Deep information.
- *shell = command line interpreter ( )*
- *terminal = text input/output enviroment (
- *CMD = is the original shell fo the Microsoft DOS operating system (
 Microsoft DOS)*
- *PowerShell = After CMD*
# Examples of Windows command line.
- *IP config*
- *Move All text in Subdirectories ()*
- *Delete files with Extensions ( )*
- *Change Settings Quickly ()*
- *Create Many Directories At Once ()*
# What we will Learn?
- *Windows CDM commands*
- *Unix Systems commands [linux \ Mac]*
# < Directories & Files.>
- *Directories = *
- *ipconfig = *
- * = cd + *
- * = cd ..*
- * = cd +  +Tab*
- * (c:\) = cd \*
- *how to creat Directories = mkdir + Directories *
- * = mkdir + "farouk
##  Directories & Files
- * = move + *
- * = rename + 
- * = move +  + ..\*
- * = cp + -r + 
- * = rm + -R + file name*
- * = rm + -d + file name*
file * to show all files types
file xyz.ab to show the file's type
touch abc.xyq to create a file
any command /? to show the usage of a command
Ctrl + c to stop any running process
tree /a to see all folders and files as a tree
osk to use a keyboard on your screen
tasklist to use the task manager
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