Try to arrange transportation from the airport to the hotel or resort for guests arriving for your
destination wedding. At worst, have your guests meet up and form groups so they can share the limo
or cab costs. It's already costing them a lot to be there; try to help them as much as possible!
A great destination wedding for people who plan to have many children in attendance is at the beach.
The kids can play with toys in the sand while the adults watch the nuptials. Provide some toys like
buckets and shovels, and ensure someone is willing to watch the kids (provide them with a video of
the ceremony afterward.)
Look at suits for the men in the wedding as opposed to tuxedos. Suits can very easily fill the role of a
tuxedo with the right accoutrements. You will find that not only will these be cheaper to rent than a tux,
in some cases, purchasing the suits can be cheaper than a tuxedo rental.
•Those who love you will not weigh the beauty of your day based on cost. If keeping to a
smaller budget makes your day just as special to you as spending a fortune would, then so be
it. Don't spend yourself into a hole just to impress anyone. Your loved ones care more that
you are happy and make the most of the day.
•You should check the location of your outdoor reception in advance. Make sure the place is as
clean as possible. You will need to add some decorations: think about adding more flowers to
conceal any unpleasant objects such as trash cans. Have a few friends check the location just
before the reception.
•When taking dance lessons for your first dance, do not get fixated on learning a routine. It may
be tempting at first, but when you will actually get out on the dance floor you will be counting
steps which will in turn make you look a bit robotic. So try to learn how to lead and follow
•When it comes to your wedding, be sure that you do your research when it comes to the band
or disc jockey that you hire. This is important because hiring a poor band or disc jockey can
make or break your wedding reception. Make sure that you get reviews from recent couples
before making your decision.
•Make you honeymoon a cross country trip sleeping under the stars! Plan out your route in
advance but don't be so rigid in your love plans that you are afraid to take that side road!
Throw a tent and some sleeping bags in your trunk and about the only expense you will have is
for gas, camp fees, and food.