Results in Engineering 22 (2024) 102148
identied as particularly important, as it directly affects occupant pro-
ductivity [7–9]. Research indicates that increased interior temperatures
can lead to reduced mental performance due to under-arousal and
decreased physical activity [10]. To regulate indoor thermal conditions
effectively and potentially improve occupants’ intellectual abilities and
productivity, monitoring occupant thermal comfort becomes crucial.
Comfort-driven and energy-aware HVAC systems have been found to be
efcient in achieving this goal, resulting in energy savings ranging from
4 % to 32 % [11]. However, the actual energy savings achieved depend
on factors such as building size, construction materials, building type,
and climate conditions [12,13]. By giving priority to the thermal com-
fort of occupants and implementing energy-efcient HVAC systems, it is
possible to improve the indoor environment quality and to create a
healthy, comfortable and productive environment for building occu-
pants. The primary objective of HVAC systems is to create a thermally
pleasant indoor atmosphere. Current thermal comfort models, such as
the ASHRAE 55 standard [14], aim to achieve this by considering factors
like temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and human variables
based on the PMV.
In recent years, the concept of human-centered operation of HVAC
systems has gained signicant interest [15]. This approach has the po-
tential to enhance energy efciency by prioritizing thermal comfort for
occupants and reducing energy consumption. Real-time evaluation of
thermal comfort is of utmost importance in enhancing indoor environ-
ments for building occupants. Considering that individuals spend
approximately 90 % of their time indoors, with nearly 70 % of that time
in residential settings [16], it is crucial to leverage advancements in
Model Predictive Control (MPC) [17] and ML [18] to optimize building
operations and create sustainable and comfortable indoor environments.
ML, also known as predictive analysis or statistical learning, combines
articial intelligence, statistics, and computer science [19]. It has
become a fundamental tool in various domains, ranging from autono-
mous driving to medical diagnosis. In the eld of building management,
ML techniques have gained attention for modeling, fault detection, en-
ergy consumption, thermal comfort, and more [20]. These techniques
have been used to forecast indoor climates, occupant behaviors, energy
consumption, and weather conditions in buildings [21–25]. Addition-
ally, ML algorithms have been employed to predict thermal comfort,
both for individuals and groups of occupants, offering potential solu-
tions for managing building energy consumption effectively. While ML
shows promise in predicting thermal comfort and optimizing energy
consumption in buildings, further research is needed before widespread
application can be realized. In conclusion, the utilization of ML tech-
niques holds great potential for predicting thermal comfort and opti-
mizing energy consumption in buildings. The importance of giving
priority to the well-being of occupants and the contribution of techno-
logical advancements allow to create more sustainable and comfortable
indoor environments. In this study, an intelligent ML prediction model
was proposed to optimize thermal comfort control in buildings. The
approach involves data acquisition from on-site measurements and
resident questionnaires conducted in ofce buildings. The principal
contributions of this study are as follows:
Data pre-processing: Data pre-processing is essential to improve the
quality and reliability of the data. In this approach, the Pearson corre-
lation method was used to extract the parameters that exhibit the
highest correlation with PMV. This renement renders them more
conducive to streamlined model training and accurate predictive results.
Development of an intelligent ensemble ML model: ML algorithms
were used, in particular SVR, RF, XGBOOST and ANN, to predict the
thermal comfort indicator known as PMV.
Evaluation of predictions: The performance of this model is evalu-
ated based on its ability to predict the thermal comfort of occupants
using the PMV indicator. This evaluation provides an overview of the
model’s effectiveness in accurately estimating the level of thermal
comfort experienced by building occupants.
The present study aims to optimize thermal comfort control in
buildings, via an intelligent ML model developed using a comparison of
various methodologies and evaluating the predictions based on the PMV
indicator. The results of this research may have practical implications
for intelligent MPC design, thermal comfort control system design
methodology and building energy efciency. The remainder of this
paper is presented as follows: In Section 2, related work is addressed.
Section 3 describes the design methodology of the thermal comfort
control system. The materials and methods are covered in Section 4,
while Section 5 presents the results and related discussions. Section 6
provides the conclusion of the paper.
2. Related works
The prediction outcomes of ML algorithms have previously been
applied by numerous researchers towards the optimization of the inte-
rior thermal environment [26,27]. Some of them have optimized indoor
conditions and energy efciency in buildings utilizing ML techniques to
MPC. Lui et al. [28] employed ANN and GBDT algorithms to develop a
model for forecasting the behavior of occupants in the use of HVAC
systems. Yang et al. [29] employed a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
with a nonlinear autoregressive network topology with exogenous in-
puts to construct an MPC to operate air-condition mechanical ventila-
tion (ACMV) systems. Deng et al. [30] Built and validated a
Reinforcement Learning (RL) based occupant behavior model for ther-
mostat and garment level setting in a single building, then transfer the
model to other buildings with different HVAC management systems.
Zhang et al. [31] employed two basic interpretable ML techniques,
linear regression (LR) and decision tree (DT), to create the surrogates for
thermal comfort models. Zhang et al. [32] conducted data analysis
using building data provided by the IoT to develop a precise thermal
comfort model for smart building control. To explore the connection
between controlled building activities and thermal comfort, they
employed a Deep Neural Network (DNN) for simulation. The study also
investigated the impact of different DNN topologies on the results. Gan
et al. [33] introduced a computerized framework that combines build-
ing information modeling (BIM) and data-driven ML models to assess the
optimal thermal comfort of indoor spaces, considering the inuence of
natural ventilation. Gao et al. [34] presented Deep Comfort, a frame-
work for thermal comfort control in buildings using deep reinforcement
learning. They approached the problem by considering thermal comfort
as a cost reduction challenge, taking into account both HVAC energy
consumption and occupant satisfaction. To estimate occupants’ thermal
comfort, they utilized a deep forward neural network algorithm with
Bayesian regularization. Additionally, they proposed the application of a
deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) approach to learn the policy
for controlling thermal comfort. H. Yan et al. [35] provided an inte-
grated system to anticipate and optimize building performance in
Singapore for two types of residential structures. Their results demon-
strate that the XGBOOST algorithm works best in terms of transfer
learning, with R2 =0.95 for point block buildings. K. Huang et al. [36]
created a ML prediction model for the thermal comfort of passengers
within subway compartments. The algorithms employed in this paper
are LR, RF, SVM, and DT. Their results demonstrate that RF is the best
performing algorithm, with an R2 of 0.6607 for predicting the TSV value
of passengers inside the subway.
3. Methodology
3.1. Thermal comfort
Thermal comfort is of paramount importance in the building design
process due to the considerable amount of time individuals spend in-
doors. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
Conditioning (ASHRAE) denes thermal comfort as the cognitive
expression of satisfaction within one’s immediate thermal surroundings
[14]. However, quantifying and analyzing thermal comfort poses
Y. Boutahri and A. Tilioua