2 3 " Sin expresa autorización de MEINS, queda terminantemente prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este documento, así como su uso indebido y/o exhibición o comunicación a terceros. De los infractores se exigirá el correspondiente resarcimiento de daños o perjuicios. Quedan reservados todos los derechos." " The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization is prohibited offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved" 1 4 5 6 7 8 PV LONDON ROAD (ENGLAND) SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM - SLD SPS-5600 11/0,8-0,8 kV CONTENT DESCRIPTION DRAWING REV SHEET Name 0 02 000 INDEX 12 02 012 1 02 001 SYMBOLOGY 13 02 013 2 02 002 GENERAL SLD 14 02 014 3 02 003 15 02 015 4 02 004 16 02 016 5 02 005 17 02 017 6 02 006 18 02 018 7 02 007 19 02 019 8 02 008 20 02 020 9 02 009 21 02 021 10 02 010 22 02 022 11 02 011 Revision Date Realised CSM 02 24/11/2023 Revised AGG 02 24/11/2023 Approved DRAWING REV SHEET CUSTOMER: PLACE OF INSTALLATION: PV LONDON ROAD (ENGLAND) CONTENT DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION: DRAWING NAME: SPS-5600 INDEX DRAWING NUMBER ORIGINAL FORMAT 00 NEXT DRAWING 01 WHOLE DRAWING A-3 01 SCALE N/A 2 " The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization is prohibited offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved" 1 3 4 5 7 8 SYMBOLOGY SLD V2 U2 DESCRIPTION T01 POWER TRANSFORMER Q1 VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER SLD MULTIWIRE DIAGRAM CODE DESCRIPTION DES SURGER ARRESTER PROTECTION T02 ANCILLARY SERVICES TRANSFORMER G01 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY D0 DIFFERENTIAL RELAY V0 ZIEHL RELAY FCB KNIFE TYPE FUSES D01-D05 RESIDUAL CURRENT DEVICE 13 14 W1 V1 U1 CODE W2 MULTIWIRE DIAGRAM R R -A21 -Q0 Relay SIA-B 50,51, 50N,51N M -Q0 Q0 THREE-POSITION SWITCH-DISCONNECTOR S S T T N` G G L L N N X2 630A 10 A51 11 15 14 4 5 6 8 9 VOLTAGE INDICATOR 13 Differential Relay -A51 -RGU10 CIRCUITOR A1 TYPE C HV MALE AND FEMALE CABLE CONNECTOR 11 A2 1 3 MCCB 12 4 I 6 I ZIEHL Relay 3 L1 L2 L3 MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER 5 11 M 12 2 4 CB00 LV AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER A21 PROTECTION SW RELAY IKI-35 M 6 I 1 3 2 4 I Relay IKI-35 50,51, 50N,51N V3 N I 1 I 14 -K1 ZIEHL 5 11 2 12 -UFR1001E U< f> f< +Err +<DC27V U> I1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 " Sin expresa autorización de MEINS, queda terminantemente prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este documento, así como su uso indebido y/o exhibición o comunicación a terceros. De los infractores se exigirá el correspondiente resarcimiento de daños o perjuicios. Quedan reservados todos los derechos." 6 V2 50,51, 50N,51N V1 I3 S1 S2 S1 CVM-B100 I2 S2 S1 I1 S2 X2 Power Analyzer Clase 0,5 1 3 2 4 F00-F18 I I MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER P01 POWER ANALYZER F19-F22 FUSE H71 FEEDER CONDITION MONITOR G02 POWER SUPPLY E01 EMERGENCY TRIP BUTTON KF1-KF6 INTERLOCKING KEYS AUX. A X SIFCAM FCM SICAM FCM EARTHING 21 24 11 14 Emergency Trip Button -CT1.1 S1 P1 S2 P2 -CT1.2 S1 P1 S2 P2 S1 P1 S2 P2 CT CURRENT TRANSFORMER VT VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER -CT1.3 -TT01 -TT02 -TT03 Name Revision Date Realised CSM 02 24/11/2023 Revised AGG 02 24/11/2023 Approved CUSTOMER: PLACE OF INSTALLATION: PV LONDON ROAD (ENGLAND) INSTALLATION: DRAWING NAME: SPS-5600 INDEX DRAWING NUMBER ORIGINAL FORMAT 01 NEXT DRAWING 02 WHOLE DRAWING A-3 01 SCALE N/A " The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization is prohibited offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved" 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 E01 - Emergency Trip Button SW01 MV Switchgear SF6 24KV 630 A 20KA/1S 2L1P C01 ACB 01 2500 A 3P 55 kA 1000Vac 50,51, 50N,51N Disc 630A Disc 630A Vois + Vois + M Vacuum CB 630A ACB 02 2500 A 3P 55 kA 1000Vac L,S,I IMD 1 -S04 I/O Device (RTU) IMD 2 Disc 630A Transformer: -Gas Trip -Pressure Trip -Temperature Trip -Temperature Alarm Vois + LV Panel: -ACB 1-2 -CB 1-16 -FCB 1-2-4 -Surge arrester trip 1-2 -Fire Alarm -Intrusism Alarm -Humidity & temperature sensor -Emergency trip switch -Remote ACB1 Open -Remote ACB2 Open -Insulation Alarm IMD1 -Insulation Trip IMD1 -Insulation Alarm IMD2 -Insulation Trip IMD2 Modbus TCP/IP F00 4P 25A 10KA C Bushing Type C 630A OUTGOING T01 Transformator 5120 KVA (40ºC) 5600 KVA (30ºC) ONAN 11/0,8-0,8 KV 50Hz Dyn11yn11 Ucc: HV/LV1-LV2:7,5% HV-LV1:7% HV-LV2:7% DETC: ±2,5%±5% TIER 2 HV Switchgear: -Disconnector 1-2-3 -Earth Disconnect 1-2-3 -Circuit Breaker -Watchdog -Relay Trip -SF6 Gas Alarm -Remote CB Open -Remote CB Close T02 Auxiliary Transformer 15kVA Dyn11 50Hz 3x800/4x400 V AN CB1.1 320A 3P 50kA 800Vac HEPRZ 18/30 kV 3x1x(1x150) mm2 6mt INCOMER Bushing Type C 630A ETH01 L,S,I Current Sensor Bushing Type C 630A " Sin expresa autorización de MEINS, queda terminantemente prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este documento, así como su uso indebido y/o exhibición o comunicación a terceros. De los infractores se exigirá el correspondiente resarcimiento de daños o perjuicios. Quedan reservados todos los derechos." 2 CB1.2 320A 3P 50kA 800Vac CB1.8 320A 3P 50kA 800Vac FCB01 125A 3P 120kA 800Vac FCB02 63A 3P 50kA 800Vac CB2.1 320A 3P 50kA 800Vac CB2.1 320A 3P 50kA 800Vac CB2.8 320A 3P 50kA 800Vac FCB03 125A 3P 120kA 800Vac D01 2P 25A 30mA Type A FCB04 63A 3P 50kA 800Vac F01 2P 16 A 10kA C F02 2P 16 A 6kA C D02 2P 25A 300mA Type A F03 2P 10 A 6kA C F04 2P 10 A 6kA D F05 16 A 6 KA C F06 2P 10 A 6kA C F07 2P 16 A 6kA C D03 2P 25A 300mA Type A F08 2P 16 A 6kA C F09 2P 16 A 6kA C DMCR Socket Fan & Heater DES 01 Surge Arrester Class 1+2 Uc>800V (3+1) Copper Flexibar 2500A 1KV CRM PVC 125ºC 1,5mt Copper Flexibar 2500A 1KV CRM PVC 125ºC 1,5mt String Inverter 1-8 DES 02 Surge Arrester Class 1+2 Uc>800V (3+1) FC01 10A 6 kA C FC02 1P+N 2A 24Vdc Switchgear Trip Circuit String Inverter 9-16 Lighting FC03 1P+N 2A 24Vdc FC04 1P+N 2A 24Vdc -G01 Power Supply 20A 24Vdc UPS 40A 24Vdc 2xBattery 9Ah FC05 1P+N 2A 24Vdc Smoke Temperature ACB01 ACB02 Detector & Sensor Intrusism Trip Circuit Reserve 1 FC08 1P+N 2A 24Vdc IMD 1 Reserve 2 Reserve 3 Reserve 4 DNO (customer) only in SPS-02 Y SPS-04 FC11 1P+N 2A 24Vdc IMD 2 Communication Device PLC Delta BOX 2 DATALOGGER (**) ETH01 (**) (*) Scope optional (**) Scope not included Name Revision Date Realised CSM 02 24/11/2023 Revised AGG 02 24/11/2023 Approved CUSTOMER: PLACE OF INSTALLATION: PV LONDON ROAD (ENGLAND) INSTALLATION: DRAWING NAME: SPS-5600 GENERAL SLD SPS-5600 DRAWING NUMBER ORIGINAL FORMAT 02 NEXT DRAWING -WHOLE DRAWING A-3 01 SCALE N/A