in an instant, we need to
keep sharpening ourselves.
If I am a rocky field, what are my rocks?
Fun fact: A lot of the saints and disciples weren't really close with
their family so that satan doesnt use them against them. (That doesnt
imply that we shoulndnt get clse with our parents)
I- Revision
Revelation 22:18-19
-Condition to go to the kingdom of Heaven.
-A lie is when we add or substract from the word of God.
-God will judge accoding to the book of life but what is that book?
II- Closed words and open words
Isaiah 29:11:12
but we need to open the words: Psalm 119:130
You don't need to be smart to understand God's word neitheir read complex
and the unfolding of thr word is "light"
III- Closed and Open time.
Daniel 12:4 --> Daniel was aking God the meaning of those prephecies he
received but God asked him to close the seals because he couldnt
understand them till the time of the end(open time)
Fun fact: all the prophets had the curiosity to understand the parables
but they couldnt because it was not the time.
We arent smarter than Daniel, we are just in a different time.
--> Daniel 12:8-9 with Det 29:4
IV- Time of the end
1 Corinthians 10:11 with Hebrew 9:26
--> The comings of Christ are end of ages so there are 2
But the 2nd open time will be after the second coming of Jesus because
people need to prepare for it.
1- Old testament
Jer 23:20--> Fulfill then understand.
Isaiah 29:9-13-->
Funfact: Only the Livay tribe could read the scrolls back then.
But if we try to guess and understand what will happen we will have
denominations until we really see and then there will be no more
2- First coming
Matthew 13:16-17: Like Daniel and the prophets
-----------------------------nothing is new under the sun-------------- -
-- -----------
Old testament First coming New testament R,D,S
Prophecy Open Prophecy
Closed Truth Closed
End of age
3-New testament
Revelation 5:1-3--> The book of Revelation no one can understand, until
open time. They shouldnt try to understand it but just teach history
until the time is come.
2 Peter 3:16
--> JOHN 16:12-14
We can understand through the Spririt of truth
Second coming
-End of age
V- What must I do ?
Luke 12:54-57
The duty of believers is to interpret to present time. "for yourselves"
1-discern the time
2-discern the spirits
-----------------------------> Acts 17:30
"In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all
people everywhere to repent"
God will not judge when we were ignorant.
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