Chapter 3
Methods of Analysis
Course Instructor
Dr. Maher Azzouz
ELEC-201 Electric Circuits
Use Kirchhoffs current law and Ohm’s law to write nodal equations and then
solve for unknown node voltages.
Use Kirchhoffs voltage law and Ohm’s law to write loop/mesh equations and
then solve for unknown loop/mesh currents.
Identify the most appropriate analysis technique (nodal or loop) to use to solve a
At the end of this chapter on nodal and mesh analysis techniques, you should be able to:
Learning Objectives
Nodal Analysis
Nodal method is used to determine the voltage at each node in a circuit relative
to the reference node (or ground).
Voltage at the reference node is zero. If the reference node is not explicitly
indicated on the circuit, one can arbitrarily choose any node as ground.
Voltage at a non-reference node represents the voltage difference from that
node to the reference node.
Utilize KCL to write the equation at different non-reference nodes.
(N-1) equations are required to find (N-1) unknown, where N is the number of
Nodal Analysis
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