Zahllou & al. / Mor. J. Chem. 3 N°4 (2015) 861-871
absorption, have been the subject of intense research activities in the past few decades[9]. In terms of solar energy
conversion, the semiconductor–liquid junction solar cell is established as a very promising approach for solar energy
conversion and different strategies have been proposed to generate electrical energy from sunlight. For instance, direct
collection of light by the semiconductor is feasible when the photonic energy exceeds the energy gap between the
valence band and the conduction band of the semiconducting material. In such a case, an electron is promoted from
the valence band to the conduction band leaving a positively charged hole behind. Then, usually the hole migrates to
the semiconductor/solution interface where it oxidizes a redox-active species in solution [10].The conversion of solar
energy directly into electricity is one of the most attractive renewable energy sources that could help replace fossil
fuels and control global warming [11].In the last few decades, polymer solar cells (PSCs) based on conjugated
polymers have attracted considerable attention because of their potential use for future cheap and renewable energy
production [12-15]. In particular, the polymer solar cell has the advantage over all photovoltaic technologies that the
possible manufacturing speed is very high and the thermal budget is low because no high temperatures are needed[16].
In the past10 years, great progresses have been achieved on organic dye based DSSC.Some organic dyes exhibit good
conversion efficiency of about 10% and even higher.Triarylamine and cyanoacrylic acid are most commonly
employed as donor and acceptor, respectively, in the design of donor-π-acceptor structure while thiophene and its
derivatives are served as π bridge to provide conjugation and enhance light absorbance[17].Among many classes of π-
conjugated polymers (polyphenylenes,poly-p-phenylenvinylenes, poly-p-phenyleneethenylenes, polythiophenes and
polycarbazoles,polyfluorenes) have been recognized as unique high band gap polymers for organic electronics and
optoelectronics applications, particularly for organic LEDs[18-19].Recent research has demonstrated
that,polyfluorenehomopolymers and copolymers have emerged as leading electroluminescent materials, which possess
bright blue emission, high hole, and electron mobility, relatively high (for high bandgap polymers)electro- and photo-
and environmental stability[20-21]. In addition to,structural variations in fluorene-based copolymers allow tuning of
the emission from the deep blue to the near-infrared region andmodulation of many other features of these materials
(valence and conducting bands levels, charge mobility, and morphology). Fluorene building blocks have also been
implemented in various copolymers for applications in OFETs, OPVs, and sensors. The concept of alternation of
conjugated building blocks with different highest occupied molecular orbital/lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
(HOMO/LUMO) energies is widely used for tuning the band gap of conjugated donor- π-acceptor copolymers and co-
oligomers thereby modulating the spectral absorption/emission, electrochemical redox potentials, and charge
mobilities in these materials[22].
A fundamental understanding of the ultimate relations between structure and properties of these materials is necessary
to benefit from their adaptive properties to photovoltaic cells. Moreover, poly(hexylthiophene) units have relative
higher charge mobility in comparison with other conjugated polymers and have been widely used as π-conjugating
spacers [23,24] In parallel with the recent experimental work on these new materials, theoretical efforts have indeed
started to be a major source of valuable information that complements experimental studies, thereby contributing to
understand of the molecular electronic structure as well as the optoelectronic properties [25].
In this paper, the ground states of all the molecules (Mi,i=1-5, shown in Fig. 1) are optimized using the DFTB3LYP
method and the low-lying excited state is examined using TD-DFT with 6-31G(d). Furthermore, a theoretical
investigation on the HOMO, LUMO and energy gaps (the orbital energy difference between the highest occupied
molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)) of these oligomers is very
instrumental in guiding the experimental synthesis to purpose the materials with desired properties in specific
applications such as photovoltaic. We were particularly interested in exploring the potential of thiophene (T), 3,4-
Ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT),Bithiophene (BT),Dithieno[3,2-b:2′,3′-d]thiophene (DTT), 4H-cyclopenta[2,1-